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Which interlude characters will be important to the story?

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I think Rysn, Lift, and Axies will all be important. Axies probably less than the other two. I think Eshonai fits with Szeth as being someone who is obviously important--Taravangian, too.


I doubt we'll see Geranid and Ashir or Ishikk again--at least not as anything but very minor characters. Baxil's mistress will definitely show up again, but I don't know about Baxil himself (though you never know: I certainly didn't expect Gaz to resurface the way he did). Poor Ym... Well, we can all agree that his story is probably over. Nan Balat will probably show up again, but I don't think he'll be all that important. I'm not completely sure of that, but I think he really only got his own interlude because we needed to get a little bit of insight into Shallan's background during The Way of Kings, even though it wasn't her book.

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Im gonna be upset if Axies turns out to just be a tool to show off the world. As it was put to me on the Kandra Worldhopper thread, whts the point of having an Aimian POV (1) if hes not an Aimian(cause I thought he could be the Kandra WH), (2) if hes ONLY used to show off other parts of Roshar. You couod literally put ANY other toon in his place & do that.

Edited by The Ninja Yodeler
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Zahel is definitely going to important. People have speculated that Vasher = Zahel, and I agree with that theory. Nightblood now belongs to Szeth. We know Nightblood is important because Sanderson said he originally had Nightblood in SA, but he wrote Warbreaker in order to introduce Nightblood and explain how he was created. Vasher may have come to Roshar because he was aware that something happened with Nightblood.

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I don't think Sanderson would write an entire book (Warbreaker) to explain the backstory of a worldhopping, Investiture-devouring, sentient sword.

Isn't the second book in Warbreaker tentatively titled "Nightblood"?


Ishikk was usefull to introduce the Purelake, the 17th Shard agents and the quest to find Hoid. I doubt that himself is usefull as character beyond that.

Kind of like Demoux in Mistborn... who never had a PoV(?)... then worldhopped.  Ishikk might know more than he is letting on.


With Brandon you never know!

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I don't think Sanderson would write an entire book (Warbreaker) to explain the backstory of a worldhopping, Investiture-devouring, sentient sword.



Isn't the second book in Warbreaker tentatively titled "Nightblood"?


Pretty sure Stormgate was being sarcastic, since that was indeed the reason why Warbreaker was written.



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Agreed. I think that Vasher/Zahel will become an important character later on. A supporting character, to be sure, but still important. He really was just a supporting character in Warbreaker, even though he was a major supporting character. I doubt he'll have as big a role in The Stormlight Archive, but honestly, if you devoted as many words as he got in Warbreaker to him in a SA book, it probably would still seem like he was a rather minor character. Keep in mind, a Stormlight volume is almost twice as long as Warbreaker. 

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