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Final Empire calendar


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I have been toying with a project of creating a Final Empire calendar, and have hit a road block.


We know that the planet is too close to the sun which would imply a shorter year (not necessarily guarantee it, but if we assume that Scadrial in its proper orbit is roughly Earth-like, then it is the likely possibility). In order to use the number 16 as much as possible, I went with a 256-day year (16 squared) and said the days could be 32 hours each to better account for mentioned ages being roughly equivalent to what we expect (so Vin saying she's 17 doesn't mean she is actually 11 by our reckoning).


For structure, I said there were 16 months, each month composed of 2 8-day weeks. The days of the week are named for the 8 base metals (Ironday, Steelday, Tinday, Pewterday, Zincday, Brassday, Copperday, Bronzeday), and the weeks of each month are colloquially known as Ashweek and Mistweek. So to find, say the 13th day in a month, you would refer to it as Mist Zincday.


All in all, this works for me. Where I have run into a block is trying to name the months. These would have been named by the Lord Ruler, and named early on in his reign, so he is still thinking like Rashek. I toyed with the idea of including the names of people he both hated and respected at the same time, naming one month after Kwan and another after Alendi, but that doesn't give me nearly enough ideas.


Help me with ideas to name the months.

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The nobles who joined him? But that only gives you 10 (do we know all 10? I think it's just the Great Houses, but some might have fallen/risen since the Lord Ruler's reign began... I can't remember  :()


+Kwaan and +Alendi and that gives you 12...


4 to go?

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Rashek was a Feruchemist, so maybe something along those lines? The terms that are unique to Feruchemistry are things like tap, or fill, or bracer. Not sure if you can do something with those.


Love the project, Squirrel. Really cool idea.


One last thing though. At that point in time was it known that 16 was the number/sign of Allomancy? I think the common Allomancers thought there was just ten metals, although the Lord Ruler knew of fourteen. Maybe he assumed there was more?

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The first person to associate 16 with metallic arts in the books is Yomen, I believe. It is probably a known fact within the steel ministry, at least amongst people of his rank in the ministry, since he brought it up last in a list of 16s that were of religious significance. His provided reasoning is that the first 8 metals known to the public exist in pairs arranged in groups of four, plus provided the category Enhancement, to which only aluminum belonged, if you ignore duralumin which Yomen seems to not know about prior.

Aluminum doesn't enhance anything at all, mind, so perhaps Rashek himself or the obligators who carved the metal plate for duralumin coined the term in anticipation of two unknown metals of that category.

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Changing the days to belonger to keep the ages of people about equivalent to earth, change the rotation times in hours to be about equal again. Also, yes get thing to close to your local star does guarantee a higher rotational speed unless he also decreased the mass of the planet. Which could be somewhat plausible considering he was also able to move the planet. However this causes problems with gravity on the planet. So maybe he decreased the solar mass? Which would make things the least out off balance (I guess?). This does seem to fit in with TLR's way of fixing things...


However making a calendar based on the number 16 for scadrial is very fitting.

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Rashek was deliberately trying to conceal and eliminate Feruchemy so I doubt he'd specifically use Feruchemical terms. I could see the names of his friends, some of which are probably the Great Houses. However, we know from the book that criteria for being a Great House is simply enough income to afford a Keep in Luthadel, so those names certainly changed over the centuries. But I could certainly take at least a few of those names as basis, saying those were the names that endured.


Any other ideas? They don't all necessarily have to follow the same pattern.

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Maybe use the names of first generation Kandra? I don't recall whether or not we have enough of those names or not...

I like that. I'll have to go back through HoA to see if there are enough names. I think though that we only get the name of the one leader Sazed is speaking with.


Any other ideas?

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