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Welcome from South Africa


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Hi all, I've been lurking about for years and obviously a long time Sanderson fan. I admit to only finding out about him from the WoT, but here in South Africa we didn't really have any of his books in store until after taking over from Robert Jordan. At least not any I could find.

Don't know if I'll post much as I generally tend to listen more than talking (introvert). I do, however, hope to be able to contribute now and then.


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Tough question as each book/series offers something different.


My least favourite cosmere would probably be Elantris, but probably just because his writing still needed a lot of improvement. I enjoyed the premise of Warbreaker, but it still lacked the refinement of his later books. Mistborn as a whole was great, but The Final Empire is the best of the trilogy in my opinion. The last two never quite lived up-to the first, maybe it's because I enjoyed the development of Vin and the unfolding mystery. The novellas were good reads. The Stormlight books are his best works to date. I think he really comes into his own with the series and I look forward to the third book as more and more cosmere details come to light.


For non-cosmere I liked the Rhithmatist more than Steelheart and Firefight. The whole magic system is just so much more interesting. Legion was fun, but nothing amazing.


There's more, but I think this summarizes my thoughts.

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I tend to agree with you, although I liked Hero of Ages about as much as The Final Empire. My favorite of his is Words of Radiance, but I don't likke Way of Kings quite as much.

Have you read his short stories? My other top pick of his works is actually Defending Elysium, which I really love.

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I just read Defending Elysium, thanks I forget about it. I found the story interesting, basic, but a lot of food for thought. I guess that's what short stories are often about. 


WoK started slowly but improved. WoR really got my thinking, but the reread on tor has been a nice eye opener as I tend to read too fast and miss half of what's important.

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My favorite thing about Defending Elysium is the two disparate viewpoints: viewing a character from the inside and the outside. Admittedly, I've always been really interested in stories that have a good character who is mysterious/scary. It's just one of my favorite things.

Yeah, I read too fast as well. I'm thinking about getting audiobooks just to slow myself down and force me to think more. (I read WoR in around 13 hours, so... fast.)

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Hello stonetwotwo! I'm an American myself, but have been working in South Africa (and a few of its neighbouring countries) for around six months now! I've only really seen Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town so far. Anwyay, I think it's awesome that Mr. Sanderson's work has reached so many people around the world. Just excited to find out another fan exists in southern Africa, even though I'm not from here xD either way, welcome to the 17th Shard and I hope you enjoy your stay!

Edited by Adavantos
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