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Who would win: Marsh (Mistborn) or Geralt (Witcher)


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I am in a rather heated debate as to who would win in a fight between Marsh the steel inquisitor and Geralt from the Witcher series. We've eliminated outside help, but all weapons and metals are available. I'm on the side of Marsh (for obvious reasons) and I will debate if you wish, but I would like a nice, unbiased discussion on this topic.

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I know of the Castlevania Alucard, but that's probably not the one you meant. As for Hellsing, I just looked it up and I just might be hooked. It looks quite good and the animation has a similar feel to Death Note.

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Well Geralt would lose both his swords within seconds, assuming this is still Mistborn era 1 speed would be less useful to Marsh since actually hitting anyone while speeding would rip his arm off but he could just tap a smaller amount and just be constantly faster.
But the key question is does Marsh have Atium? Cause if he does then he absolutely wins. If he doesn't he probably still wins but Geralt at least has a chance.

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As awesome as Geralt is, I'm afraid he wouldn't stand much of a chance against Marsh. His only hope would be to switch his silver sword to aluminium one, but then still, Marsh would just keep healing. Geralt would eventually just get too tired to fight. Also, with pewter, one blow from Marsh would be deadly.


I've read all the books about Geralt and I've played all the games. Honestly, I believe that maybe Ciri  or one of the sorceresses from Wither 3 might stands a chance.


Much more interesting duel would be: Geralt vs Kaladin. Even with stormlight, Kaladin would have a very hard time fighting the Witcher :)

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Creccio: Yep, it's really good. Thanks for the recommendation!

Voidus: Yeah, we've been debating the whole atium issue, as it would be entirely OP, so I've been arguing without atium. And yes, it's era 1.

Mestiv: Yes, perhaps Kaladin would be a fairer fight... I'm off to debate once again!

I've also been told that the option of Geralt's magic hasn't been explored enough.

Edited by Amrynn
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Creccio: Yep, it's really good. Thanks for the recommendation!

Voidus: Yeah, we've been debating the whole atium issue, as it would be entirely OP, so I've been arguing without atium. And yes, it's era 1.

Mestiv: Yes, perhaps Kaladin would be a fairer fight... I'm off to debate once again!

I've also been told that the option of Geralt's magic hasn't been explored enough.


Alucard is amazing, message me when you can and  lets talk about that!


I believe that Alucard is by all intents and purposes immortal so, i would love to see how anyone deals with him

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Alucard is amazing, message me when you can and  lets talk about that!


I believe that Alucard is by all intents and purposes immortal so, i would love to see how anyone deals with him

Apparently you just change your name to Integra and then put on some sunglasses...



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