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For The Fun: 16 New Metals


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So, Enforcement Allomancy got me thinking, how would you internally enforce the body? A couple thoughts came to mind.


The first is muscle memory. The ability to act without the need to think about it.


The second is full body control. Prehensile hair, exact awareness of your own body, and the mental enhancements needed to take in all that information consciously, etc. Might even allow for some kandra-like stuff


Third are Hot vs. Cold, akin to Feruchemically tapping/storing heat.


Fourth is pushing the body, namely the ability to build up physical traits quicker. Improving your physical traits over time while burning the metal as the investiture infuses directly into the body and lingers.


Last one, however, is barriers. Forming skin level barriers on the body, essentially, that increase defensive properties akin to Armament Haki from One Piece.


I'm not too keen on any of these, but they may at least get some inspiration somewhere.

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Random thought for an Allomantic power. How about someone who can switch two people's Allomantic powers as long as that person is touching both people? (Or in contact through metal, if you prefer.) I don't know how well that would work. Also, maybe someone who could transfer identity (allowing you to access/burn other people's metalminds) as long as they were touching?

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Random thought for an Allomantic power. How about someone who can switch two people's Allomantic powers as long as that person is touching both people? (Or in contact through metal, if you prefer.) I don't know how well that would work. Also, maybe someone who could transfer identity (allowing you to access/burn other people's metalminds) as long as they were touching?

Don't know how useful that first one would be, other than like a fun roadside trick. The second one has some potential, but it seems the mobility while using it would be lacking.


Also, "Last one, however, is barriers. Forming skin level barriers on the body, essentially, that increase defensive properties akin to Armament Haki from One Piece.", upvote cause One Piece.

Edited by Once-ler
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Well, at the moment, we don't know what would fit in the last box, because we don't have anything there yet. And the by touch thing is to limit the power a little bit. You might be able to only hold on to one person and switch one of your own powers with them, if you were a Mistborn or a Twinborn.

Thoughts on revised Mythic Feruchemy forthcoming.

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Also, here's what I think for four quadrants of Mythic Feruchemy:

Revised version:

Mental: Stability, Intellect, Sanity, Interest Language, Skill

Mental: Creativity, Emotion, Instinct, Awareness

Physical: DensityDurability, Flexibility, Light, BalanceCoordination, Size

Other people: Presence, Manners, AllureBeauty, Voice, Empathy,

Clean version:

M1: Stability, Intellect, Language, Skill

M2: Creativity, Emotion, Instinct, Awareness

P: Durability, Flexibility, Light, Coordination

O: Presence, Manners, Voice, Beauty

I obviously just moved stuff around a bit, but this is what I think would work best. Awareness, you'll note, is now mental, but I think that's okay. M1 is more solid, intelligence kind of attribute, while M2 is more creative (except for Awareness, I suppose).

I moved Beauty into the Others quadrant, because it's only useful when interacting with others. However, I do have a question about that: is it beauty in the eye of whoever sees you, making you appear more beautiful to each person individually, or is it you physically changing based on your ideal of beauty?

Thoughts I had while compiling this:

Emotion is interesting. It's weird, and I don't know exactly where it goes, but it's pretty cool.

For the record, I am not fond of Manners. It's fine, it's just not particularly useful and it took the place of more interesting things, like Interest. I liked Interest. I like it a lot better than manners.

EDIT: I also liked Empathy, by the way. It would be really useful to Soothers/Rioters, too.

Also, I made the chart into better pairs, though still not perfect. Light still doesn't fit with anything.

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On Beauty: It's the idyllic version of self, the best you could possibly be in terms of physical appeal. This, of course, may not hold for everyone, but it's still based on general traits associated with beauty and charm.


On Manners: I do want to swap this out with something, but all of the possibilities are pretty hard to work here. And Compounding any of the options, except maybe sanity, is virtually useless in this case. All the others are useful in some way when compounded (even voice can be used for a Shattering Scream effect), but manners, sanity, and interest? It's hard to imagine most of those actually being useful when compounded in any fashion. Even Sanity would hardly be useful unless you're being tortured somehow. And even then, Determination is just as effective.


On Empathy: I read up on Duralumin, and it includes Empathy, which is why I removed it from my list. Emotion is actually specifically used to counter Soothers/Rioters to a degree.

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Beauty- Your idyllic version, or an amalgamation of everyone else's? And can you control it at all? Because that would be interesting. For example, if you think your wavy black hair (or whatever) was your best trait, would it turn more brownish and straight if you stored Beauty? Or is that too physical?

I mean, not every compounding thing has to be wonderful. Brandon has implied several times that compounding copper isn't all that special, for instance. I would consider it more on its own merits than for Compounding. Also, you could rename Interest to be Attentiveness if you put it back in.

I get your reasoning for Empathy. I still think it'd be interesting as a separate power, but I'm okay with that.

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It doesn't let you change your appearance selectively. Black hair would turn raven wing black (the black with a slight blue shimmer), more glossy, etc. Eyes would get that perfect shade to complement your natural appearance and would change shape slightly to complement your face. Bone structures would shift to be more symetrical and sylvan if female or gain that "regal" look to it for males. Figures would shift to be more akin to what the user would want (if they view a slim figure as beautiful they'd become slim, if they see curves as beautiful they become curvier, etc.). Of course, different amounts tapped give different results, and it can only go so far. And beauty IS a physical trait. You've split things up differently than I did. I have 6 physical and 10 mental, no spiritual/other feruchemical abilities.


Oh I know that, but they should still be useful in some way. I mean, I can think of uses for all of the existing ones at the very least, thought not all of them are useful useful, more akin to very situationally useful. I don't see that with Manners and Interest. Sanity may fit there, but is a little off base from the rest. So I'd like alternative options regardless, and one that is at least situationally useful in compounding. As for Attentiveness... wouldn't Bronze fit that model? Especially since I already have one that emphasizes focus in Mental Stability.

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I know I split things up differently. I just wanted four quadrants, because that made more sense to me. Feel free to keep using 6 and 10. I just think it doesn't fit as well with Feruchemy (or any of the Three Arts, for that matter).

Bronze is wakefulness. It's for storing and tapping sleep, so you pull an all-nighter as if you slept the night through. It's related, sure, but I think it's distinct. I agree that Sanity isn't as great because it's very similar to Mental Stability, only reversed, but I didn't see Mental Stability as enhancing focus as much as ...calmness, I guess.

You know what else is a little off base from the rest? Light. You know how we can fix that? Not a clue.

I will try to come up with more options, but I don't know what other traits there are. My only immediate thought was Fashion Sense, which... yeah. I think I'll need more time on this.

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How about persuasiveness? While storing, people would be inclined to argue with everything you say, but while tapping, people would be inclined to believe you. A compounder could convince someone of almost anything.


It would need limits, of course. I would probably draw the line at persuading someone of something irrational, opposed to their current beliefs, or simply ridiculous. It would be interesting to make the line a little "wavy," though. Giving well-constructed arguments* the ability to bend the rules might lend itself to subtlety and clever manipulation, rather than the brute-force approach which tends to be ore common in Feruchemy.


*The arguments in question would likely involve logic chains, flawed logic, and points that seem reasonable on the surface. Those would most likely be easy or boring- Feruchemy will make them effective. The more interesting part would be stringing them together in such a way as to take advantage of a logical progression, built-up opinions, or existing beliefs.

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I would guess that's either 1) part of Presence or 2) part of Duralumin. It's a cool thought, though. And it fits better than Manners. It's also reminding me of when we were discussion whether Suggestion would be a good Allomantic power. This way you would have to convince people through (flawed) logic to do what you want. I very much like it. It would be abused a lot, though. Lawyers and politicians would have a field day with Persuasion around.

...Basically, it's very cool, but I'm not entirely certain it would work. Persuade me! :)

EDIT: Stupid emoticons, messing up a perfectly nice list.

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Yea, Duralumin and Presence cover that for the most part. Zinc also helps somewhat.


As for possibilities... Patience might be a good one, storing to make yourself easier to irritate and annoy but tapping gives you the patience of a saint, with compounding giving you the patience of a tree.


As could Meticulousness (Diligence). When storing, you naturally try to cut corners and try to wiggle your way out of stuff, but when tapping, you become exceptionally thorough. This one might be hard to store up just because the personality shift it inflicts make you want to stop storing quickly.


Not sure on these though.

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Last one I can think of: Clarity. Not like mental speed or memory, really, but it's how crisp and clear your mind is. Storing your mind is clouded, hazy, almost like you're trying to clear the cobwebs out constantly. Tapping is your thoughts are clear, organized, and easy to sift through. As a side effect, you can more easily remember details you'd normally forget. Paired with Copper, this makes for great memory storage, causing them to degrade less and be even clearer when you first go to them. Not exactly the best of effects, mind you, but still decent. Might even tie this one into Interest and Sanity to a degree, essentially melding the original three somewhat to make this one, which would in turn make it so it's pretty similar to the Diligence one and enhances your existing patience.

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So, current ideas for the Internal Enforcement effects are...


First is exposure endurance: Ignore environmental effects to a degree. Fire slides off of you, though it will eventually hurt you, cold rains hardly affect you, you dehydrate slower, etc. It would let you survive in a hostile environment more easily and ignore the effects of harsh weather to a degree. Might also include things like reducing damage from dropping extreme distances and the like, as well as some degree of protection in combat. Would be fairly slow burning, but would flare out fast, I think. Of course, there's some overlap with Pewter here, but I can't think of much else to do here.


Second is Metal Incorporation: This is a very... weird one that my brother suggested. It's taking metal and literally lacing it into the body for a time so that it can reinforce the body. Could then benefit from Refining, which would, instead of burning out eventually, cause it to remain in a more permanent fashion.


Third is Blood Quickening: Enhances blood flow, blood carries more oxygen, reducing fatigue, and quickens healing to a degree, while also heating the blood to let it burn out poison (including alcohol) and disease to a degree. Side effect of this strengthens the heart and blood vessels so they don't burst.


Fourth is Enhanced Body Control: You get greater and more precise control of your body. It becomes VERY hard to overextend and you'll move exactly the way you want. This can even include very fine motor control or slowing heartbeat, breathing, and the like without really harming the body.


Last is Sensory Resistance: Essentially, when your senses would be overloaded (bright light, loud noises, sickening smells), your ability to handle them are greatly enhanced. Makes Tin less of a liability while letting you keep the enhanced senses.

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Exposure endurance and body control both sound neat. Sensory resistance and blood quickening seem a bit too specific, though. I can't imagine their being particularly useful outside of a select few situations.


Metal incorporation is interesting, but I would almost say it fits hemalurgy more than it does allomancy. It's hard to tell- I'm not sure becoming a literal iron man fits with any of what we've seen from the metallic arts. It's definitely a fun idea, though. It would be neat if we could make that work.


Speaking of which, mythic hemalurgy might be interesting. Stealing powers is (painfully) obvious, but we could determine what mundane attributes would be taken via spikes. Maybe we could even come up with some hemalurgic constructs?

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I like Clarity, I think. There is some overlap, but still.

Metal Incorporation reminds me of drafting in Brent Weeks' Lightbringer Saga. It is a rather strange concept, and a bit different from usual Allomancy.

I like Blood Quickening. Exposure endurance I'm not so sure about, because I feel that it overlaps with pewter a lot. Maybe if you reduced it so it was just protection from extremes (i.e. hot and cold)? You could resist fire and sleep all night in a snowstorm (maybe- that's a little strong), but not so much of the durability part.

Enhanced Body Control is cool. I like it a lot.

Sensory Resistance is interesting. It's actually a lot like what I suggested for a variation on exposure endurance. They would go together, I feel. And you could adjust more quickly between light and darkness, I think. That could be an added benefit.

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If we go the "survivalist" route with exposure endurance, it might be neat if it came with temporary muscle memory and survival instinct. Not much, mind you. It's still a physical metal.



In terms of mythic hemalurgy, would you make the qualities unknown for the sake of mystery, or due to a lack of ideas? If it's the latter, I'm sure we could help you out.


Age/youth is good, although it might be slightly more self-explanatory if we called it longevity.

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And now, Allomancy!


Stretch Reserves: The user's reserves of metal burn more slowly, but also hotter, causing the user to use less metal for the same boost. However, this affects all burning metals, and burning more metals drains this metal more quickly, and flaring metals accelerates this drain even further. Mistings are called ___ Gnats.

Lock Reserves: The user's other metal reserves are forcefully locked down, compressed to make them difficult to draw on. Even getting a low burn on metals affected by this metal. This does, however, counter the effects of Duralumin, Nicrosil, Aluminum, and Chromium, causing them to drain the metals as if at a low burn.

Grant Reserves: The user may grant allomantic power to another allomancer, expanding their existing reserves of metal while touching them, even if they don't possess any metal reserves at the time. Alternatively, the user may sharpen the quality of the target's reserves, allowing them to burn hotter and flare higher. Mistings are called Batteries*.

Hinder Reserves: The user may hinder an allomancer's ability to draw on their reserves, causing the burn to lessen and become less powerful the longer the user is in contact with the target. At its strongest, the user can lock another allomancer's reserves, making it so they cannot use them until this metal burns off. Mistings are called ___.

Mental Enhancement: Burning this metal grants the user increased mental speed, emotional stability, and intuition. This bolsters the user against emotional allomancy, allows them to process information much faster than normal, and get accurate "gut" readings on situations. Mistings are called ___.

Metal Sight: Unlike the metal sense granted by steel and iron, this metal grants the user a type of aurasight. Metals give off a red aura, even through barriers such as walls. Allomantically sound metals give off a deeper red color to them, except for Aluminum, which gives off a near invisible aura. Barriers dull this aura as well. Mistings are called ___.

Sharpen Memory: The user may sharpen the memory of a touched individual, emphasized on memories being focused on by the target and recent memories. It is not possible for the user to isolate a very specific memory except to tell the target to think about the memory in question. Mistings are called ___.

Dull Memory: The user may dull the memories of a touched individual, clouding details and hazing the mind for recent memories. Strong memories, such as ones associated with strong emotions or other consciously enforced memories, are difficult to dull and may require extended periods, though the user won't know when the memory is dulled specifically. Mistings are called ___.

Refine Metal: The user directly infuses the investiture generated from this metal into a touched metal object. Metals so infused are more durable, able to flex and return to their original shape and resist attempts to break or shatter it, as well as resisting allomantic pulls and pushes. Affected metals also provide increased potency to allomancers that burn them. Metalminds affected by this have their reserves expanded. Hemalurgic spikes have their decay halted while this is in effect. Mistings are called ___.

Weaken Metal: The user breaks down the structures that filter investiture inherent in metals, weakening the metal and making them less viable for use in the metallic arts. Metalminds affected by this metal have their reserves drained off and hemalurgic spikes have their decay accelerated greatly. A side effect of this, however, makes such metals easier to affect with allomantic pushes and pulls. Mistings are called ___.

Exposure Resistance: The user increases their ability to handle environmental conditions, reducing the effects of extreme heat and cold on the user's body, increasing durability slightly, and reinforces sensory organs to reduce the risk of overload in many cases. This also bolsters resistance to poison and disease. Mistings are called ___.

Body Control: The user gains exceptional control over their muscle movements, wasting no motion in their movements as their control lets them manipulate their body in only the ways they want. The user can also speed or slow their heartbeat (improving the strength of their blood vessels and heart when speeding it), regulate the amount of oxygen in their blood stream, and how much is used by the body. Mistings are called ___.


Of course, I still have 4 more to go in the last category, not sure what'll end up going there, but I hope to get an idea soon. I'm meeting up with the friend that helped to start this idea soon. He should be able to give some ideas with how creative he can get. Still, ideas are very much appreciated until then :P

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