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Pocatello Signing 12-10-13

Lady Radagu

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Sorry about the illness.


As to questions, we just now had a round proposed, so you'd probably do well to look at this thread (the only one Prnc ended up asking was the one about the anagrams, I believe).


P.S. And thank you for the offer, of course. :)

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Thanks for the offer.


Here's a couple more:


If an augur who was blinded burnt gold, they could have a shadow who had not been blinded, could they then see through that shadow.

How long does it take for someone who has had 4 iron spikes put in to become a koloss?How fast are the changes?


I want to ask more about aluminium but he would probably just RAFO.

Ah what the heck.


If a copper clip was coated completely in aluminium (no gaps) could an allomancer still detect and push/pull on the coin?




If an allomancer was on one side of a massive aluminium wall and a copper clip was on the other, would they be able to detect/push/pull it?

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Ask if there's one commonly held assumption on the forums that he knows to be wrong, and if any of our theories ever work better than the actual mechanics he has planned


Ooh, good one. Probably RAFO bait, but it'd be nice to see an answer. ;)


One thing to note: Brandon doesn't really peruse here often, due to the time it would take, so anything he knows—if he knows much at all about our goings-on—is likely courtesy of/filtered through Peter.

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Ask if there were Cadmium/Bendalloy Mistings in the Final Empire, if you don't mind! It would settle a debate.

Yes please! And add Chromium/Nicrosil Mistings as well, as which of the C/N and C/B pairs would potentially have been left out is not a 100% certain. We are rather sure that the Mists only Snapped 16 types of Mistings, but I myself believe that there should have been Mistings for the undiscovered Allomantic metals who Snapped independently.

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Here are some more questions:


What is the likelihood that we will see the shardworlds explored in Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell and Sixth of the Dusk beyond those two stories?


What is up with Aon Ien meaning "Wisdom" but being used for Healing in AonDor?


Will you ever do more "in-depth" Aon descriptions like you have done for Aon Ehe, Aon Ene, and Aon Omi?


Can non-humans be surgebinders?

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@Shartlet: As far as i know you are right we haven seen anything to indicate a "Stormborn" but well i do like the idea somehow ;)


@Aether: you are so dame right Stormborn is so much better :D

Up-vote Kudos to you for thinking of the concept in the first place =). How awesome would it be if there were Stormborns!

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A "Stormborn" would be a godlike being, a single surge power are awesome, all surges that would be overkill.

A person that could "create" everything out of air, could fly, teleport, call rays from the sky, heal fast, move fast, cure mortal wounds, etc. basically a god =) 

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A "Stormborn" would be a godlike being, a single surge power are awesome, all surges that would be overkill.

A person that could "create" everything out of air, could fly, teleport, call rays from the sky, heal fast, move fast, cure mortal wounds, etc. basically a god =) 

They would still be limited by their amount of Stormlight, though. Demi-god like, rather ;)

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I've got a question I don't think I've seen anyone ask before. 


Can a non-Horneater on Roshar be trained to see "hidden spren" like Rock. 


No, not likely.



Miyabi: Why can Rock see Syl?


Brandon: Ooh, good question, why do you think Rock can see Syl?


Q: My personal theory here is because his people have such a strong belief and reverence in them it allows him to see them for that reason because his belief creates some sort of cognitive or spiritual pressure which allows them--


A: He would agree with that philosophy.  I would say, usually when something like that happens there is also something physiological going on.


Q: And this is one of my side theories that I espouse here.  Is that kind of similar to the reason why there are no spren in Shinovar is because the people there so disbelieve them that it creates a negative pressure that keeps them from physical manifestation?


A: Good question.


Q: Would Rock be able to see the Cryptics?


A: Would Rock be able to see a Cryptic? That is a good question, you will have to see.


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Oh! Here's another one:

Do the Shardplate and the Shardblades that the Alethi use have Investiture from the same Shard? If not, then what Shards do they have Investiture from?


Edit: Did you know that was today? Did you go?

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Sorry, it's been a crazy day at the hospital with my sick boy (he'll be fine, just needs some help with his oxygen while his lungs heal up). Didn't really get to go over questions with my husband, but he did ask two of Kurkistan's questions. Sorry I wasn't able to go too and get more answers (I really wanted to ask about chromium/nicrosil and cadmium/bendalloy mistings in the final empire, among others), and his recorder wasn't working, so these are from memory, but he did his best to get convey them verbatum.


He also got a code for going in costume, but Brandon said he was out of unique codes, so he just got a general use one. We still got the neat card, though. :)


Anyway, Q&A time:



Can Aon Dor heal chronic conditions, like poor eyesight? If so, does it require specialized Aon drawing to work, or will enough Aon Iens do the job eventually?



"Yes, Aon Dor could cure a chronic condition like poor eyesight. But you would have to get the specifics of everything, kind of like they're equations, correct. You'd have to know a LOT about Aon dor and a LOT about the body to get it right." (Here Brandon paused in thought)  "It's kind of like with computer programming."




Would a full lashing work in a vacuum? If not, is that because it works by creating a vacuum between the lashed objects?


"First, good question. The way lashings work, it does have to do with pressure. But I can't go into it. I'm going to have to RAFO that one. Again, good question."




So there you go.

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Oh, so it is more like surgery than general healing in this case, that makes sense. Thank you for your info! I wish your child would recover soon :)

Interesting bit about no unique codes, though, I think Peter recently wrote about 400 codes that were not entered yet, so those might be lost :(

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Glad to hear he'll be okay, our thoughts are with you guys. :)


As to the questions: Thank you (well, you're husband, I suppose ;)) very much for asking my questions. The answer to the AonDor one basically confirms a little theory of mine (so that's nice).


As for the Lashing question: Well, I guess getting a RAFO is softened a bit by getting two "good questions" on it. :/ And so the debate rages on!


P.S. Was that your husband dressed as Kaladin?

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