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I'm new here but have read and re-read (way too may times) everything Sanderson has written. I love theories and trying to guess what is going on so this is the place for me. So I have two theories that I'll share today (I have tons more though). 


I read anything and everything I can get my hands on in the fiction world. Hoid has become the character I think about most though. He's doing what no one has done before in the fiction worlds I read about. He is traveling between a lot of my favorite books and creating more and more mysteries in his wake. It seems as though he knows a ton about all the worlds and may be gathering power from each of them as well. 
In a conversation with Dalinar, after mentioning Adonalsium, he said, “Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak. Isn't it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them—yet wholly unlike them at the same time? 
I guess this isn't so much a theory as it is symbolism for everything that is going on in the book and in the Cosmere. For Roshar, it's an analogy for the shard blades and plate. They look and somewhat act like the radiance's powers but they are wholly unlike them at the same time. 
Of course the Shattering is another thing this is talking about when looked at from the perspective of the cosmere. Each of these worlds we know are just pieces of what the original thing was. i can't wait to learn more about this and about Hoid. 
Second observation/theory - In Dalinar's final vision in The Way of Kings, Honor (god) says a lot that could be taken in a lot of different ways, I love this chapter. At one point, Honor says, "This isn't just about you either." At that point, lights start winking out in the sky. Then he says, "It's about all of them." I'm sure here, he is talking about all the worlds in the Cosmere. I feel as though since Hoid has a past with Odium as well, he is likely the main bad force in the whole Cosmere. But yea - I'm done rambling for now. I could keep going forever. 
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Welcome, Gibletish.  Glad to have you with us.  You have made some good observations.  I think you will find that Hoid is the greatest recruiter for the 17th Shard (.com).  He has brought a lot of us here.  I'm not sure if I quite follow your thoughts on the shardblades and plate thought.  The Radiant's carried blades and wore plate (presumable the bulk of all plate and blades currently running around on Roshar.  I'm not sure what Radiant powers you are referring to.  The Knights Radiant (KR) were surgebinder and several (if not most) of them used shardplate and blades.  The plate and blades don't seem to conform any known surgebinding abilities (though some theorize that Szeth's blade is the source of his surgebinding since he is not bonded to a spren).


As to your second theory, I fully agree with you that Honor is referring to the cosmere at large.  I personally believe that the two stars which winked out specifically represent the Shards from Sel (Elantris), namely Devotion and Dominion, which were killed and splintered by Odium.

Edited by Shardlet
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That passage always made me think that Hoid's ultimate goal is to reassemble Adonalsium. Not much to go on, especially considering he hasn't really been that successful up to this point (unless you count Sazed's ascension as an intended success for Hoid.

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You may be on to something there, Natans.


I tried to break he second one but my english isn't good enough for this, only two vogals and one Y, is a nightmare to me =)


My best guess is that the word must have two G together and end with Y, or two separate words.

Edited by Ookla the Puro
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Try doing it by sounds rather than by letters.  Wit uses the term 'sounds' (i.e., 'sh' is not 's' and 'h', but rather the sound it makes).


Edit: Next signing is in about a week and a half.

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