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amusing (I hope) forum game

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So over at InkWing.com they are having a contest to win a free Mistborn or Stormlight Archive T-shirt, and the contest is to say which characters from those books people would give birthday presnts to and what they would give them. Well that contest is only going on for a week, but i thought it might be fun to have a permanent version running, only without the free t-shirts, because I couldn't afford to give out free t-shirts. But I will give out upvotes.

This is for any Adolansium mythos characters, not just Misborn and TSA. Try not to give the same gift to the same character that somebody else has already done.

I'll start

I would give Kaladin a year of professional counseling, because the guy needs it.

I would give Shallan assertiveness training, for the same reason

I'd give Sadeas an all-expenses paid trip to the South Pole, naked.

I'd give Adolin a MP3 player with several audiobooks of dating advice installed.

I'd give Jasnah a copy of The God Delusion, because I bet she'd like it. B)

I'd give Ham a set of books on philosophy.

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I'd give Szeth a hug. 'Cause seriously that guy needs it!

I'd Kaladin a shardspear. Come on, it'd be awesome.

I'd give King Taravangian a taste of his own medicine. *evil grin*

I'd give Lopen a hug, too. (I like hugging people; got a problem?)

I'd give Dalinar my full attention while he talks about how cool Nohadon and Way of Kings are. I have a feeling he'd sound like me when I talk about how cool Brandon and Way of Kings are. ;)

I'd give Vin and Elend some time off as a wedding present.

I'd give Lightsong another Divine Breath. Please, Endowment? Send him back twice!

Okay, that's all I've got for now!

Edited by FeatherWriter
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  • 2 months later...

I would give Dalinar a wedding ring so he could propose to Navani.

I would give Vin a perfume collection.

I would give Shallan a nice chamois so she could quickly erase any symbolheads that appeared in her drawings so she wouldn't have to throw them away.

I would give Nan Balat some painkillers and therapy.

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