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New, but I come bearing a random theory


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Hi! I exist!!

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this by the way but yeah I have a theory pertaining to the mysterious visions dalinar receives from the almighty!!! And it's probably totally wrong and it's really quite baseless but here it goes. Now dalinar as we all know has a phrase that he uses an awful lot something like "blood of my fathers", now upon first look I thought nothing of it although upon my subsequent reread, before words of radiance arrives, I noticed that he happened to say it during a vision, the one where he is heb I think, and I just thought well maybe what he is experiencing is the memories and trials of his forefathers. That's pretty much it but yeah I was interested by it. The only other thing I can think to support the idea of dalinars visions being from his ancestors is that we know that blood is important, not only in this series but also in the other cosmere works. So yeah, that's it, thanks :)

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Hello, and welcome!


I'll hide my response behind a spoiler tag, because the proper place for those things is in Cosmere Theories or Stormlight Archive subforum (depending on the theory - this one would go in the latter).


It's possible, I suppose. Certainly there is nothing that contradicts it, and Dalinar is the only character who uses this particular curse. But I wouldn't put too much stock into it - in his last (or first) vision, the Almighty talks about the ability to see the past and the future. He claims he has seen some of those scenes directly, but others are product of his fears. This sounds like the Almighty has chosen certain important events from the past of Roshar and has embedded them in the highstorms. So in this, I disagree with your theory. It is, however, possible that the reason Dalinar in particular has those visions, and no some other honorable dark- or lighteyes, is because of his ancestry. I've often wondered "why him" - and your theory, unsupported as it is, might be a part of the answer.

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