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I like that! More information on cultures, religion, and wildlife in the Kashora'an coming soon. (Hopefully.)


EDIT: I'm trying to name a huge Rachnyx empire of ancient Diaemus, whose capital was once under the Kashora'an Desert. Could I get some opinions on which look and/or sound better? I have two main prefixes right now, (Hrak-) and (Shrak-) with a couple possibilities for the suffix.


-Shrakylen, Shrakyln, Shrakeelen, etc

-Hrakylen, Hrakeelen, Hrakilen, etc



Hyrakyken sounds good to me.

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Parts 3 and 4 as well as Meran Prayer tablets.


Part 3: The Split

Niran was angry when Eloa did meet the sea. He did blame Meran for not taking care of their sister, because Meran was the eldest. Meran was sad and he did think that it was Niran’s fault for spitting Eloa’s gift back in her face. Niran did fight him and did take the part of the sarmu herd that did use dead-grass-specks and did leave the Ferian forest and did go to the dead-grass-land across the sea. Niran named his land Niranel, being focused on himself. He did kill the others that were living there and did take a woman to be united with him. They did have many children, and began the Niran people.


Meran and Sina did stay in the forest to live. They each did have sleep-friends and did begin the first generation of Meran. Sina did have many, many children, more than trees do have leaves. She did love many men and did have many sleep-friends. Meran was more saving and did have only a few sleep-friends and did unite himself with one of them. The Meran did not friend the Niran again.


Part 4: Early Descendants and First Mirani War

The children and the children-children and the children-long-children of Meran did keep their herds of sarmu and did protect them from the many-teeth and from the Niran who did want to take the sarmu of the Meran. Riten was one of the early Meran herd-fathers. His sea-body was strongly powerful in changing and he did wind-move very strong. He did have anger of Niran but the anger was anger at Niran. He did fight the Niran with his sarmu and some of the strongest powerful of the Meran. They did fight and did kill many of the Niran, Riten killing many on his own. But when Terule, the son-son of Niran, did fight, he did kill Riten with his strong quick-hurt power. Terule had been the first of the Mirani to have quick-hurt power in his land-body. Only dead-grass sarmu had the powers before, but now some of the Niran did too.


When Riten was killed, the other Meran did stop fighting and did leave the Niranel grass and did come back to the Ferian forest. Terule did feel the more powerful and did come to fight the Meran in the forest to kill numbers even to the killed Niran. He was killed when the sarmu, Meran sea sarmu did surround him, making him to happy to see the sharpened sticks that the Meran fighters did have. They did kill him quickly and did send him to his sea-meeting. The Niran did stop fighting and the Meran did stop too.


A portion of a clay tablet on which the Meran did write prayers:

Praise Marino, All-Father, for courage. Praise Meran, First-Father, for the land and for justice. Praise Reli, All-Mother, for family. Praise Sina, Early-Mother, for fertility and love. Bless us not to be angry as Niran. Bless us not to be weak as Eloa. Bless the herds with protection and strong harvests.

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Feedback request:

(For everyone, with an additional request from those interested in a claim on the north lands.)

Is this legible? As in, does looking at this give you an idea of how the pieces fit together?


(Spoiler because big)


TheYoungBard: Right and bottom margins have not changed, so you can use that to align your claims map.


EDIT: Also, if anyone who has a land claim and has a scholarly culture wants to claim the 0° longitude line, that will be useful soon. Just pick a "vertical" line that runs through your region (to be the site of some landmark of your choosing). First come, first served. And if some other player's culture doesn't like it, you can have something else to negotiate in-world. :ph34r:


For North land claimants:

I am thinking a pair of continents near each other with a large gulf dividing them. No land crossing (though ice cap crossing may be an option). Do you like this option?


Also, again, any preferred climates? I believe Seonid was thinking grassland near an inland sea, but that could be Aw, BS, C*, D*, or ET rather easily. You are welcome to use terms like warm, hot, humid, dry, wet, cool, frigid, long summer days, wet-dry seasons, and the like if you don't read Köppen codes. I can translate.

Edited by Sir Jerric
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Feedback request:

(For everyone, with an additional request from those interested in a claim on the north lands.)

Is this legible? As in, does looking at this give you an idea of how the pieces fit together?


(Spoiler because big)


TheYoungBard: Right and bottom margins have not changed, so you can use that to align your claims map.


For North land claimants:

I am thinking a pair of continents near each other with a large gulf dividing them. No land crossing (though ice cap crossing may be an option). Do you like this option?


Also, again, any preferred climates? I believe Seonid was thinking grassland near an inland sea, but that could be Aw, BS, C*, D*, or ET rather easily. You are welcome to use terms like warm, hot, humid, dry, wet, cool, frigid, long summer days, wet-dry seasons, and the like if you don't read Köppen codes. I can translate.

Are you planning to do any islands?

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Feedback request:

(For everyone, with an additional request from those interested in a claim on the north lands.)

Is this legible? As in, does looking at this give you an idea of how the pieces fit together?


(Spoiler because big)


TheYoungBard: Right and bottom margins have not changed, so you can use that to align your claims map.


For North land claimants:

I am thinking a pair of continents near each other with a large gulf dividing them. No land crossing (though ice cap crossing may be an option). Do you like this option?


Also, again, any preferred climates? I believe Seonid was thinking grassland near an inland sea, but that could be Aw, BS, C*, D*, or ET rather easily. You are welcome to use terms like warm, hot, humid, dry, wet, cool, frigid, long summer days, wet-dry seasons, and the like if you don't read Köppen codes. I can translate.

I have no plans for the continents, but I suggest wet-dry seasons.

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Are you planning to do any islands?

Yes, but I did not want to distract from the question I asked.


You wanted to claim an archepelagio? There will be multiple. Did you want to pick an area on the map (or climate style) for yours?


Also: added an Edit request to the post above:


EDIT: Also, if anyone who has a land claim and has a scholarly culture wants to claim the 0° longitude line, that will be useful soon. Just pick a "vertical" line that runs through your region (to be the site of some landmark of your choosing). First come, first served. And if some other player's culture doesn't like it, you can have something else to negotiate in-world. :ph34r:

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Looks good, thanks!


McKeedee, if you get your islands, do you want me to remove you from your current spot? (Although, I think for now you can have two spots until more people join, and then you can make up your mind.)


Is that a thing? I only get one spot?


I'm currently working on a pretty comprehensive description of the coastal mediterranean climate region, as well as the section of steppe above it. I do, however, also have plans for the general settlement patterns of the islands, and some ideas for how to set up a large archipelago. I'd love to have two areas to work with, but I'd keep the one I have currently over the island one if it came down to it.

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Kobold, hope you don't mind the additions I made to the Dromean biology - the reproductive portion. I'm wondering if it might be better for the non-pregnant females to have a mating season twice a year or even once a quarter instead of just once a year. Your thoughts (or anyones) would be appreciated.


Also, it looks like most folks like Sorukaan (plural: Sorukaana). I prefer the plural form to the alternative (Soruukana just looks weird to me), so that is the official name of the Empire going forward.



Feedback request:

(For everyone, with an additional request from those interested in a claim on the north lands.)

Is this legible? As in, does looking at this give you an idea of how the pieces fit together?


(Spoiler because big)


TheYoungBard: Right and bottom margins have not changed, so you can use that to align your claims map.


EDIT: Also, if anyone who has a land claim and has a scholarly culture wants to claim the 0° longitude line, that will be useful soon. Just pick a "vertical" line that runs through your region (to be the site of some landmark of your choosing). First come, first served. And if some other player's culture doesn't like it, you can have something else to negotiate in-world. :ph34r:


For North land claimants:

I am thinking a pair of continents near each other with a large gulf dividing them. No land crossing (though ice cap crossing may be an option). Do you like this option?


Also, again, any preferred climates? I believe Seonid was thinking grassland near an inland sea, but that could be Aw, BS, C*, D*, or ET rather easily. You are welcome to use terms like warm, hot, humid, dry, wet, cool, frigid, long summer days, wet-dry seasons, and the like if you don't read Köppen codes. I can translate.


Alright. That map looks excellent. I can follow it rather well, I think.


I actually quite like the option of two continents with the large gulf! Would it be a shallow gulf, or would it be quite deep (as in oceanic floor, rather than continental crust at the bottom)?


For the north continent, I don't really care whether the inland sea is landlocked or if it connects to open ocean at some point. Since I don't have specialized geography or climatology training (just physics, sorry!), I'll describe what I was thinking of.


The grasslands are temperate and warm during most of the season. It rarely gets cold enough to snow, and the humidity is relatively high due to the nearby inland sea. I'm thinking almost a Mediterranean climate, if that fits. I don't know enough to say whether that's a possibility. Rain is not exceptionally frequent, but the area isn't arid. I do need the grasslands to be near a mountain range somewhere, but I'm not too fussed about where that happens.


I'd also like to claim part of the northern shore of the inland sea, if that's alright. It would be heavily forested (mostly evergreen), and frigid. Short summers and long winters, as well as high humidity due to the "lake effect" (well, more of an inland sea effect). If that can fit in. So basically, a swathe of warm, mediterranean land along the southern shore, and a small portion of frigid conifer forest along the northern shore. I have in mind something similar to Minnesota in terms of climate.

Also, I'm not going to bother sending you the part I have mapped out. It's not enough to worry about - I can adapt my civilizations to your map.

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Alright. That map looks excellent. I can follow it rather well, I think.


I actually quite like the option of two continents with the large gulf! Would it be a shallow gulf, or would it be quite deep (as in oceanic floor, rather than continental crust at the bottom)?


For the north continent, I don't really care whether the inland sea is landlocked or if it connects to open ocean at some point. Since I don't have specialized geography or climatology training (just physics, sorry!), I'll describe what I was thinking of.


The grasslands are temperate and warm during most of the season. It rarely gets cold enough to snow, and the humidity is relatively high due to the nearby inland sea. I'm thinking almost a Mediterranean climate, if that fits. I don't know enough to say whether that's a possibility. Rain is not exceptionally frequent, but the area isn't arid. I do need the grasslands to be near a mountain range somewhere, but I'm not too fussed about where that happens.


I'd also like to claim part of the northern shore of the inland sea, if that's alright. It would be heavily forested (mostly evergreen), and frigid. Short summers and long winters, as well as high humidity due to the "lake effect" (well, more of an inland sea effect). If that can fit in. So basically, a swathe of warm, mediterranean land along the southern shore, and a small portion of frigid conifer forest along the northern shore. I have in mind something similar to Minnesota in terms of climate.


Also, I'm not going to bother sending you the part I have mapped out. It's not enough to worry about - I can adapt my civilizations to your map.

I'm glad the puzzle piece system is meeting with general approval. It was the simplest method I could devise. I do wish I could paint on a digital globe though. Even if it didn't have layers, the ability to screen capture a picture centered on any area at will would be amazing. Though displaying a grid would be essential, too. (Anyone know of software like that?)


The gulf could be what ever depth people wanted. If deep is unnatural, then perhaps Great Lumuole magic did it?


Landlocked is up to you. My working resolution has pixels of 8 miles by 8 miles (12 km) or more (curvature), so I am just ignoring rivers (unless you see a lot of eight mile wide river crossings?).


Minnesota is solidly in a Dfa / Dfb region. Europe has adjacent Csa / Dfa regions by the Black Sea. I'd say it is a plausible enough arrangement; although I'll need to play with the placement to make the Csa region sweep east enough to work out. (The 's' means the summer is notably drier than the winter, and the 'a' means the peak of summer is usually above 72°F. The depth of winter is why the 'C' or 'D' applies; 'C' can freeze, but an 'a' means it is unlikely; 'D' will fall below freezing.)


And as for mountains, the exact topography is flexible. I need to mark the extreme changes in elevation for my climatology, but lone peaks, scattered peaks, and low ranges are not worth marking at my scale.


Note that the above river and mountain comments apply to everyone. For forests, I advise checking which types grow in your climates via Google research, and placement is again mostly your business.

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Is that a thing? I only get one spot?


I'm currently working on a pretty comprehensive description of the coastal mediterranean climate region, as well as the section of steppe above it. I do, however, also have plans for the general settlement patterns of the islands, and some ideas for how to set up a large archipelago. I'd love to have two areas to work with, but I'd keep the one I have currently over the island one if it came down to it.


Pending space, yes. There's still plenty of space on the map now, but there are a lot of author-y people in these forums, and if they join, then we might have a few problems. For now though, it should be fine. (In fact, looking at the rate of people who have joined up, it will probably continue to be fine, and if that's the case, you can keep both. Maybe I'm just a pessimist.)

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Does anyone with a society near mine have an emphasis in agriculture? Pastoralists tend to barter with agriculturalists for grain and such and I'm wondering if any of the existing cultures would fit that group.

Does anyone with a society near mine have an emphasis in agriculture? Pastoralists tend to barter with agriculturalists for grain and such and I'm wondering if any of the existing cultures would fit that group.

Where are you?

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Feedback request:

(For everyone, with an additional request from those interested in a claim on the north lands.)

Is this legible? As in, does looking at this give you an idea of how the pieces fit together?


(Spoiler because big)


Looks great to me! :D



Kobold, hope you don't mind the additions I made to the Dromean biology - the reproductive portion. I'm wondering if it might be better for the non-pregnant females to have a mating season twice a year or even once a quarter instead of just once a year. Your thoughts (or anyones) would be appreciated.


Well, I like the idea. It would definitely help make the Dromeans more alien and distinct from the humans.


That said, I don't think that a seasonal breeding model really works for the Dromeans. A true mating season is strongly related to the length of the day and the local climate; the Dromeans, being a species that stretches from the seasonally extreme savannas of the north all the way down to the frozen tundra of the south, would see their breeding cycle interrupted and distorted in new regions.


Instead, I would propose opportunistic breeding, distinct from seasonal breeding but also from the continuous breeding model that we humans follow. In opportunistic breeding, females become more receptive not when the time of year changes, but at any time when food is abundant and the temperature is suitable.



Opportunistic breeding could result in an effective "mating season" in empires like the Sorukaan, as the resources available to the females would repeat on the same cycle every year. (In nature, the difference between seasonal and opportunistic breeders is almost impossible to determine around the equator.) However, opportunistic breeding would allow creators like myself freedom to design Dromean cultures without being confined to set breeding seasons.


Hope that makes sense. :)

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I have finished the Dromeans and it should be up later today. The "artist" for most of my future drawings is a human scholar named Ea. She was born in a small human village. If anyone wants claims to her origin region, please tell me. (I check through the thread regularly, so no need to PM). First come, first serve. If nobody wants it, she'll be from the steppes. 

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I have finished the Dromeans and it should be up later today. The "artist" for most of my future drawings is a human scholar named Ea. She was born in a small human village. If anyone wants claims to her origin region, please tell me. (I check through the thread regularly, so no need to PM). First come, first serve. If nobody wants it, she'll be from the steppes. 


The steppes or somewhere similar would probably make the most sense. Perhaps someplace that's a bit boring, like the Diaemus equivalent of Kansas? :P That way, she'd have had motivation to go out and find what sorts of interesting beings the world had to offer. 

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The steppes or somewhere similar would probably make the most sense. Perhaps someplace that's a bit boring, like the Diaemus equivalent of Kansas? :P That way, she'd have had motivation to go out and find what sorts of interesting beings the world had to offer. 


Here's one of her early masterpieces, Homeland of the Drurgas.



Edited by Kobold King
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