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Hullo, hullo! (à la Prince Rhun), I'm Sirius7.


I have been lurking around this forum and discreetly stalking Sanderson public profiles (be it FB, twitter, blogposts) for quiet some time as any Sanderson fan would. And I didnt even realise I have not a profile in this forum. Yes I did realise this when I needed a profile to participate in the Steelhunt/Scavenger hunt, but trust me when I say I have long been a fan of works by Brandon Sanderson and this was all the more reason to join this forum.


I was reading WOT and when I heard that some new kid named Brandon Sanderson has been chosen to finish the series, I was more than curious what can he offer, and can he really take up the task, hard though it was. But boy was I surprised and lost in delight from all his works, each one a gem by itself. I have read almost all is works published and unpublished(that are available to read ofc) and also read most cosmere pages from all sources possible be it Coppermind wiki, 17th shard forum, tor.com reread, other stormlight wikis.


And as you might know already, it all started with that one word 'Adonalsium'.

And yes, what I like most in my books is world-building and no one does it better than Brandon.


And till date I have added a host of people in my remote location to Sanderson fandom by giving out Elantris or Emperor's Soul or Legion to my friends.

Looking forward to actively participate in all discussions. And please bear with me if I breach any of the forum rules as I am learning them.


Hello again,




My Goodreads profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/9243894 (Feel free to add me as friend, sorely in need of friends to discuss Sanderson and fantasy in general)

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Welcome sirius, or should I say Lelouch? I like your picture :) that was a great anime!

You have certainly come to the right place to win friends and discuss Sanderson and fantasy in general. Hop right in and join the fray.

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