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Reading Shallan


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I have read or listened to TWOK at least three times, but I was thinking on just going back and reading Shallan's POV. Would I be missing too much, before the last several chapters by doing this? I was wanting to refamiliarize myself with Shallan's POV but didn't want to miss out on too many needed points of info to help make doing this a futile effort.


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Honestly, I think you will be fine.


The two storylines do not really intersect that much so from that perspective I think you will have no problems.


On the otherhand, think of all the cool stuff you will miss! Szeths interludes. Kaladin in the Highstorm, Kaladin at The Tower, Dalinar fighting the midnight essence, Adolins dueling, Sadeas' betrayal...


If it were me, I would just read the book again...


Actually, I think I will read the book again.... :P

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I do this sometimes when I don't feel like rereading whole books. There is an Interlude where Shallan's brother talks to her via spanreed and there is another chapter where Dalinar and Jasnah talk via spanreed as well. Read those and you shouldn't miss anything from Shallan's arc.

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I was wanting to reread the whole thing, but I wanted to do that starting in February as a ramp up to the release of WoR. With all of the information I have been gleening from this site, I feel like I missed a lot of what was going on in her POV...so I wanted to do a quick read of that before another full reread.

Oh, who am I kidding. I might as well reread the whole thing.

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I did a reread of Shallan's chapters since I got excited about her story going into WoR; it's indeed perfectly coherent.


I believe the spanreed conversation between Dalinar and Jasnah occurs in Chapter 28 if you're wondering.

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I did a reread of Shallan's chapters since I got excited about her story going into WoR; it's indeed perfectly coherent.


I believe the spanreed conversation between Dalinar and Jasnah occurs in Chapter 28 if you're wondering.

Oh!!! thank you very much!!

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