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Hello. My name's bartbug, and I am (clearly) new to this forum.

I've loved and read all of Brandon Sanderson's works, minus Legion, which I've never gotten around to, and actually read all eleven of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time just to get to the Sanderson part. I've been lurking around here for a while, but I just went to a signing where not only did I have a great experience with him, but I got a Steelhunt code.


The 1 Question I asked: What are the upper limits to the Investiture placeable in a Hemalurgic spike, and could you use one to get the full power of a Shard? Also, would the intent of the said Shard leak through the Hemalurgy?


He said that the amount of power depended on the size of the Shard, and that he you would need a massive spike that would be big enough that it wouldn't really be feasible. He said he didn't really know, and stumping him was how I got my Steelhunt code.


Looking forward to posting and speculating!

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Hello, and welcome, dear (ex-)lurker!


To me, this is the best way to introduce yourself - with a Cosmere question. Assuming that you meant "amount of power depended on the size of the Shard spike," we get an interesting byproduct, or side effect, or confirmation of something we kind of knew. Brandon said a while back (in the Mistborn annotations, I think) that a Shard's body and its power are synonymous. For example, the mists of Preservation are really Preservation's body, which is also Preservation's power. In other words, a Shard's manifestation in the Physical Realm is essentially its power taking physical, tangible form; makes sense - you destroy the Shard's body (which you can do to physical objects), you destroy its power. So, if you are squeezing Shardic power into a physical object (say, Preservation's power into a metal spike), it makes sense that the physical properties of the object - size in particular - will determine how much power you can shove in there. I am not explaining myself very well here, but I think I got the point across. 


Good question though, we might be able to use it on the other shardworlds!

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