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Ardent drawing bridgemen


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I was rereading WoR, and came across this passage again:

“He did catch Rock shooing away a lanky man in an ardent’s robe.

“What was that?” Kaladin asked, catching the Horneater as he passed.

“That one,” Rock said. “Keeps loitering here with sketchbook. Wants to draw bridgemen. Ha! Because we are famous, you see.”

Kaladin frowned. Strange actions for an ardent—but, then, all ardents were strange, to an extent.”

I don't recall it ever coming up again, but it struck me that we might be seeing another Lightweaver or else someone connected to one of our various groups of intrigue. Has there been speculation about who he is?


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I thought it had been confirmed to be Nazh, a worldhopper from Threnody (spoilers through the link). However I cannot find the attribution...


In short, Nazh has a tendency to travel the cosmere gathering data on items, events, people and phenomena of interest. Exactly what is interesting about them sometimes changes; realmatically interesting, historically interesting, sometimes just narratively interesting.

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If the stuff was underwater . . . would the beeds "spawn" buried underneath the dry shadesmar land when you step into shadesmar, or would it just be sitting there O_O

The former is more intuitive, but if it's true I feel bad for Nazh. With that said, it confirms moving the beads in some sort of method can legitimately teleport the object.

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I do suspect it's more than just moving them in Shadesmar, or else every time a bead was picked up it would move the object somewhat in the physical realm, and that doesn't appear to be the case.  I wonder what it takes, and how Nazh got that ability?



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I do suspect it's more than just moving them in Shadesmar, or else every time a bead was picked up it would move the object somewhat in the physical realm, and that doesn't appear to be the case.  I wonder what it takes, and how Nazh got that ability?




I suspect it's a matter of "Intent", similar to how random people can't just stab and make Hemalurgic Spikes unless there is an "Intent" to create them. So Shallan could fling beads around all she wanted, but unless she selected one and thought "you are coming with me" nothing would ever move in the Physical.

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