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A Word from Brandon


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He have already said something similar.


The "Allomancy gene" and the "feruchemical Gene" don't mix well together, so the reason for the ferring's born in the Allow of Law era.

A human could not born as fullborn (Mistborn+Feruchemist)in natural way (Rashek is the only know Fullborn).

But is possible but unlikely born mistborn-Ferring or Misting-Feruchemist.


Probably also the "famous" Rashek's son was "just" a Mistborn-Ferring, or a simple (but powerfull) Mistborn.

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Interesting... I had not considered this combination of powers before.


Which would anyone here rather? Full feruchemist with one allomantic power, or the reverse? Which one power on the other side would you prefer?


I personally love bronze/copper too much, so I'm Mistborn all the way... which one feruchemical power to supplement it? Maybe steel cuz speed is just always amazing... Pewter seems somewhat redundant, eternal reserves of tin are marginal at best. Prolly not weight, easy to fill and frankly storing is pretty much as useful as tapping (thought feruchemical iron is a great addition to external physical allomancy, whether or not it's being compounded...). We're not positive what copper does. Never having to sleep again seems cool on the surface, but my dreams are awesome and I would get bored overnight. Maybe if I lived in not as bad a neighborhood. It would also get expensive... either being out at a place where I have to buy things to stay there, or at a minimum all the power to light my home and play video games. Mental speed might be awesome; eternal mental speed without any other power is marginal, but would get huge returns from the physical metals. Brass is like iron; marginally useful in limitless quantities, and as good to store as to tap. The spiritual metals are all poorly understood; infinite luck sounds good but I'm wary about trusting my fate to something so poorly controlled. Investiture might end up being a hand's-down winner, depending on what it eventually means. Connection sounds, to me, like emotional allomancy, something best done subtly, so infinite reserves of marginal usefulness. And who even knows identity, am I right?


Infinite health would be AWESOME. But again, in real life, I'm not often all that hurt. Not sitting here right now with a slightly stuffy nose would be cool, as is the distant prospect of growing old and remaining "spry", but not sure it beats the super-human feats I'd be capable of with something like steel. Still, full Mistborn powers are cool enough as they are. Maybe just health would be enough. Although, how much of the edge of old age could allomantic pewter take off on its own? Determination? I'm undecided. (heh heh). Infinite breath has niche use; infinite food less so.


In conclusion: I'd personally be a Mistborn with feruchemical steel, or possibly zinc or gold. Any of you?

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Insted I would to be  Ferchemist-Misting.

I love the Feruchemy as magic system and I really hope that one day we could see a true "Feruchemyst Warrior".


But in my everyday life I really have problem to choose una allomantic metal to add. I haven't really interest in Compounding and maybe I would choose Steel/Iron or Bronze for the "extra sense" they could offer.

Edited by Yata
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Feruchemy is generally more practical as day-to-day convenience than allomancy would be, though is less effective if you're fighting people since you'll need so much storage. Compounding solves that though.

You can regulate temperature and save on air conditioning bills, overeat and not get fat, but still last a good while when starving, be able to sleep and stay awake on demand (best part IMO), heal minor wounds quickly (probably catch a cold storing, though), abuse weight changes to soften landings or tackle people in sports, hold your breath for a long while . . .

So I'd probably go Feruchemist-coinshot. Full feruchemy, and steel usually has more fun uses than iron. Plus, I'll never be late anymore.

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I m not sure that the Feruchemy are a poor choise aganist the allomancy in fighting, maybe just for a ferring VS Misting.


The combo for a feruchemist are a lot and many Feruchemical Metal offer a usefull way to use also while storing.

Maybe our view of Feruchemical power come to the fact, that we never see a true warrior in this magic, only Scholar and Allomancer primary-fighting (Inquisitor).

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I would be a Mistborn-Ferring

Reason: I want to be able to "fly" using pushes and pulls


My feruchemical ability would be Brass, because I live in Wisconsin. Or it would be Bendalloy, because I love eating and drinking (I live in Wisconsin).

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Something to keep in mind: Though we've apparently never seen anyone but the Lord Ruler do it, it's implied that feruchemy can enhance allomancy in some way. There's some speculation as to what this actually means. Some people think this means nicrosil can enhance any allomantic metal. Some people think compounding simply works both ways, that if you have double steel you not only get functionally infinite speed reserves, but you'll also be able to do astounding feats of steel allomancy. Something to keep in mind as you pick which metal to double; a mistborn with bendalloy might be able to compress time to an astonishing degree.


I wonder if this might explain how that one Inquisitor Vin fights at Kredik Shaw the first time had such exceptionally powerful Pushes and Pulls; maybe he simply had a spike for iron feruchemy, and adjusted his weight, and possibly also used it to make his Ironpulls stronger.

Edited by Oudeis
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Well, from what we can tell, you think faster; this doesn't mean you think any better.


And any other feruchemist could think super-fast, just not as often as you, and you don't have to recharge. So... the most consistently fast-thinking feruchemist? And also rioting happens. Possibly super-powerful rioting.

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I'm already a zinc compounder *cough*totally*cough* So thinking fast and rioting fast is definitely what I want.


Then again there is allomantic chromium... I can just be very lucky when I think instead of thinking really fast... Feruchemist with allomantic chromium would be pretty useful, just for compounding. Or the other way around. You can be very lucky when steelpushing.


Leecher/Feruchemist then. I dont really need the rioting with duralumin feruchemy.

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I m not sure that the Feruchemy are a poor choise aganist the allomancy in fighting, maybe just for a ferring VS Misting.

The combo for a feruchemist are a lot and many Feruchemical Metal offer a usefull way to use also while storing.

Maybe our view of Feruchemical power come to the fact, that we never see a true warrior in this magic, only Scholar and Allomancer primary-fighting (Inquisitor).

The difference is that an allomancer's ability to continue fighting is dependent on how much metal they have to burn, which is just dependent on the deepness of their wallets. Feruchemy takes a while to build up, and in order to overwhelm a mistborn you'll probably burn through months of charge in minutes. Edited by natc
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I think an exaggeration, with just a little math we could see how a Feruchemist (or Ferring) who spend an hour at day for a month (for easy calculation 32 days) could fight with an attribute multiplied 17 time for un hour before the metalmind run out of power.


In the books, we never see a serius feruchemical warrior and in the Allow of Law the only examples of Twinborn are not very rappresentative.

- Wax run out of weight only when trying to use all the feruchemical charge together.

- Wayne run out of healt very often, but the gold fast healing use a hight multipler to work (because the human usually don't regenerate).


We are to much accostumed to The Terrisian-Keeper, but they weren't fighter, just scholar.

Edited by Yata
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It's a tough choice. On one hand, I really love the idea of being a Mistborn with Feruchemical iron as well. Imagine the potential with Allomantic steel and Allomantic iron if you can manipulate your weight. 


On the other hand, if you are a Feruchemist/Misting, the real choice for you is which Feruchemical metal do you most want to compound? Gold is the obvious choice, but also done to death (or more specifically, not to death since you heal too fast). 


However, for sheer power I'd say go with Feruchemist/Nicroburst. Compounding Feruchemical Nicrosil has disgusting potential beyond just about anything else I could think of, as you are literally creating extra investiture from nothing that can feed into anything else. 

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It's a tough choice. On one hand, I really love the idea of being a Mistborn with Feruchemical iron as well. Imagine the potential with Allomantic steel and Allomantic iron if you can manipulate your weight. 

What it does Wax for the entire book.

You could turn yourself in an Anchor and half your weight to gain more speed/power using other Anchor. Very powerfull combo 

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I think an exaggeration, with just a little math we could see how a Feruchemist (or Ferring) who spend an hour at day for a month (for easy calculation 32 days) could fight with an attribute multiplied 17 time for un hour before the metalmind run out of power.

In the books, we never see a serius feruchemical warrior and in the Allow of Law the only examples of Twinborn are not very rappresentative.

- Wax run out of weight only when trying to use all the feruchemical charge together.

- Wayne run out of healt very often, but the gold fast healing use a hight multipler to work (because the human usually don't regenerate).

We are to much accostumed to The Terrisian-Keeper, but they weren't fighter, just scholar.

True. It always bugged me that Sazed never sought any combat training from Ham despite being member of a hunted secret society that has to guard his life and knowledge with everything he has. In the hands of a skilled martial artist feruchemy can allow amazing superhuman feats worthy of wuxia movies, like jumping dozens of feet high by tapping weight, dancing throught a rain of arrows or many other things that would reduce an inquisitor's options to trying to hit you with a lucky coin.

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Actually, doesn't Wax only constantly store as much weight as he does because he can't actually walk properly if he was any lighter? I'm not sure if you can jump that well with just weight alone. With the other powers as well it would work though, I guess.

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. . . you're not contradicting me either. Why do people in discussions trying to correct me on things never actually contradict me?

I know why he is constantly storing. I'm trying to recall if they really mentioned why he stops at 70%.

Edited by natc
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Actually, doesn't Wax only constantly store as much weight as he does because he can't actually walk properly if he was any lighter? I'm not sure if you can jump that well with just weight alone. With the other powers as well it would work though, I guess.

Yes, it wouldn't work with just lowered weight, since the wind would blow you like a pipe, but with feruchemical strenght and speed or allomantic pewter it could work at 50% weight.

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I think an exaggeration, with just a little math we could see how a Feruchemist (or Ferring) who spend an hour at day for a month (for easy calculation 32 days) could fight with an attribute multiplied 17 time for un hour before the metalmind run out of power.



Aru? Not following your math. First, 32/2 is 16; if there were perfect efficiency, you could spend an hour at x16 an attribute for an hour.


But there is loss. Sazed mentions this at some point. The faster you draw out an attribute, the more of it is lost. We're given no real sense of the multiplier or algorithm, but Sazed stores up speed near-constantly for five days, and goes through it all in a few seconds at not much more than maybe 6x or 7x. So the loss is non-negligible.



Compounding Feruchemical Nicrosil has disgusting potential beyond just about anything else I could think of, as you are literally creating extra investiture from nothing that can feed into anything else. 


Just pointing out that we don't actually know what feruchemical nicrosil does. Still, it is probably pretty cool.

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. . . you're not contradicting me either. Why do people in discussions trying to correct me on things never actually contradict me?

I know why he is constantly storing. I'm trying to recall if they really mentioned why he stops at 70%.

Sorry I have read the post in the wrong way :(



Aru? Not following your math. First, 32/2 is 16; if there were perfect efficiency, you could spend an hour at x16 an attribute for an hour.


But there is loss. Sazed mentions this at some point. The faster you draw out an attribute, the more of it is lost. We're given no real sense of the multiplier or algorithm, but Sazed stores up speed near-constantly for five days, and goes through it all in a few seconds at not much more than maybe 6x or 7x. So the loss is non-negligible.

I think you miss the basic Feruchemist Attribute, you drawn a attribute*16 from the metalmind plus our normal attribute.

The Feruchemy is the art of balance, what you store you could use, there isn't lost.

The Sazed mention that you remember, was about the Rashek's "Immortality Trick" and the "lost" was the ammount of youth to keep the LR young while he became always older and older.


The speed fact is strange but maybe Sazed isn't storage too much, for the everyday life, the speedloss is heavy. Maybe Sazed was storing only the 10% of his speed of maybe he hasn't a much bigger metalmind.

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