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Theory: Classical Scadrial and Worldhopping


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One other thing to point out - the OP says that there aren't Godmetal mistings under normal circumstances. What about all the Seers in HoA?


From what we know, Leras tinkered around with the magic system to create Seers in the first place, as a way to fight against Ruin and use up atium. I think it's official that Harmony changed things so that there are no longer any Seers- things are 'normal' now (as of Alloy of Law).

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From what we know, Leras tinkered around with the magic system to create Seers in the first place, as a way to fight against Ruin and use up atium. I think it's official that Harmony changed things so that there are no longer any Seers- things are 'normal' now (as of Alloy of Law).


Gotcha, thanks @Moogle! Is this WOB, or did I just totally not pick up on this from AoL? I had assumed that there were Seers, but they were unaware because there was no atium available.

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Gotcha, thanks @Moogle! Is this WOB, or did I just totally not pick up on this from AoL? I had assumed that there were Seers, but they were unaware because there was no atium available.


It's a tricky combination of guesswork, since we're not even sure what it means for Leras and Harmony to have changed the Allomantic table, or to what degree they were able to. Here's a bunch of relevant WoBs. The most relevant is this:




Hemalurgically, atium steals Allomantic Temporal Powers. But, that seems unlikely, since atium is a god metal. It wouldn't fit in with the rest of the magic system. Did Preservation, in addition to switching Cadmium and Bendalloy for Atium and Malatium, also switch atium's Feruchemical and Hemalurgic powers with Cadmium? Because it seems to me there's not a lot of atium Marsh can use to live for hundreds of years into the next Mistborn trilogy.


Brandon Sanderson

Preservation wanted Atium and Malatium to be of use to the people, as he recognized that it would be a very powerful tool—and that using it up could help defeat Ruin. But he also recognized that sixteen was a mythological important number, and felt it would make the best sign for his followers. So he took out the most unlikely (difficult to make and use) metals for his sign to his followers



Which shows Leras monkeyed around with the system. I believe the WoB saying Sazed changed things back is in HoA or else the annotations for Mistborn somewhere, and I can't find it with a quick search. It's possible it doesn't exist, but what we do know is that the Mists did not Snap Cadmium/Bendalloy Mistings while Leras was around, but Cadmium/Bendalloy Mistings exist post-Harmony.


I brought up a theory revolving around it, and there's more discussion on atium Mistings here.

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