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What is Feruchemy of?


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My impression is that it's neither.  It was either innate to Scadrial, or it was an unintended result of them creating those two magic systems.  The Shards also don't seem to completely create magic systems as much as they make them work in a way that is consistent with their intent, so it's possible that the magic systems exist independent of the Shards, and then the particular Shards that end up on a planet or whose investiture is most prevalent (for the lesser Shardworlds) decides how the magic systems available end up manifesting themselves.



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Technically Hemalurgy is of Ruin and Allomancy is of Preservation, not Ati or Leras. Feruchemy is of both, HoA does describe it as the balance between the two.


As for how magic systems arise, it's correct to say that the Shards do not actively "create" them.  They arise naturally from the interactions between the Shards in question and the planet they are Investing in.

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"Feruchemy, it should be noted, is the power of balance. Of the three powers, only it was known to men before the conflict between Preservation and Ruin came to a head. In Feruchemy, power is stored up, then later drawn upon. There is no loss of energy—just a changing of the time and rate of its use." HoA, Chapter 34

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Is it because Hemalurgy is end-negative, Allomancy is end-positive, so to balance it Feruchemy is end-neutral?


I don't think so, there doesn't appear to be any ultimate balancing act between the end-states of magic systems across the cosmere.  End-negative systems are supposed to be fairly rare with the vast majority of systems being end-positive or at the very least end-neutral.

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