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If Twilight Sparkle fought Steelheart, who would win?


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This actually doesn't have an easy answer. Twilight has shown telekines (sorry bad spelling), teleportation, and flight powers. She has an array of spells to rival Harry Potter. And at times she can shoot huge blasts of energy from her and/or her eyeballs.


On the other hand, Steelheart is virtually invincible. But what if Twilight could render him immobile (i.e. turn him into stone)? Do you think she could defeat this powerful Epic?

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I can't believe that this is actually a thing. The Reckoners RPG really is crazy, isn't it?

        On a relevant note, the pony wins if she has no fear of Steelheart, otherwise Steelheart wins. 

This topic is not assossiated or espoused by the RP. :ph34r:

Anyway, that only thing Twilight could possibly have is plot armor and without that Steelheart would blow her up on virtue of not being able to loose the fight alone. It's not like she can constantly go DBZ.

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Any of the ponies would fear him at least a little, so they wouldn't be able to physically harm him. However, the Elements of Harmony are a force of power far beyond what meager might Steelheart possesses. The Elements and their concentrated power have been successfully used against:


  • An immortal archmage possessed by a sentient shadow. The first time the Elements imprisoned said archmage in the moon for a thousand years; the second time they destroyed the sentient shadow and purified the host.
  • The primordial god of chaos, shown to be completely indestructible and capable of instantly reshaping the planet to fit his will. The Elements imprisoned him in stone, robbing him of his powers and leaving him sentient but immobile for a thousand years. And the Elements did this twice.
  • Finally, the power of the Elements were absorbed into their Bearers, and used against Lord Tirek. Tirek was a powerful archmage in his own right, who had absorbed the magical strength of most of the people of Equestria--including both previous targets of the Elements of Harmony. The Elements easily countered his magic and banished him to Hell.


Twilight Sparkle wouldn't be able to directly harm Steelheart; at most, on her own she'd be able to trap him somewhere. But with her friends, with the Elements of Harmony powered by the magic of friendship on her side, Steelheart would be like a bug against a windshield.


(Personally, my headcanon is that the Elements of Harmony would sever his connection with Calamity, depowering him and returning him to the level of a normal human. Steelheart might be an indestructible demigod capable of taking on an alicorn archmage. Paul Jackson would not.)

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Any of the ponies would fear him at least a little, so they wouldn't be able to physically harm him. However, the Elements of Harmony are a force of power far beyond what meager might Steelheart possesses. The Elements and their concentrated power have been successfully used against:


  • An immortal archmage possessed by a sentient shadow. The first time the Elements imprisoned said archmage in the moon for a thousand years; the second time they destroyed the sentient shadow and purified the host.
  • The primordial god of chaos, shown to be completely indestructible and capable of instantly reshaping the planet to fit his will. The Elements imprisoned him in stone, robbing him of his powers and leaving him sentient but immobile for a thousand years. And the Elements did this twice.
  • Finally, the power of the Elements were absorbed into their Bearers, and used against Lord Tirek. Tirek was a powerful archmage in his own right, who had absorbed the magical strength of most of the people of Equestria--including both previous targets of the Elements of Harmony. The Elements easily countered his magic and banished him to Hell.


Twilight Sparkle wouldn't be able to directly harm Steelheart; at most, on her own she'd be able to trap him somewhere. But with her friends, with the Elements of Harmony powered by the magic of friendship on her side, Steelheart would be like a bug against a windshield.


(Personally, my headcanon is that the Elements of Harmony would sever his connection with Calamity, depowering him and returning him to the level of a normal human. Steelheart might be an indestructible demigod capable of taking on an alicorn archmage. Paul Jackson would not.)

You may notice three main flaws in your argument.

1)Turning a 1v1 scenario in a 1v6 scenario.

2)As far as I am aware there is nothing know about how this whole absorbed elemnts of harmony work now, so for all we know Steelheart could kill them while they go through the necessary emotional journey. Seeing how they didn't even activate when one of them was in mortal peril or magically depowered themselves, I would not count for them when dealing with a villain that won't respect the "you may not kill the protagonist" rule.

3)Assuming one absolute that has never meet an equal in it's setting can just overpower another of such absolutes.

Edited by Edgedancer
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You may notice three main flaws in your argument.

1)Turning a 1v1 scenario in a 1v6 scenario.

2)As far as I am aware there is nothing know about how this whole absorbed elemnts of harmony work now, so for all we know Steelheart could kill them while they go through the necessary emotional journey. Seeing how they didn't even activate when one of them was in mortal peril or magically depowered themselves, I would not count for them when dealing with a villain that won't respect the "you may not kill the protagonist" rule.

3)Assuming one absolute that has never meet an equal in it's setting can just overpower another of such absolutes.


1. I admitted that Twilight on her own wouldn't be able to do much. Nothing in the OP said I couldn't do a little expansion for the fun of it. ;)


2. So? We're not necessarily talking about the current point in the show. I was merely stating that the Elements have demonstrated they possess the capability of neutralizing Steelheart once activated. (Besides which, if they hid out in the Everfree Steelheart would probably never even find them. Heck, if they just convinced Discord to let them hide out at his house Steelheart could search a hundred years and never find them. I won't even get into what would happen to Steelheart if Discord learned about his intentions to harm Fluttershy.)


3. I... sorry, but I don't actually understand what you're saying there. My argument is that the Elements have neutralized quite a few indestructible demigods, ones with far greater demonstrated capabilities than Steelheart. Assuming Steelheart would be somehow immune because of his invulnerability is kind of silly.



As a meta argument: Steelheart is heavily modeled after Superman, who is canonically vulnerable to magic. 

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You may notice three main flaws in your argument.

1)Turning a 1v1 scenario in a 1v6 scenario.

2)As far as I am aware there is nothing know about how this whole absorbed elemnts of harmony work now, so for all we know Steelheart could kill them while they go through the necessary emotional journey. Seeing how they didn't even activate when one of them was in mortal peril or magically depowered themselves, I would not count for them when dealing with a villain that won't respect the "you may not kill the protagonist" rule.

3)Assuming one absolute that has never meet an equal in it's setting can just overpower another of such absolutes.


Though I agree with your assessment of Kobold's arguments, I must say I find myself agreeing with Kobold. Were this fight made to allow Twilight the functioning Elements of Harmony, Steelheart is doomed. 


However, harking back to Twilight's fight with Tirek (spoilers of MLP season 4 finale below)

As Kobold noted, Tirek held what was essentially all of the magic on Equestria upon fighting Twilight. The battle was essentially the sum total of all EPU magic and Discord vs the sum total of Alicorn magic. Twilight, with her power boost, went toe-to-toe with Tirek in classic DBZ fashion.


So assuming this discussion involves the two characters in their most powerful states, it's Super Alicorn Twilight vs. Steelheart, which turns the important question into: How does Steelheart compare to EPU+Discord enhanced Tirek?


Personally I'd argue Tirek and Steelheart about the same, which then means Twilight would go toe to toe with Steelheart. It then becomes a simple matter of how long it'll take before Twi's fear of Steelheart diminishes? 


Those are my thoughts.

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3. I... sorry, but I don't actually understand what you're saying there. My argument is that the Elements have neutralized quite a few indestructible demigods, ones with far greater demonstrated capabilities than Steelheart. Assuming Steelheart would be somehow immune because of his invulnerability is kind of silly.

What I'm saying is that Steelheart's invulnerability is ultimately rooted in Calamity and we have absolutely no scale to compare the strenght of that with that of the Elements. Sure they were able to overpower Discord but in a way so was Tirek, which in turn also revealed that whatever makes Discord as powerful as he is, is not raw magical power. There simply isn't any scale for measure that can allow for saying the EoH can do something about a Calamity made absolute, exept that they are a children cartoon emergency power and as such need to be more powerful than anything in their own universe but given that Calamity is not a part of their universe that plain isn't a valid argument. 

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What I'm saying is that Steelheart's invulnerability is ultimately rooted in Calamity and we have absolutely no scale to compare the strenght of that with that of the Elements. Sure they were able to overpower Discord but in a way so was Tirek, which in turn also revealed that whatever makes Discord as powerful as he is, is not raw magical power. There simply isn't any scale for measure that can allow for saying the EoH can do something about a Calamity made absolute, exept that they are a children cartoon emergency power and as such need to be more powerful than anything in their own universe but given that Calamity is not a part of their universe that plain isn't a valid argument. 


Steelheart doesn't possess Calamity's whole power any more than Curveball does--he has only one power that matters in the face of the Elements, and that's his invulnerability.


His invulnerability is not an absolute. It does not give him the ability to thwart any attempt at fighting him--his invulnerability only ensures that his skin can't be cut and his bones can't be broken. He could still be trapped in the moon or banished to Tartarus.



And heck, even without the Elements he could probably be brainwashed into coveting Twilight's Mr. Smartypants doll or turned into a Breezie. Steelheart's a big deal in his own universe, but in the end, he's just an indestructible man who can fly and shoot lasers from his hands. The Elements, and Twilight herself, have defeated far more intimidating foes, and there's nothing special about Steelheart that makes him any different.

Edited by Kobold King
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Steelheart doesn't possess Calamity's whole power any more than Curveball does--he has only one power that matters in the face of the Elements, and that's his invulnerability.


His invulnerability is not an absolute. They do not give him the ability to thwart any attempt at fighting him--his invulnerability only ensures that his skin can't be cut and his bones can't be broken. He could still be trapped in the moon or banished to Tartarus.



And heck, even without the Elements he could probably be brainwashed into coveting Twilight's Mr. Smartypants doll or turned into a Breezie. Steelheart's a big deal in his own universe, but in the end, he's just an indestructible man who can fly and shoot lasers from his hands. The Elements, and Twilight herself, have defeated far more intimidating foes, and there's nothing special about Steelheart that makes him any different.

The ability to throw him into Tartarus would win them the fight yes. No clue if he could get out of there again but I supposse that doesn't exactly matter at this point. (Though given that he doesn't suffocate and then some you are kind of understating his powers.)


I kind of well the compulsion to make a devil's advocate claim like, Calamity's mere presence might potentially corrupt the owners (or at least Twilight) of the Elements simliarily to how Discord did, though that does seems about as far fetched as over powering Steelheart's invulnerability. :ph34r: 

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The ability to throw him into Tartarus would win them the fight yes. No clue if he could get out of there again but I supposse that doesn't exactly matter at this point. (Though given that he doesn't suffocate and then some you are kind of understating his powers.)


I kind of well the compulsion to make a devil's advocate claim like, Calamity's mere presence might potentially corrupt the owners (or at least Twilight) of the Elements simliarily to how Discord did, though that does seems about as far fetched as over powering Steelheart's invulnerability. :ph34r:


I purposefully understated it to make a point. My point is, his power is the ability to resist all forms of physical harm--but the Elements don't need to inflict physical harm in order to win the fight. Using the Elements to imprison him would be like using the Elements to take Curveball's gun--they may not be capable of overriding his Calamity-granted powers, but they can certainly work around them.



To counter the devil's advocate claim: (Firefight spoilers):


if Steelheart went to Equestria, maybe Luna could do something about those pesky nightmares of his. Considering her modus operandi is helping others to face their fears, she could potentially wind up redeeming Steelheart and getting him to embrace the power of friendship. :ph34r:

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I purposefully understated it to make a point. My point is, his power is the ability to resist all forms of physical harm--but the Elements don't need to inflict physical harm in order to win the fight. Using the Elements to imprison him would be like using the Elements to take Curveball's gun--they may not be capable of overriding his Calamity-granted powers, but they can certainly work around them.



To counter the devil's advocate claim: (Firefight spoilers):


if Steelheart went to Equestria, maybe Luna could do something about those pesky nightmares of his. Considering her modus operandi is helping others to face their fears, she could potentially wind up redeeming Steelheart and getting him to embrace the power of friendship. :ph34r:

Now that is a fan-fiction idea the fandom hasn't given enough attention yet. :P

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