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Ghostbloods- They know more than we think.


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I was poking around in the forums, and saw a quote of Shallan speaking to Kabsal about the Voidbringers were needed in Vorinism to oppose the Radiants. However, Kabsal didn't say "the world needs them" or "Religion needs them" he said "The COSMERE needs them." (Halfway expects Phantom Monstrosity to supply quote before I'm finished typing post.)


This makes me think that the Ghostbloods are Cosmere aware. 

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It is possible.  But it also may be a term which originated on among shardworld populations due to the influence of their respective shard(s).  In other words, all the Shards know the cosmos by the name the cosmere.  It is possible that the word 'cosmere' was introduced into the shardworld populations by the overseeing shard(s) as the name for the cosmos without any introduction of knowledge of other shards or shardworlds.


That being said, Shadesmar seems to be relatively well-known to Rosharians (example: Geranid and apparently the Ardentia).  It also seems to be relatively easy to access (see Shallan and Jasnah as well as anyone in the past with the same ability).  Given that, it seems that some level of travel in and exploration of Shadesmar was conducted.  It is not too big of a stretch to think that someone could have found other shardworlds this way.  If the Ardentia is cosmere aware, then it is safe to say that the Ghostbloods are likewise cosmere aware.

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Over all, we get 4 references of the Cosmere from 3 people. One from Hoid in the letter, one when Jasnah is scoffing at Shallan for something or other, one when Kabsal is talking to Shallan, and one from Hoid-as-Wit to Dalinar in his farewell.

Since Jasnah mentioned it so very casually to Shallan (when they first met, in fact), I would assume that it's a fairly well known term in certain circles.

And don't worry, that wasn't from memory. eBooks are wonderful things.

Edited by Kurkistan
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