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Anyone else think that slowswift is Hoid? I was rereading HoA and I came to the part where Vin visits him, and talks about possibly going to see Hoid afterwards. She does not, but it seems like a coincidence that Hoid, who was in Luthadel in Mistborn as a beggar is in another city. The descriptions are close enough and informant is the part that Hoid likes to play.

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In the annotations, yeah, but not in the book.

No, it does mention it- once.

m3: Hardcover, pg.167

She picked an informant from the other end of the spectrum- a beggar named Hoid whom Cett claimed could be found in a particular square late at night.

Then Hoid wistles, which is the sign that he is Hoid, but something seems off to Vin, so she bolts, patting herself on the back for trusting her instincts.

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The real question is this: what caused the dissonance in Vin?

Should we read nothing into it? Was it just a way of characterizing Vin as instinctual?

Or was it something Cosmeric? Was there Something (some Intent, some shard-connection) in Hoid that made Something in Vin recoil? I so, which of her Influences was it: Ruin (who had a strong Cognitive influence on her) or Preservation (who had a strong Physical influence on her)? Either choice would have some really interesting implications on Hoid, his powers, and his Intent.

Thus ends my spontaneous bedtime wandering

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Would Preservation have a Physical influence on her? I thought that it would be Spiritual. Vin's soul has a closer access to Preservation's power that she does of Ruin (as an allomancer, and as a human, and I guess as a Sliver as well).

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No, it does mention it- once.

m3: Hardcover, pg.167

Then Hoid wistles, which is the sign that he is Hoid, but something seems off to Vin, so she bolts, patting herself on the back for trusting her instincts.

Ah, I wasn't entirely sure and it turns out I was right not to be. Thank you for the quote.

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I wonder. The fact that Syl knew something was off about Hoid suggests that it may be possible for somebody with enough of a Shard in them to recognize that Hoid is different, somehow.

Edit: By this, I'm talking about the scene in TWoK where Hoid talks to Kaladin, and Syl notices that something is off. The fact that Vin also noticed that something is off in MB3 might be connected.

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Would Preservation have a Physical influence on her? I thought that it would be Spiritual. Vin's soul has a closer access to Preservation's power that she does of Ruin (as an allomancer, and as a human, and I guess as a Sliver as well).

I chose Physical for Preservation because her Preservation-magic (allomancy) was genetic. You might be right about who affects what about Vin but, regardless of how she's affected, it's interesting to speculate as to which of the 2 didn't want her to see Hoid.

Maybe she felt what Syl felt but, having her specific life experience and personality, she chose to cut and run (while Syl, inquisitive little truster that she is, merely observes). Maybe that's the extent to which Shard-waves were involved. It has a feel of simplicity (and character-driven writing) that resonates with me.

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