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Hoid- just an idle observation.


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Sanderson has stated that Hoid possesses feruchemy. However, it is known or theorized that Hoid is Midius from Yolen. Sanderson has said that you have to be from Scadrial to possess feruchemy or allomancy. Did Hoid get a Hemalurgic spike for feruchemy? 

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Sanderson has stated that Hoid possesses feruchemy. However, it is known or theorized that Hoid is Midius from Yolen. Sanderson has said that you have to be from Scadrial to possess feruchemy or allomancy. Did Hoid get a Hemalurgic spike for feruchemy? 

Hoid knew Ati (and maybe Leras) personally.


He founded the Worldsingers in Way of Kings, and according to Sanderson the similiarity in names between the Worldsingers and Worldbringers isn't a coincidence.


It's entirely possible that he got his abilities at the same time as the other first feruchemists did.  We know shards can grant people access to their magic systems, so Hoid might've hit up Leras and/or Ati for feruchemy. 



1) If Odium were lured to Scadrial, would his physical body turn into a burnable metal?

1) The difficulty here is, again, one of Identity. People born on Scadrial have an Identity tied to it and its magic. Odium would have to do certain things to make them able to use a magic he fuels. He has done these things on Roshar, so it's not impossible for him to manage it on Scadrial.


I don't think a spike is particularly likely.  It would make Hoid susceptible to ruin's influence, and someone who has his own agenda wouldn't want that type of backdoor.

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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We know shards can grant people access to their magic systems, so Hoid might've hit up Leras and/or Ati for feruchemy.

Yo Leras, hook a brotha up with some Feruchemy? :P

But seriously, I agree. It seems unlikely that Hoid would want to leave himself open to that kind of mental vulnerability.

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I see several ways for Hoid to get access to other worlds magic. Basically, your Identity needs to be attuned to the shard and you need some of the shards's Investiture before you can use the magic.

Let's focus first on Identity:

1) He knew both Ati and Leras personally. Perhaps his Identity was already attuned to them?

2) He could have lived on Scadrial long enough to attune the same way the Feruchemists did.

3) He could use an Aluminum spike and steal Identity from a native.

4) He could have used a bead of Lerasium during his first trip to Scadrial a few epochs in the past. I believe Lerasium can attune you to multiple shards at once if you burn it with that specific purpose.

5) Other options we don't yet know...

He would still need to get Investiture from both Shards

1) Hemalurgy is the simplest explanation. Grab a nicrosil spike and a bystander off the street

2) Petition both Shards for some Investiture. He may have been their friend on Yolen so it isn't completely far fetched. ("Yo Leras, hook a brotha up with some Feruchemy? ")

3) He is a pre-shattering human, and his original Investiture from Adonalsium already contains a piece from all 16 Shards. (My favorite theory)

4) Figure out a way for Scadrians to voluntarily give away their Investiture (could work like Breath?)

5) Other options we don't know.

So many ways to do it, and I'm guessing Brandon will choose Option 5 on both parts.

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We know that Hoid uses Feruchemy but we don't know how.  We've all been under the impression that he has been using it the way those in the Final Empire used it.  What if he is doing it the "mechanical" way that the Southern Peoples use?

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The tricky bit is that this could be a bit of a chicken and the egg scenario.  Hoid uses Feruchemy to know where he needs to be and when he needs to be there.  So he would have had to have either gone to Scadrial prior to TFE (for a social call?) to receive his Feruchemy so that he was able to know that he needed to be there at the time of the Mistborn trilogy, or he had an ability already that was so similar to Feruchemy that it might as well be called Feruchemy.  If I am not mistaken, the Lightweaving that Hoid has (at least non-canonically from Liar) has a close similarity to a surge on Roshar.  This may be a precedent for Hoid perhaps having access to Feruchemy from a source other than Scadrial.


Now, having said that, we know pre-shattering abilities are not as potent as Shard powered abilities.  So it is likely that's Hoid's Feruchemy, while sufficient for his needs (worldhopping and timing), may not be as powerful as Scadrial Feruchemy.

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Now, having said that, we know pre-shattering abilities are not as potent as Shard powered abilities.


Not really.  Any remaining pre-shattering systems are smaller in scope, but that doesn't say anything about how powerful they are.  And there could be systems that were lost with the shattering.


After all, breath is pretty small in scope...

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So Hoid is a pre-shattering human. If we assume that he was created by Andolsium, then it's likely he is invested with "pure" Andolsium, rather  than just invested with a piece of it (in the way that Vin is only invested with power from Preservation and Ruin). Therefore it's possible that his "unshattered" investiture actually allows him to access ALL magic systems in the cosmere. So all he has to do to use feruchemy is acquire some metal from Scadrial ( I just assume that Scadrial is the only place that has metal which can be used for the metallic arts) and start using his furochemy.


I bet all he needs is a properly attuned focus and he can do pretty much anything that any other magic user in the cosmere can do. Also if this is true it explains why Brandon claims that Hoid could wipe the floor with Rand Al'thor. TLR was worshipped as a god by having access to only 3 magic systems. Imagine someone who could readily use them all...

Edited by Galavantes?
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I believe it's been confirmed that metal from anywhere in the cosmere would work. It's not like the atomic structure of the metal alters from world to world. The shape of the metal and the alloy what counts, not where it's from.

Also, I'd be interested to see the quote about Hoid fighting Rand. It rings a bell, but I can't remember quite where...

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I believe it's been confirmed that metal from anywhere in the cosmere would work. It's not like the atomic structure of the metal alters from world to world. The shape of the metal and the alloy what counts, not where it's from.

Also, I'd be interested to see the quote about Hoid fighting Rand. It rings a bell, but I can't remember quite where...

Windrunner doesn't have a source for a quote? This is momentous. ;) The context was during the Suvudu Cage Match that Rand won. George Martin tried to cheat and bring in characters from all his books including Wild Cards. As Brandon had already taken over WoT at this point he said something about bringing in characters from HIS books, saying something along the lines of: "If I could bring Hoid Rand would be toast."

But as to where that quote was actually made, well I don't know. Could be the old TWG, or a response he posted to Suvudu.

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Also, I'd be interested to see the quote about Hoid fighting Rand. It rings a bell, but I can't remember quite where...




And finally, since I’m allowed, I’ll bring Hoid along. He’ll be watching from the crowd. And he’s not likely to let Rand lose.

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