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What Do You Hope/Expect Will Be Revealed?

Otto Didact

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I've been thinking a bit about clues in tWoK and what's likely to be revealed directly in WoR (rather than later books) and I'm curious to know what everyone thinks. I personally think that we're going to get a lowdown on Surgebinding from Jasnah. Her comments when she finds out that Shallan can Soulcast seem to indicate that she knows a lot about the different bonding-spren and the Surges that each Order can bind. I don't think, however, that we'll find out who was trying to kill Elhokar until later. What do you all think?

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I expect that we will get revelations to all the mysteries in Shallans's past.

  • How did she get her Shardblade?
  • How did she kill her father? If in fact she really did?
  • How did her Mother/Stepmother die?
  • WoR spoiler:

    What was the monster in the safe?

I also hope that we will get more information about(Related to shallan):

  • The fate of her dead/missing brother. (Relation to unnamed Shardbearer?)
  • More about the Gostbloods and her fathers involvement with them
  • How does innate soulcasting work?

Things not connected to Shallan:

  • How shardplate/shardblades are created. (I suspect Kaladin will be a shardbearer at the book and not by killing one and taking the dropped ones)
  • Why did the parshendi kill Gavilar?
  • Will Dalinar giving up his shards start make him start acquire radiant powers?
  • WoR spoiler:

    What is storm-form?

  • Will Adolin be able to keep his current "girlfriend"?
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We know at least part of the reason why the Parshendi killed Gavilar. It was a failed attempt to stop him bringing about the return of their gods. The things he told them terrified them so much that Eshonai and four others made a pact to kill him.

By the way, you don't have to use spoiler tags as this is a spoiler subforum.

Also, I am of the opinion that the monster in the safe is simply the Soulcaster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jasnah held up her freehand, Soulcaster glistening against the skin. Shallan felt her heartbeat speed up. She’d never seen Soulcasting done in person. The ardents were very secretive in using their fabrials, and she hadn’t even known that her father had one until they’d found it on him. Of course, his no longer worked. That was one of the main reasons she was here.

That seems to be a problem with it being the Soulcaster.


Newest reading we've seen on here seems to suggest that Taravangian is taking a journey on a boat.  I wonder if he's going to the Shattered Plains as well.  I'm still thinking he might be Restares, even if he's not, I think we'll get some hints on who Restares and Thaidakar are, along with just general information on the plans and machinations taking place in the background of the series. 


The first book had a lot of worldbuilding, as the series progresses there will probably be less new information on the physical, political, and economic environments, and more focus on backstory and event progression.

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The Parshendi killed Gavilar to keep him from doing something that he had already done.  This act of Gavilar's may have triggered the final desolation. 

Why didn't they just explain to him why he shouldn't do it?

Where have the Parshendi been?

When was Szeth's sword made?  Who made it?

Does Szeth's windrunning come from the sword?

What do the Parshendi know of their history?

Why did the Radiants quit? What did they do afterwards?

Is there a big stash of weapons and armor in Urithiru?

What shattered Natanatan?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to see Jasnah and Dalinar's theological discussion, about what it means to be a theist or atheist when God is dead. (Brandon said they'd have this discussion, but didn't say what book it'll be in. I hope Book 2!) I wonder if she'd believe in the Almighty, since the language in the visions is real evidence, but still call herself an atheist by denying that the Almighty was a source of truth or authority, and not worthy of the title God. Like, she'd say he was just a powerful spren, like some people say about the Nightwatcher. The reaction from Shallan would be priceless too. "What, you believe in the Almighty now but you're still an atheist?!"

Or ... it could go other ways too. I just want to read it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think Adolin is going to die.


why is he going to die?

his point of few is not offering anything special anymore.

everything he can do, another pov char is offering too + more.

he was interresting as

-shard/platebarer, but so its the new character of the pashendi and (Shallan)/Szeth/Kaladin have a fighting pov too.

-new high-prince to replace "crazy" Dalinar <- this is no longer the case/needed.

-protecting his weak brother/king <- the brother has a shard plate now.

And the king is propably going to change alot in the next book(learning about his following spren)


so if there is not a huge role change for Adolin, he has nothing to offer, except marriage.



there are going to be too many pov chars in one place.


1 Adolin, 2 Dalinar, 3 Kaladin, 4 Navani, ( 5 Szeth, 6 Shallan)

Edited by Crysanja
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Unless Szeth succeeds and Adolin becomes Highprince....


Would be an excellent way to introduce confilct between Adolin and Kaladin


Adolin is likely to be mistrustful of Kaladin anyway, but if Kaladin fails to protect his father....


That could be some really interesting dynamics between the remaining characters.

Edited by MadRand
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