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I seem to remember reading that they were planning to do Legends as an anthology type show, with a different group of people each season.  I really hope that is true.  partly this is because hawkgirl and especially hawkman look really boring, and switching them out can only be a positive thing, and partly because DC has a lot of interesting characters on their deep bench that I'd like to see show up.

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I don't mind the characters themselves so much, but, man, does Hawkman ever look like a dumb dudebro. If the Legends had a yearbook, he'd be voted Most Likely to Order a Pitcher of Beer. The pictures on his Facebook page would all be shots of himself in a mirror, iPhone in his right hand, left hand lifting his tank top so you can see his abs. I am soooooooooo mad that Cisco, who is awesome, lost his girlfriend to that douchey dude.

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Arrow spoilers

So lots of interesting things, Felicity is definitely not the dead person in four months but her reaction at the end leads me to believe it's probably her mother.

I also think so. 



What's the deal with Felicity having permanent damage to her spine? Can't they... oh I don't know... maybe contact the guy named after a wizard that just happens to own an magical healing pond? Or did the pond stop working? Did I miss anything?

Edited by Pestis the Spider
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I also think so. 



What's the deal with Felicity having permanent damage to her spine? Can't they... oh I don't know... maybe contact the guy named after a wizard that just happens to own an magical healing pond? Or did the pond stop working? Did I miss anything?

The Lazarus Pit? Yeah that got ruined. Although pretty sure that between Team Arrow and Team Flash they could work something out. Heck Ray already has a mech suit, just give felicity the legs for it and boom, problem solved.

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Damien's family....I love it Soooo Much!

I had no memory of anarchy being on the show before, but I guess he was?...

The flashback sequence was cool, with Oliver's tattoos doing that glowy thing.

I'm betting Felicity's mom as well. I don't see Barry coming to Starling unless something really bad happens to Oliver or Felicity, and Donna dying would work.

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My problem with it being Felicity's mother doesn't explain the emotion Oliver is displaying, nor the lack of emotion Felicity displayed. Felicity is a very, very emotional person. That's not the reaction she'd be having if her mother died. Moreover, Oliver's emotions ought to be more held back if it was her mother. I've got a feeling it's Thea. It would explain both Oliver's emotions and Felicity's lack, as she's never been particularly close to Thea.It still explains why Barry would come, as Thea's important enough to warrant that too. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So my thoughts on this weeks episodes.

Flash: I'm loving this twist with Harry admitting to the team what's going on with Zoom. It's such a fresh breath from a typical traitor storyline. other than that...ehhh. I'm glad they Finally figured out how to close the breaches, although it was somewhat anti climactic.

Arrow: Loved having Felicity feeling better and Roy visiting! Such good chemistry between him and Thea....gosh I want him back. The villains identity was a neat twist, I'm wondering if it'll be a major part of The grave. League of Assasins are back. Boooo :/

Legends: I'm really happy that Hawkman is dead, but I don't think he's going to stay dead :/

I love it whenever they start to emphasize the 70's, it's just so beautifully funny I think. Snart's part of the episode made up for Ray's lame poutiness.

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I'll second you on the Flash stuff.  I liked that they were smart enough to realize that half of them had already done just as bad or worse for their families (like open up a vortex and destroy half the city, for instance).


Arrow was pretty good, but that battery thing bothered me a bit, just because of how amazing that technology would be.  Felicity's speech was along the lines of "we made this amazing 100% recyclable battery technology, it's amazing." then just as a sort of aside at the end mentions that they have been powering a skyscraper with a battery the size of an i-phone.  that is so far beyond anything the real world is currently capable of that its absurd.  the board member worrying about how she would handle the presentation: it doesn't matter.  technology like that would completely revolutionize several different industries.  it has a built in customer base of literally every power company that is trying to use solar or wind power, for instance.  plus probably car companies trying to sell electric cars, and certainly the military.  put simply, it would pretty much overthrow the energy industry.  if power storage/generation scales with volume, then a version of that battery the size of a smallish house could power a whole city.  and he was worried that people might not buy it because she was a bit clumsy?


Legends: I've not been very certain about this version of Vandal Savage, but he was definitely better this week than in all of his previous appearances (including the flarrow crossover eps).  My first instinct when Hawkman dies was somethign along the lines of: he reincarnates, so we will be seeing more of him, but I kinda hope they can do a south park style running gag where he dies in each episode he's in.  I don't know whether to blame the writers or the actor or maybe both, but that character is just not doing anything for me.  in fact he's kinda terrible, and it is dragging Kendra down too (though most of that is the writers)



also, side note: cbs and cw are apparently going to do some kind of crossover between Flash and Supergirl in March.  personally I'm looking forward to it.

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I'll second you on the Flash stuff.  I liked that they were smart enough to realize that half of them had already done just as bad or worse for their families (like open up a vortex and destroy half the city, for instance).


Arrow was pretty good, but that battery thing bothered me a bit, just because of how amazing that technology would be.  Felicity's speech was along the lines of "we made this amazing 100% recyclable battery technology, it's amazing." then just as a sort of aside at the end mentions that they have been powering a skyscraper with a battery the size of an i-phone.  that is so far beyond anything the real world is currently capable of that its absurd.  the board member worrying about how she would handle the presentation: it doesn't matter.  technology like that would completely revolutionize several different industries.  it has a built in customer base of literally every power company that is trying to use solar or wind power, for instance.  plus probably car companies trying to sell electric cars, and certainly the military.  put simply, it would pretty much overthrow the energy industry.  if power storage/generation scales with volume, then a version of that battery the size of a smallish house could power a whole city.  and he was worried that people might not buy it because she was a bit clumsy?


Legends: I've not been very certain about this version of Vandal Savage, but he was definitely better this week than in all of his previous appearances (including the flarrow crossover eps).  My first instinct when Hawkman dies was somethign along the lines of: he reincarnates, so we will be seeing more of him, but I kinda hope they can do a south park style running gag where he dies in each episode he's in.  I don't know whether to blame the writers or the actor or maybe both, but that character is just not doing anything for me.  in fact he's kinda terrible, and it is dragging Kendra down too (though most of that is the writers)



also, side note: cbs and cw are apparently going to do some kind of crossover between Flash and Supergirl in March.  personally I'm looking forward to it.

Heard about the crossover. It is definitely going to tie in with Multiple Earths thing.

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I'm sure most people picked up in last night's Flash episode that

Supergirl was one of the multiverse images he saw as he crossed through the breach into Earth-2. That seems like an outright confirmation that the crossover relies entirely on the multiverse idea. Another cool multiverse image was Jonah Hex, as he will appear in Legends.


I gotta say, that was a weird episode, in that so much of it was so great and entertaining but many characters acted like such complete idiots--like, the perfect Platonic form of an idiot, embodied in their characters.

Barry's behavior seems to indicate that his memory is resetting every couple of minutes, Memento-style, and he has no idea that he is in an alternate universe. Cisco's, too, though he gets less of an opportunity to act like a garden gnome would score higher on an IQ test than he would. Seriously, as soon as Barry realizes that his doppelganger is married to Iris, he forgets all about his actual mission that he only has 2 days to complete. He never seems to realize how unethical his playing house with Iris is, except when he's seemingly hellbent on blowing his cover by acting suspiciously awkward.


We're clearly supposed to sympathize with his irrational decisions, because Harry--who is 100% should be mad at Barry--can only argue that Barry shouldn't care anything about anyone on Earth-2 because they don't even exist, as far as Earth-1 people are concerned. That is insane logic, right there, and it's not at all why Barry needs to focus on the mission and quit making out with another man's wife, directly contributing his father-in-law's death, and all kinds of other nonsense.


Of course, alternate Cisco was cool, and hope that Cisco learns to use his abilities similarly and become a real superhero. I liked Deathstorm and Killer Frost, even if I don't particularly buy Danielle Panabaker as a villain. I was really hoping that we'd get a look under Zoom's mask, but maybe that will happen next week. Whenever it does, I guess we can be sure that Barry will spend half the episode acting like a befuddled toddler over the reveal because he can't figure out that an Earth-2 doppelganger is not the same person as their Earth-1 counterpart, much like this week's "But Daddy Joe love Barry. What happen? Dur dur dur."

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I actually do like their version of Killer Frost, but otherwise, I'll just 3rd that post.


for arrow:

I like the idea of Merlyn being a full on villain again.  him palling around with team arrow, despite having killed hundreds (thousands?) of people was rather weird, so getting him back into full bad guy mode has promise (I'm assuming as a recurring villain going forward)

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Caught up on Arrow

I am So happy with how they handled Felicity's father, kept it concise and gave her some good growth.

Nyssa....Merlyn....I hate you both. Nyssa as an annoying character and Merlyn for being a good bad guy. I thought the whole thing could've been simplified or something....I mean....that just seemed like a long time to get to chopping his hand off. I didn't really enjoy having to see Oliver go through his moral process again, even if does kind of make sense.

I'm having a hard time watching these shows live, because I just want the plot to move forward! And I think that my usual style of watching shows straight on Netflix is the reason why. I hate how slow these shows feel to me, even though I know that they're not.

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Wow. Flash was eh this time around, but Arrow. Wow. I really liked that episode.


That fight between him and Merlyn was great. I could tell Oliver was not taking any kind of crap. He was going to destroy Malcolm.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Wow. Flash was eh this time around, but Arrow. Wow. I really liked that episode.


That fight between him and Merlyn was great. I could tell Oliver was not taking any kind of crap. He was going to destroy Malcolm.

that...that is basically the opposite of the reaction I had.

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You guy's have no idea how frustrating it is to see this topic on the board and not click the spoilers. 


Arrow, Flash, Supergirl and Legends start again in March in the UK. From the reactions I've seen here -and other sites- i think it should be a fun time.

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This week's Flash and Arrow.

The writing in this Flash felt awful! Somebody has a legimitimate and physical challenge? Give them same pep talk, again and again!

Harry's daughter gets saved, and what does she want? To hang with her friends......really? You've been a prisoner for months and think you can go straight back to your normal life?.... That bugged me.

The guy in the mask was interesting, and I'm actually wondering if Jay didn't steal his Flash powers from him or somebody else. Something is weird with Jay anyway.

Theeaaaaa!!!!! What the crap? Why are you telling Oliver to not tell Felicity about William?

Aside from that, loved the episode. Was really glad to see Conklin die, and can't wait to see where the flashbacks are going, and how they tie into the modern story.

Also, I guess Vixen is coming in next episode. I haven't really watched her cartoons, but she looks cool :)

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the vixen cartoon were pretty good (and they did neat things like changing her shadow when she was using a different animal power).  looking forward to seeing her live action.


100% agree on the william front.  there is no good reason not to have told Felicity.  it's not like she ever needs to meet the mother anyway.  and if you are going to lie to one of them, then maybe pick the one who lied to you about having a kid (albeit for somewhat legitimate reasons) rather than your fiance

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For Flash:

To be fair to Jesse, I'd just want to see my friends too. Though she's definitely an adult, her world was just upended by the kidnapping, and so I felt it was natural for her to want to return to her life. After all, she didn't put up much of an argument when Harry was all "No, don't be stupid."


I'm still curious as to which point she becomes Jesse Quick...both Earths have had their meta accidents, so is she given speed by someone else (Jay, Barry, Zoom?), or a new accident?

Edited by Blaze1616
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The Flash spoilers...


UGH. Come on, guys! Can't you take out one measly High Epic when his prime invincibility has clearly been compromised?


Zoom was clearly incapacitated by Killer Frost's attack. For a few moments he was on the floor with his hands in the air frozen into a zoomcicle. And the heroes, with all their big talk about destroying him the moment they can... do what exactly?


THEY JUST STAND THERE. Correction: they stand there, and shout out that they need to get out of there as quickly as they can.






Zoom's on the floor! He's vulnerable! This might be the only chance you ever get to kill this slontze! And what do you do? You don't even act like there's a moral dilemma. You just flee in terror, refusing to take advantage of the fact that you actually won the fight. What did Harrison Wells bring that cool futuristic gun for if it wasn't to actually kill Zoom when given half a chance?


Errrrgh this is so frustrating. More fuel for the bonfire of reasons Team Flash wouldn't last one day in the Reckonerverse.



Don't even get me started on the fact that Geomancer's presented as a legitimate and very public threat when he doesn't even have a prime invincibility to begin with.

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So that was a pretty good Legends episode! I'm glad they didn't focus too much on Hawkgirls rage issue, because seriously, we've already had Roy, Thea, Slade, and white canary. We don't need another berserker. (Although I get that it is supposed to be part of her original character. I just feel like right now it'd be beating s dead horse.)

Firestorm: I thought they worked through that pretty well.

I loved Ray in the prison and the bonding between him and mick.

Snart is still my favorite member of the team, which I never would have expected going in.

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I normally wait to post until after Arrow airs, but that was one of the best episodes of Flash in quite a while!

I was really leery about King Shark coming back, but he still looks amazing for tv, and that showdown at the end was great! I love it when they find new ways of applying the Flash's speed, or coming up with a move like lightning toss. Harry and his daughter working together! Loved it. Caitlyn and Cisco...So I think that Caitlyn made sense emotionally at first, but it felt like she recovered very quickly after Cisco spilled about Killer Frost. I thought that was the weakest part of the episode, but it was still good.

Zoom is Jay :o ! Or something. I'm honestly more sure that the man in the iron mask is also Jay, although I don't understand what's going on with it at all. I'm guessing either Earth 3 or something to do with the velocity drugs.

Can't wait for Arrow, and I really can't wait for the Legends episode because it looks really badchull.

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