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Where does the water go?


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Okay, this is something that keeps bothering me every now and then. Again, tried searching quickly, but I didn't see anything about it yet.


Anyway, Kaladin at some point wonders where all the water goes after the Highstorms. The water completely floods the chasms of the Shattered Plains, but somehow it all drains. I don't have a page number (I would look it up, but I don't have a book or an ebook copy), but I remember Kaladin saying that all the water has to go somewhere.


I think this is related to what Sigzil said about the one city that is built in the huge ruts in the ground (the city that Kaladin sees when he rides the Highstorm). The city is built into the huge chasms and the slopes of the Stormward side act like a barrier that keeps a major part of the storm's destruction from wreaking havoc on the city. Sigzil mentions that the chasms/ruts would flood, except the stone has a special ability to get rid of the water (maybe it's really porous or something? I don't remember).


I feel like something similar is happening on the Shattered Plains. Any thoughts?


(Also, I think I'll just suck it up and buy the ebook file--I feel really inadequate not being able to back this up with page numbers...)

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Also, Ishikk mentions in his Interlude how the Purelake drains into the rock whenever highstorms go through that region...

Edit: Now is a good time to buy the ebook! It's still on sale for $2.99.

Edited by PhilV
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We know there is some drainage going on from the times Kaladin and the crew went down into the chasms.  One time he finds bodies from a battle that was no where near where the bodies were found.  They had washed down through the chasms.

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I always figured it just drained out towards the east of the shattered plains, the canyons there are much wider so it should all drain out there naturally


Hmm, interesting theory, except the bodies that they find are all on or near the Western edge of the Plains. The battles all tend to happen in the middle of the Plains, meaning that the water brings the bodies westward. I suppose with that huge maze of chasms it's possible that the water just spreads out until it's easy to evaporate. Still, Kaladin's thoughts on the matter are what made me think there may be something more.


Also, Ishikk mentions in his Interlude how the Purelake drains into the rock whenever highstorms go through that region...


PhilV, I forgot about that. Thanks for pointing it out!

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Hmm, interesting theory, except the bodies that they find are all on or near the Western edge of the Plains. The battles all tend to happen in the middle of the Plains, meaning that the water brings the bodies westward. I suppose with that huge maze of chasms it's possible that the water just spreads out until it's easy to evaporate. Still, Kaladin's thoughts on the matter are what made me think there may be something more.

Highstorms come in from the East, they'd wash all the bodies up on the Alethi side before draining out to the west.

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