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Jaddeth is Dominion....

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Well Dominion is dead. Odium killed him,been confirmed sense WoK came out.


Jaddeth is probably in some way based on him in universe, but the actual god Dominion has been dead sense before the events of Elantris even happened.

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Wasn't Jaddeth a minor rock-god, before Shu-Dereth and such gave him a boost in the eyes of his worshippers?

Well, here we have buddhism, which is really more a philosophy of detachment than a religion, then fast forward a few thousand years and we're instead worshipping the guy and some other people and praying for stuff they explicitly told us to not care about.

Religions tend to end up becoming completely different from how they started out I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all, they only adopted the name if Jaddeth. It came from a different religion.

I used to think that the two religions were somehow worshiping different shards, then I thought about it a lot, and realized I was probably wrong.

The God of Shu-Korath is named Domi. DOMInion. But they talk about Domi, as if he/she were Devotion. While Shu-Dereth, certainly has the sense of Dominion. . . And I actually have no idea wher I'm going with this. Huh. Yeah, I'm confused.

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First of all, they only adopted the name if Jaddeth. It came from a different religion.

I used to think that the two religions were somehow worshiping different shards, then I thought about it a lot, and realized I was probably wrong.

The God of Shu-Korath is named Domi. DOMInion. But they talk about Domi, as if he/she were Devotion. While Shu-Dereth, certainly has the sense of Dominion. . . And I actually have no idea wher I'm going with this. Huh. Yeah, I'm confused.


Keep in mind that "Domi" is an in-world name based on Aon Omi.  "Dominion" is the English name for the Shard, the people in-cosmere would actually use a different word.  This is a thing that comes up time and time again and it's a coincidence, nothing more.

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That's right - there isn't an easy answer with " Domi = Dominion".

But I don't buy coincidence with an artificial language - the words on Sel are the invention of the author.

At my first read of Elantris there weren't Shards and my explanation of the word "Domi/Omi" was from "Dominus" - the Lord.

With the first "Oh Domi" my subconsciousness anwered "Quo vadis Domine".

I think the problem was starting with naming the Shard now known as Dominion.

Why using this word and not "control, authority, rule...or territory"?

I believe the idea with Shards was there from the beginning, but not the/all names - and with time there were questions about the Shards and their intentions.

Now this "coincidence" takes place because "dominus" and "dominion" is based on the same language.

So again - why using this word and not a synonym - what is so special with the word "dominion", that Mr Sanderson was forced to accept a starting confusion?

I don't know every word in English so my question:

Is there another word with the double meaning like "dominion"?

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I don't see how Dominion's name would case a "starting confusion." What about the name confuses you? The choice over some of its synonyms? He had to go with something, and admittedly Dominion sounds better than Control or Authority to me. Subjugation could've worked too, I suppose, but I really like Dominion. It's a good word. 

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Oh, I'm not confused, only a little tired when after telling other people about the Shardnames on Sel there is mostly the answer " Dominion? Like in Domi?"

Domination is a nice english word - and Domi/Omi is a nice word the author has made up. It exists since it was written down in Elantris.

Both word - the real and the fictional - are good word, but together in one work of fiction they cause a problem, because they are too similiar.

If the name for this Shard was Dominion from the start on, why use "omi" for "love"? Every other combination of characters would become a "real" Selish word for "love".

Or use another prefix not "D" - nothing would cause this connection.

Therefore my opinion - at the time Sanderson was creating the language on Sel there wasn't a concrete name for the Shard.

I like Dominion a lot as a word, but there are word with the same meaning only perhaps not with the double meaning.

We would never know about this name and probably would like another name likewise.

Hence I think the reason for this name was because of the double meaning.

This is something normaly earning a RAFO-card - it sets most people on a wrong way of thinking and not everyone is part of this community.

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