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Alternate name suggestions for Tin Mistings+Aluminum Gnats


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So far, every Misting whose metal appears in his nickname also has an alternate nickname (other than Gnats). Pewterarms are also Thugs. Copperclouds are also Smokers. Yes, that's just two, but still. Tineyes are just Tineyes and I think they should have an extra nickname. My suggestion: Sensor.


Also, seeing as Aluminum Gnats aren't completely useless, they should have a name too I think. My suggestion: Purifier.

Edited by kroen
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It's mentioned in MB1 the distinction with Thugs/Pewterarms and Smokers/Copperclouds comes from the Final Empire nobility wanting nicer-sounding names for these Mistings (or rather, it is with Thugs, and I'm guessing that the same goes for Smokers) than the rather slangish-sounding "Thug" and "Smoker". "Pewterarm" and "Coppercloud" sound much more refined and scholarly, making them more suitable for the nobility. "Tineye" doesn't suffer from this, as it can sound equally suitable for a noble or a skaa, and as for Aluminum Gnats, well, I don't think anyone would even really want to admit to being one, unless they were a Twinborn capable of Compounding. In that case, they would probably use the name for an Aluminum Twinborn rather than the term "Gnat", so it's sort of a moot point in my book. Interesting suggestions, though.

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I've noticed a lot of discussion about other uses for Aluminium; has this actually been confirmed then? I'm not as well-read on the interview database as others, and there's nothing on Coppermind (so if it has been confirmed, that page could do with being updated too).


For the record, it would be great to see other uses for Aluminum/Duralumin, otherwise I just feel bad for Gnats :P

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I can't really think of anything a Duralumin Gant can do, other than sacrificing himself with Hemalurgy and having someone else take it. Actually, there's a better way: Steal an Allomantic power from someone with Hemalurgy. This actually sounds like a good idea for a story: A guy hates the fact his ability is useless, so he decides to learn Hemalurgy and become a villain, stealing powers from others.

Edited by kroen
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The number one practical use for those two that comes to mind for me is Compounding. Being an aluminum Twinborn would allow you to Compound identity, while duralumin allows you to Compound connection. While the benefits of these are a bit abstract compared to, say, Compounding health, they're still very useful. Infinitely more so, compared to their Allomantic uses alone.

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The number one practical use for those two that comes to mind for me is Compounding. Being an aluminum Twinborn would allow you to Compound identity, while duralumin allows you to Compound connection. While the benefits of these are a bit abstract compared to, say, Compounding health, they're still very useful. Infinitely more so, compared to their Allomantic uses alone.

Word of Brandon is that compounding identity is basically worthless.

4. Is there any use to being a Copper compounder, from a feruchemical point of view? I think the same point would also apply to an Aluminium compounder.

Some combinations, like some abilities themselves, aren't really that useful. That said, being able to compound copper...that could do some things. Aluminum, not so much.

You'd be a double gnat.
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Still, undetectable immunity to emotional allomancy at the prive of lots of alluminum, as well as being nearly unforgeable.


yeah, pretty useless.


Still more useful than Allomantic aluminum on its own, IMO.

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Much more useful indeed. Still a waste of a Twinborn though.


Wonder what else Aluminum could do. If we come up with a use He hasn't thought of yet, it may get a place in the books.


Strongest identity possible makes messing with you cognitively a challenge. So, no forgry, no rioting, and no soothing. May also do interesting things with breaths.


TBH, identity sounds like pre-WoA weight. It tends to be more useful for storing than for tapping.

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That's honestly one of my favorite parts of Feruchemy, to be honest. It's not as simple as "storing = bad, tapping = good"; it's all in what you're trying to accomplish and which tools you have at your disposal.


If we're talking on a Cosmere scale, Feruchemical aluminum could theoretically either help or hinder Soulstamping, depending on whether you're storing or tapping.

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I can't really think of anything a Duralumin Gant can do, other than sacrificing himself with Hemalurgy and having someone else take it. Actually, there's a better way: Steal an Allomantic power from someone with Hemalurgy. This actually sounds like a good idea for a story: A guy hates the fact his ability is useless, so he decides to learn Hemalurgy and become a villain, stealing powers from others.


Wasn't that basically Sylar's story arc from Heroes?

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Now I'm intrigued. What could compounding copper actually do? Leave the memories in your head for a few minutes after you store them or...?

I actually got WoB that an Archivist could do that deliberately even without compounding, have a less strong memory in both the metalmind and your head. So compounding would probably just give you perfect recall of whatever you stored.

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