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Aimians and the cognitive realm


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I have recently been rereading the way of kings and came upon the Axies interlude. In the interlude he describes how his shadow turns the wrong way, towards the sun.

Also recently I asked Brandon a few questions, one being the importants of shadows turning the wrong way in shadesmar. He responded by saying that is was flavor then corrected himself saying that it had a reason and told me that it was important flavor.

I think that this is sufficient information to deduce that the Aimians draw power from, or are close too, the cognitive real in some way. This would make sense with Axies ability to clear his own hangovers with a thought.

People have probably noticed this before but it was a "wait what did he just say" moment for me when Axies gave that little detail.

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I had assumed he simply altered his physiology, like he can do to make notes appear on his skin, to make the hangover go away.


What do you mean, "are close to the cognitive realm"? Everyone is in the cognitive realm. People sense most clearly the physical realm, but all people are made of three aspects; the physical, the cognitive, and the spiritual. Everyone has a cognitive aspect, ergo everyone is in the cognitive realm. I don't understand what it is you're trying to convey when you talk about Aimians being "close to the cognitive realm".

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Well, Jasnah had her shadow go the wrong way once.

Meanwhile Lift is at least partially dissociated from the physical enough to be able to touch Wyndle, but there's no mention of her shadow being strange that I recall.

Shadesmar is weird.

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Listeners, the other native non-human race, also has limited shapechanging, altought by a diferent method, and is said(by their own songs) to be closer to Shadesmar than humans, so that helps your theory.

Also, I suspect that while everything exists in all realms, somethings interact more with one real or are more fettered to one realm. "Going" to Shadesmar would actualy mean changing yourself so that your physical aspect interfaces with the cognitive aspect of the world instead of the physical

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I had assumed he simply altered his physiology, like he can do to make notes appear on his skin, to make the hangover go away.


What do you mean, "are close to the cognitive realm"? Everyone is in the cognitive realm. People sense most clearly the physical realm, but all people are made of three aspects; the physical, the cognitive, and the spiritual. Everyone has a cognitive aspect, ergo everyone is in the cognitive realm. I don't understand what it is you're trying to convey when you talk about Aimians being "close to the cognitive realm".

Some beings seem to be more apart of one of the 3 realms more than others. I could have done a better job explaining it, I apologize. If you are still confused then look back to the Parshendi and how the Spren chose the humans - who are more in the physical realm - over the Parshendi to bond to.

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Listeners, the other native non-human race, also has limited shapechanging, altought by a diferent method, and is said(by their own songs) to be closer to Shadesmar than humans, so that helps your theory.

Also, I suspect that while everything exists in all realms, somethings interact more with one real or are more fettered to one realm. "Going" to Shadesmar would actualy mean changing yourself so that your physical aspect interfaces with the cognitive aspect of the world instead of the physical

I can't find it right now, but I saw a WoB that was along the lines of "When you go into shadesmar, it is your physical form that enters". I assumed that that ment that no other weird stuff was happening with someone's physical form, but you may be right.
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In my mind, Shadesmar is an aspect of reality. Generaly, your physical self interacts with the physical self of things around you and your cognitive self with their cognitive selfs. When you enter Shadesmar you are actualy changing yourself so that your physical self connects to the cognitive selfs of things around you instead of their physical selfs. The whole "sea of beads" is some sort of user interface or translator that allows something physical to interact with something cognitive. I suspect something similar happens to spren entering the physical realm, but neither notices the other's alien perception because it is all being "translated".

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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