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Ask Comatose Anything?


Ask Comatose Anything?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Comatose host an AMA?

    • Yes! I'd like to know more about that guy. He's a mystery to me.
    • Absolutely not! He's pretty much irrelevant these days. Plus I've been stalking him so I know everything anyways.
    • Who's Comatose?

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I've been enjoying reading these, so I thought it only fair if I try it myself.  Feel free to ask me anything, I guess.  Also feel free not to.  I'm usually fine with not answering questions, I think.  

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Can you tell me all the plans for the events of MBI?

How do the Sootwarrens get created?


How many of your characters are going to die?



1.  No.

2.  You have all of the clues to get this figured out.  Just look at the map, and then at our cast of characters and what they like to do.  There's one particular character who is important.  

3.  In MBI?  Well, counting at least one notable NPC, at least 5 or 6.  I'm always open to more though.  I'm also tired of a couple characters, so I might end up using them as cannon fodder if an opportunity arises and their arcs are sufficiently wrapped up.  In the Reckoners, I have no idea, haha.  


What is prime meridian?

A prime meridian is a meridian (a line of longitude) in a geographical coordinate system at which longitude is defined to be 0°. A prime meridian and its opposite in a 360°-system, the 180th meridian (at 180° longitude), form a great circle. This great circle divides the sphere, e.g., the Earth, into two hemispheres.

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I have to ask....did you get your name from Skillet's song or from something else?


I've heard of Skillet, but have never listened to much by them, so no, haha.  I came up with it when making an account for Time Wasters Guide, back in the day, and it was my 14-16 (I forget how old I was) year old self's best attempt at seeming cool.  I thought it fit with the whole 'wasting time' theme.  The Shard of Brain Inactivity thing came later.  

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I've heard of Skillet, but have never listened to much by them, so no, haha.  I came up with it when making an account for Time Wasters Guide, back in the day, and it was my 14-16 (I forget how old I was) year old self's best attempt at seeming cool.  I thought it fit with the whole 'wasting time' theme.  The Shard of Brain Inactivity thing came later.  

Oh, okay.... my bad....  :P  It's an awesome name!

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What made you join the Reckoner's RP? What do you do in real life? How many quesadillas do you consume in an average week?


1.  Well, I try to keep an eye on most of the RPs on site, and I've always thought the Reckoners verse would be fun to RP in.  It also has a similar style to MBI, so I like the familiarity.  This summer, I finally had time to commit to more than just MBI, so I went for it, and haven't looked back.  I've definitely been enjoying my time there.  


2.  IRL, I'm going into my final year of law school in September of 2015, after which I have an articling position lined up at a law firm in Saskatoon (where I live) for June of 2016.  For the summer, I'm coordinating a leadership retreat style camp for gender and sexual minority youth.  


3.  On an average week?  Zero.  I have a dairy sensitivity, and quesadillas without cheese are much less exciting.  That being said, they are also delicious, so your question makes me want to up this number.  

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Have you ever tried a peanut-butter-and-honey or peanut-butter-and-jelly quesadilla? 


I've had peanut butter and jelly in a wrap before, if that's what you mean.  I've never tried frying it like a quesadilla though, so I'll have to try that!


how can I convince you to come and wiki? *eternal recruitment*


This is the thing.  I love Wikis.  I read them all the time.  Writing them intimidates me.  What I really need to do is just wade in, figure out how to edit things, and then go to town.  


As for something you can do, I respond well to being given specific assignments.  So, assign me an article, and we'll see :).  


Tempted to pick the middle option just 'cause it's hilarious. . .


Go for it!  It would be good for my stats.  

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Was there any specific inspiration for Rainmaker?


As for something you can do, I respond well to being given specific assignments.  So, assign me an article, and we'll see :)

I see. :ph34r: How about a Rainmaker entry on our wiki? (Yes, Voidus made one and I made a TvTropes page, although both are rather inactive. :ph34r: )

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This is the thing.  I love Wikis.  I read them all the time.  Writing them intimidates me.  What I really need to do is just wade in, figure out how to edit things, and then go to town.  


As for something you can do, I respond well to being given specific assignments.  So, assign me an article, and we'll see :).  


Well I am definitely in the business of making the place less intimidating. What subjects are you comfortable in? Characters? Places? smaller articles? doing little edits on a variety of pages or rewriting a single one til it's awesome? which books?


For assignments then I am espousing that we concentrate on Elantris since it's ten years old and should be complete by now. There's a list of articles by their status, and we really need to improve the Attention Needed articles and the stubs. If you're not comfortable with those then you can help improve/finish off the ones in the sections above that. I think my preference would be (pretty much rewritten or) vastly improved main character articles. If we had the three mains, or the majority of the secondaries all brought up to being completeish, that would be fantastic progress.


If you're not comfortable with Elantris then the Mistborn Era 1 articles could do with just as much love in similar areas, and Eric has suggested we concentrate on the Era 2 articles so that they are pretty good prior to the two book releases. Similarly, there's equivalent pages for each of the series if you'd rather look at those.

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Was there any specific inspiration for Rainmaker?


I see. :ph34r: How about a Rainmaker entry on our wiki? (Yes, Voidus made one and I made a TvTropes page, although both are rather inactive. :ph34r: )


Her powers and demeanor were definitely influenced by Storm from X-Men.  I'm trying to come up with inspirations for the rest of her personality/history, but I'm drawing a blank.  I guess part of her history may have been influenced by the Good Wife?  


I'll see what I can do about the wiki article.   


Well I am definitely in the business of making the place less intimidating. What subjects are you comfortable in? Characters? Places? smaller articles? doing little edits on a variety of pages or rewriting a single one til it's awesome? which books?


For assignments then I am espousing that we concentrate on Elantris since it's ten years old and should be complete by now. There's a list of articles by their status, and we really need to improve the Attention Needed articles and the stubs. If you're not comfortable with those then you can help improve/finish off the ones in the sections above that. I think my preference would be (pretty much rewritten or) vastly improved main character articles. If we had the three mains, or the majority of the secondaries all brought up to being completeish, that would be fantastic progress.


If you're not comfortable with Elantris then the Mistborn Era 1 articles could do with just as much love in similar areas, and Eric has suggested we concentrate on the Era 2 articles so that they are pretty good prior to the two book releases. Similarly, there's equivalent pages for each of the series if you'd rather look at those.


Elantris and Mistborn Era 1 are both well within my comfort zone (especially Mistborn, which I've reread a lot for MBI).  My comfort level thing is more with the act of editing itself.  I'm always afraid I'll break something.  Once I get more familiar with the system, I'm sure I'll be fine.  


EDIT:  Looking through the articles that need attention, I'm not sure what I have to contribute.  I think what I know the most about is the noble Houses of Luthadel, and the Kandra, so I might focus on adding to those.  I'm drawing blanks on a lot of the Elantris stuff.  My copy of Final Empire is lent out at the moment, so I'll do some editing as soon as I get it back :).  

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Well wrt you breaking things, thats nigh-on impossible as we can always fix things back up again. And if it helps, I basically break things on a daily basis XD. Liberal use of the preview button might help you though? And I'm always around to help you understand why something is breaking and how to fix it.


And yeah those articles may not be very 'common' but if you're comfortable reading over and maybe adding to the character articles that would be amazing. *gently encourages people to wiki*

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