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Looks like I roleblocked the right person...do you still suspect me, Bort?


Yes, if not as much as I did yesterday. Now it is mostly because, if not you, who is the other Discovery from the original members of Glory? The only one that hasn't been soft-confirmed in my eyes is Pixie.


Unless, of course, BB and/or PK were lying to cover for the other.


You weren't targeted by our Striker last cycle, Kipper. Clanky was, and he should now be dead, but isn't now, thanks to you.


I thought I had more to reply to than this, if I've missed anything, someone poke me with it.



Discovery doc  :P Edit 2: you keep using 'we'. I do not think that word means what you think it means.




Shallan being confirmed (thanks Adamir :) ) means that, apart from the slight possibility that BB or PK is Discovery, we are clear too. That suggests that all three Discovery remaining are all in Heritage.


There are five people in Heritage that I've not seen or heard confirmation for:








Seonid has implied Dowanx could be trusted, and for now I'm going to assume the roles BB and PK claimed were true, which makes one of the Discoverers Pixie.


Out of the others, I have no idea what Zephrer is capable of, but I could well believe that both Phattemer and Alvron could keep themselves hidden.


Edit 2: I've asked Shallan if she will scan Pixie this cycle, assuming whoever said she was a Diplomat was correct. Also, I didn't add Eowyn's name onto the list above as Seonid said Heritage would be scanning her this cycle.


Eowyn, would you mind taking one of the other names on my list to scan please? While you ar enot a member of Heritage, it may be an idea to check them for Discovery.


Edit 3:

It could well be simple enthusiasm, but my innocent comments when I was an Eliminator in LG12 got Wilson on my trail, so I'll share here, just for good measure. PK seems very enthusiastic about Wyrm's death - "At last! Our bitter enemy has met his match."


Edit 4:

I just noticed the title of this cycle... Nice play on words there, Kas :)

Edited by Bort
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Well, what did you expect me to do in my case? Just let myself die? I thought you were attacking me. Anyway, I go back to Aonar's death. I've said it was me. NO ONE ELSE HAS CLAIMED IT. Clearing me can be as simple as the Striker Captains telling their factions, "Okay, in Cycle x, I killed this person." And then the faction spokesperson can say that im thread.


He did ask. And I'm not on his side anymore.

Honestly guys, this situation has made me come the closest in SE to being genuinely annoyed with people because of irrationality and illogic. You're completely blind to Pixie, trusting people who have done NOTHING to prove their soft-claims, and still vacillating over Haelbarde and Clanky, who have been confirmed castouts by three different players.

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If you all are so suspicious of me, why haven't you just scanned me? I've already said that I'm not discovery, and I hold to that.

but given the circumstances and how the game has been going, I can see that suspicion is obviously not going to stop (Until I get scanned, and finally cleared).

Edit: just some corrections in spelling grammar

Edited by Zephrer
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Zephrer, it isn't about how suspicious we find you, it is about how suspicious you are compared with all of the other players. If you've not been scanned yet, it is because there have been other people who have gained more suspicions that you.


Kipper, you did exactly what I thought you would if you were innocent, and prevented me from attacking a target (I would also like to say thank you to both Kipper and Hael for revealing my role, not in so many words, but it was fairly obvious). Ok, I'll accept your innocence. It has been proven to my satisfaction. Like I said though, if it wasn't you, then who was it? I keep coming back to Pixie, as I think misrepresenting themselves in our faction doc and using out of game knowledge to verify the lie would be a nasty move from Bridge Boy and Paranoid King.


I'm not vacillating over Hael and Clanky. As was suggested earlier in the thread, I've put forward the motion to have Hael lynched this cycle in our doc.

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I would also like to say thank you to both Kipper and Hael for revealing my role, not in so many words, but it was fairly obvious).


'twas the least I could do for a partner in crime :D

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Eowyn, would you mind taking one of the other names on my list to scan please? While you ar enot a member of Heritage, it may be an idea to check them for Discovery.

It would be my pleasure :')


You all have fallen victim to one of the classic blunders- the most famous of which is "never get involved in a faction war in the Rose Empire"- but only slightly less well known is this: Never go in against a Moderationer when DEATH IS ON THE LINE!!!

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Discovery doc  :P Edit 2: you keep using 'we'. I do not think that word means what you think it means.


look guys!! I'm an arbiter now   :D


Edit: oh yeah, my scans.

Cycle 1: Joe. Result: Moderation

Cycle 2: Seonid. Result: Discovery

Cycle 3: Araris. Result: none (roleblocked I guess)

Cycle 4: Araris. Result: Glory


@ Eowyn I am confused.... 

Cycle 2. Scanning Seonid would automatically result in a hertitage result because heritage bribed him over.  You knew our plans to bribe him so why would you waste a scan?   Also, you were in heritage and Seonid was bribed into heritage, meaning a discovery result would be impossible no matter what kind of diplomat you are.  (Reasoning: "Diplomat scans come last on the Stack. So, if you scanned a player you have successfully bribed, yes, you would be wasting a scan, since you would effectively get the result of your own Faction").


In the rule clarification from cycle 1 forum if a diplomat scans someone in their own faction they will get the result of their own faction, no matter the type of diplomat.  That's why it is a waste for any diplomat to scan someone within their own faction or that they are bribing over.    


Please someone correct me if I am wrong in my logic... 

Edited by Pixie
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@ Eowyn I am confused.... 

Cycle 2. Scanning Seonid would automatically result in a hertitage result because heritage bribed him over.  You knew our plans to bribe him so why would you waste a scan?   Also, you were in heritage and Seonid was bribed into heritage, meaning a discovery result would be impossible no matter what kind of diplomat you are.  (Reasoning: "Diplomat scans come last on the Stack. So, if you scanned a player you have successfully bribed, yes, you would be wasting a scan, since you would effectively get the result of your own Faction").


In the rule clarification from cycle 1 forum if a diplomat scans someone in their own faction they will get the result of their own faction, no matter the type of diplomat.  That's why it is a waste for any diplomat to scan someone within their own faction or that they are bribing over.    


Please someone correct me if I am wrong in my logic... but I think we have all been lied too.  


Oooh oh crud!!! I switched it. I scanned Seonid 1st cycle, and Joe 2nd cycle. Not a lie- just a human mistake.


Edit: I was one of the people in the Heritage docs who discussed who the diplomats should scan. I was the one who pointed out that we should wait to bribe Joe back so that the Diplomat could scan him 2nd cycle. I really did just switch them by mistake when I typed it out:/

Edited by Spooky Eowyn
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Well, you can ask anyone from Heritage that cycle why we bribed him. I let it happen because at that point, I still didn't know if I was Svordish or Jindoeese. And we didn't share roles in Heritage- and I didn't trust anyone enough- so I couldn't share my scan. I couldn't convince everybody not to bribe him over. I figured, if I am Jindoeese, I can keep an eye on him and I'll know not to trust what he says. And I could role reveal if need be.

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Haha! Haha! Haha! Ha-urgh... 



Hael, yes please... If you could tell us who the remaining Discovery members are, that'd be great.

Not sure I could go that far. Unless, of course, y'all agreed to treat this as a 4-faction game instead of murder-deathing us all to Braize. 

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That's the idea.

Should we put a striker kill on clanky, or save him for next round lynch?

If we have good suspects for the remaining hidden discoverers, we might want to strike them this round

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I was thinking the same thing. Not sure who to go for though. My biggest suspicion is Pixie, by process of elimination.

Also who are our Diplomats and who is being scanned this cycle? Adamir is, I'm guessing, checking me out. Eowyn, what about you? And did someone say Shallan is a Diplomat too?

Finally (I think), I'd like to propose a trade with Heritage. Once Discovery is gone, I'd like to swap one of our players for one of yours. Araris and Seonid should be reunited with each other for the endgame. I don't mind which faction they end up in, but the trade should be fair.


Edit: Araris and Seonid... Fixed it above. Sorry.

Edited by Bort
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I was thinking the same thing. Not sure who to go for though. My biggest suspicion is Pixie, by process of elimination.

Also who are our Diplomats and who is being scanned this cycle? Adamir is, I'm guessing, checking me out. Eowyn, what about you? And did someone say Shallan is a Diplomat too?

Finally (I think), I'd like to propose a trade with Heritage. Once Discovery is gone, I'd like to swap one of our players for one of yours. Aonar and Seonid should be reunited with each other for the endgame. I don't mind which faction they end up in, but the trade should be fair.

*Araris and Seonid


I can scan anyone you want. In fact, I might as well tell you the result right now. Whoever it is, they're in Moderage  :ph34r: (I'm Svordish)

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Not sure I could go that far. Unless, of course, y'all agreed to treat this as a 4-faction game instead of murder-deathing us all to Braize. 


A 4 faction game where one of the factions has no special powers and wants nothing to do with money? And whose kill ability depends on other factions voting for the same person? And has fewer people than any other faction? By all means, yes. I, for one, would be happy if all discovery members were revealed, and then ignored.


I, for one, agree to treat this as a four faction game. Now I just need to get everyone else to agree with me and y'all will reveal your secret identities, right?

Edited by Paranoid King
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One further clarification:

A Diplomat does not have two lives. They're a delayed death role. You can hit them twice; you can be excessive and hit them five times (thank you, Wyrm)--they will still take an extra cycle to die. This is unlike the Teullu Warrior.

tldr; delayed death =/= has two lives.

Carry on with your usually-scheduled mass murdering. :P


Edit: This cannot be prevented by role-blocking a Diplomat.

Edited by Kasimir
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Fair enough, Bort. I can respect that.


We can offer Adamir, who would likely be more useful for you guys in finding the rest of Discovery, since he can't scan our faction.


Adamir for Araris. No roles that would make a significant difference in the upcoming faction war, that we are all having an arms race with...


Or, alternatively, Shallan for me.


Same type of situation. I can't speak for the rest of the faction, and I ought to let them work out the details, but either trade is acceptable to me.

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If that is acceptable for Araris and Adamir, that sounds good to me.


Like yourself though, I can't really speak for all of my faction, but I put the idea forward, and no-one has objected.


We couldn't make the trade this cycle though, you still need Adamir for now.

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