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Alethi Script As A Font


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Note: My suggestion is probably impossible with 17th Shard software. Also, I was going to add an image of Alethi script, but I was unable to. I'll link it instead




Alethi Script as a font. Tell me, who wouldn't want to use this confusing, unintuitive language that commits the linguistic faux pas of replacing X with Uk? A written language that brings shame upon the concept of text by having only one letter to represent K? A language that is actually decipherable without spending years learning when a C represents a soft K and when it represents an S? (What is the point of the C in the word decipherable?)


All joking aside, if it were possible to insert a custom font, I believe this would be used commonly over the forum; but we have one main problem with how it could work. And that problem is that Alethi script has different letters to normal script. This would make it a bit unintuitive, as you would have to spell words as they are pronounced rather than written, but I believe it could work, as long as the writer remembers which letters correspond to which sounds. For example, writing Decipherable would be written as desiferable. A slight spelling change on the part of the writer to save the programmer from having to re-write the software to insert an autocorrect (such as with X, and replacing J with Y).


Now that I've asked the impossible, time to scale down my ambitions to something more reasonable and likely to happen. I propose that every 17th Sharder be delivered a bead of lersasium by the tooth fairy.

Edited by Adamir
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So first of all it would be possible have that font it would be much more like typing Japanese and having the word processor auto adjust your spelled out words and inserting the letter substituent. Admittedly not that this is something easily done but not to far outside the realm of things that allready exist. making it a function of the site would much harder, making it a function of your phones auto correct would be a little easier. Though no one with out that language pack would see it. 


That said I want and I wish I had the ability to make that happen.

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Wonders if you guys have seen this.


I can't comment about the current text editor, but at least with the new one coming with the next forum update, you can probably add fonts to the editor. Now, whether or not a custom font would work or not, I'm not sure. Don't quite know how web browsers handle fonts - do they rely on having the fonts installed on the device, or can a website serve a font to a device accessing it. If it were the latter, then it is quite possible that it could be added to the forums. Though obviously this is something that would be up to Chaos. If I get the time, I might experiment with the new editor to see if I can get it working locally. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my command and my word, Frankenstein.




Thank you, thank you, *brandishes trophy*. I couldn't have shamelessly posted on this thread so long after its creation and abandonment without you. Most notably, all you kind people who necroed this old thread from before time itself. There are just so many people I'd like to thank for resurrecting this thread from the dead. First of all, me, for always being there to support me. Also Brandon Sanderson, for giving me books to make a thread about - and Bill Gates, for the computer I'm writing this on. Chaos too, for making the forum my thread was on, and I guess Kipper, for, meh, necroing the thread.

Edited by Adamir
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