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Ask Panda Anything

Lightsworn Panda

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Pretty much what the title says. Hit me with anything, although preferably with objects that don't have spikes. Ask me about Sanderson Elimination. Ask me about pandas. Ask me about LoL. HIT ME!!! softly


And yes, I do ingest more that 15 kgs of bamboo a day.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Would you like fries with your bamboo burger, Mr. Panda?


Every time I go to McPandas.


How often have people made the following joke to you?

The panda eats, shoots and leaves.

The lesson: punctuation saves lives.


Surprisingly, I have never heard that joke made about me.


Where did you get the idea for the Observers' Guild?


Good Question. The Observer's Guild was founded at the start of a massive Clan War. We were a faction of neutrals who just wanted to watch. Of course, things have calmed down now, and there isn't as much to spectate.


What's your summoner name on LoL?


Very Original: Lightsworn Panda. What's yours?

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I'd like to know how glorious you find this, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Bridgemen flopping around shot by Parshendi arrows and 10 being the charge of Bridge 4. :P


Haha, the Panda Cheese commercials. I r8 8/8. Never deny your Panda Overlords.


What brought you to be obsessed with pandas? (At least you portray yourself on 17th Shard as a great patron to everything panda-related.)


I was orphaned as a child in the middle of a bamboo forest, left to fend for myself against the horrors of the wild. I would not be here, had it not been for the Panda that had picked me up and raised it as its own. For that, I dedicate my life to Pandaism.

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What? It was? Where? (This goes to prove that pandas are animals that rely on their sense of smell more than their sight).


Oh, I posted it as one of the tags on the Cycle you died on, followed by putting the joke in visually for your write-up. P

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Oh, I posted it as one of the tags on the Cycle you died on, followed by putting the joke in visually for your write-up. P


You know, I had a slight sense of deja vu when I read that... Now I know where it's from...


Any other questions, like what's your favorite Pokemon (Lucario, for purely aesthetic reasons), or what is the meaning of life?

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Who is the First Pokemon?




D) Arceus




As a long-time fan of Pokemon, I can confidently say that Bulbasaur has existed since the dawn of creation!


I actually don't particularly like playing Pokemon. It's too grindy for my taste, but I'm fairly sure D) was the first Pokemon...

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