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Stormlight 2 - Where Shardblades come from


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I think Syl's reaction at least shows that Shardblades are somehow evil in one way or another. On the other hand, I don't think that the swords are anything natural. I can't help but think they were fabricated with a specific purpose in mind. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't say they're evil, but Syl's reaction does imply they are working against the Intent of Honor.

I always thought she interpreted them as evil was because a shard represents a spren bonded to a KR.. So one being used by any modern Schlubb for non KR ideals was"evil" because there's poor spren trapped or wasted in them.

Edited by agrooster
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I always thought she interpreted them as evil was because a shard represents a spren bonded to a KR.. So one being used by any modern Schlubb for non KR ideals was"evil" because there's poor spren trapped or wasted in them.


It feels like she would be more angry at the person with the shard in kind of a, you aren't worthy, way, but she acts with anger towards the shards. She refers to Dalinar's shard she says stuff like "that thing" and "I hate it" and all that. That whole conversation seems like someone saying "That guy is cool, especially now that he's not hanging out with evil cultists" (or whatever evil thing)

They way she acts is almost like the shardblades personally betrayed her, as if they are somehow the remains of the KR(Or their spren I guess, do you call the KR spren knights radiant? ) who abandend and betrayed the order and just let whomever pick them up and start killing people. So Syl and her knight get left behind do die and she is left behind with a rather low opinion of the traitor blades, her being an honor spren and all, which she still acts on despite her memories not having returned.

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