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Portland post up. "In Which Lightwards Proves He is the Bigger Necromancer."

:lol: *squeee* :lol: Big necromancer Lightwards is actually awesome. And then he's going to meet Pandemonium. :ph34r:


By the way Voidus, are you going to write responses?

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And that apparently, under the right (and very unique) circumstances, swearing can save your life. :huh::P


"...swearing can save your life."


--TwiLyghtSansSparkles, 2015, where impressionable young children could hear her.



:lol: *squeee* :lol: Big necromancer Lightwards is actually awesome. And then he's going to meet Pandemonium. :ph34r:


Thanks. :D


You know, sometimes I have a hard time writing Lightwards because I feel like I'm balancing two different characters: memetic grumpy Lightwards and canon dangerous Lightwards. The most well-received posts of his seem to be when I accept the fact that they're one and the same individual, and write him accordingly. :ph34r:

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"...swearing can save your life."


--TwiLyghtSansSparkles, 2015, where impressionable young children could hear her.




Thanks. :D


You know, sometimes I have a hard time writing Lightwards because I feel like I'm balancing two different characters: memetic grumpy Lightwards and canon dangerous Lightwards. The most well-received posts of his seem to be when I accept the fact that they're one and the same individual, and write him accordingly. :ph34r:

Do you want to keep our children ignorant and uninformed, dear kingy? :P


I can see where you are coming from. Persoanlly I just ignore what you guys are saying about my characters, while I'm writing them. Not that I don't appreciate the input but you know, character integrety and all that. :ph34r:


I don't write the Family Unfriendly Aesops; I just interpret them. :P

Except there part where the aesop started with your characters actions. :P

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Do you want to keep our children ignorant and uninformed, dear kingy? :P


I can see where you are coming from. Persoanlly I just ignore what you guys are saying about my characters, while I'm writing them. Not that I don't appreciate the input but you know, character integrety and all that. :ph34r:


Except there part where the aesop started with your characters actions. :P


They must know the truth! :P 


I pay attention to your guys' reactions to my characters to make sure their intended characterization is coming across okay and that I'm not accidentally giving them traits I never wanted them to have. (Well, except for Autumn's adorableness. I just wrote her, and apparently everyone thought she was super cute. :ph34r:


And Lightwards' reaction clinched the Aesop. He could've turned it into "Swearing Will Get You Kicked in the Ribs," "Swearing Will Make the Grouchy Man Order the Creepy Guy to Break Your Elbows, Too," or even "Swearing Will Annoy Your Betters and Make them Want to Beat You Into Unconsciousness," but it looks like Lightwards wanted the impressionable children to learn that "Swearing Can Save Your Life." :ph34r::P 

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They must know the truth! :P


I pay attention to your guys' reactions to my characters to make sure their intended characterization is coming across okay and that I'm not accidentally giving them traits I never wanted them to have. (Well, except for Autumn's adorableness. I just wrote her, and apparently everyone thought she was super cute. :ph34r:


And Lightwards' reaction clinched the Aesop. He could've turned it into "Swearing Will Get You Kicked in the Ribs," "Swearing Will Make the Grouchy Man Order the Creepy Guy to Break Your Elbows, Too," or even "Swearing Will Annoy Your Betters and Make them Want to Beat You Into Unconsciousness," but it looks like Lightwards wanted the impressionable children to learn that "Swearing Can Save Your Life." :ph34r::P

Actually, when did the whole Autumn is adorable thing even start? Naturally, she is but when did we start noticing it?

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Actually, when did the whole Autumn is adorable thing even start? Naturally, she is but when did we start noticing it?


I'm not entirely sure. :mellow: Fairly recently, I think; Kobold's Vondra post mentioning it and your Easter Eggs post bringing up her fan club as a meme are the two references that come to mind, but I don't think there were a lot of references to it before that. 

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I'm not entirely sure. :mellow: Fairly recently, I think; Kobold's Vondra post mentioning it and your Easter Eggs post bringing up her fan club as a meme are the two references that come to mind, but I don't think there were a lot of references to it before that. 


I don't recall any mentions of it before my Vondra post, actually. :mellow: She's a freckled redhead who's blushed on at least a dozen different occasions in one day, though, so I don't think it's far-fetched that she's seen as cute by some of the Guards.

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I don't recall any mentions of it before my Vondra post, actually. :mellow: She's a freckled redhead who's blushed on at least a dozen different occasions in one day, though, so I don't think it's far-fetched that she's seen as cute by some of the Guards.

Not really in game (not counting Shiny Sparkle) but I mean here out of game. Because, I think that has been around a bit longer.

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Not really in game (not counting Shiny Sparkle) but I mean here out of game. Because, I think that has been around a bit longer.


Fair point. I'd say that it was because she's exceptionally cute when compared to those around her, but that would only be accurate if she lived in Astoria or Salem. She shares The Dalles with the likes of Edgerunner and Scribbler. So... I don't really know how this whole cute!Autumn business got started.


Now I'm wondering about the relative cuteness of Jordan MacKenzie, that female soldier that was guarding Autumn back at the butcher shop. :P

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Fair point. I'd say that it was because she's exceptionally cute when compared to those around her, but that would only be accurate if she lived in Astoria or Salem. She shares The Dalles with the likes of Edgerunner and Scribbler. So... I don't really know how this whole cute!Autumn business got started.


Now I'm wondering about the relative cuteness of Jordan MacKenzie, that female soldier that was guarding Autumn back at the butcher shop. :P


"Relative cuteness" makes me think cuteness is measured on a scale, like spiciness of peppers or the brightness of brown dwarfs. :P 

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"Relative cuteness" makes me think cuteness is measured on a scale, like spiciness of peppers or the brightness of brown dwarfs. :P


Since Voidgaze is objectively the cutest living thing in Oregon, I propose that cuteness be henceforth measured in "ritas," "kiloritas," and so forth. :P

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And Orange Crush (or anyone, for that matter), at a glance would think "well that is some seriously undead caribou all up in there"


so that thought of his doesn't need to be retconned or anything


I don't mind retconning. Really! Have you seen how many times I edited my first RP post?  ^_^


There's nothing more torturous than watching on a phone browser people talk about an Epic you made up when the said browser doesn't allow you to respond. I honestly think that introducing my sister to Nighthound would be better.  :) But now I'm home, so it's okay.


I really only intended Wrangler as a Lore character, not a viewpoint one. I was planning to have Rubio mention him in passing as a famous Outlands Epic, so I'm not too worried about OP, though your point about him not being mentioned in Reckoners even though he would seem to be a dire threat to humanity is a good one.


Why did I imagine him being dangerous, you ask?


When I said Undead Caribou, I didn't mean "Lightwards-type" necromancy, where he just sort of restored them to their previous state except that they're subservient to him. I literally meant "Demon Caribou From Deep Within the Bowels of @#!*% ." Black hides and glowing maroon eyes, Razor sharp teeth, unnatural strength, and the ability to spit forth balls of sticky cud at enemy Epics, pinning them down like Mr. Incredible in that one scene where he was captured (you get that reference, right? Just me?) These are the kind of quadrupeds that you don't mess with without an equally fearsome army to back you up. Wrangler doesn't really care about killing, though. He just wants to desolate the landscape and leave no green thing growing, so he's perfectly happy roaming up there in the wastelands of Canada and wiping out all life forms there.


That being said...


I'm not sure if it matters (you'll probably never hear about this guy again,) but I'll downgrade his powers in the lore. First, he's not a necromancer (since that's not canon, right?) and instead can just change them with physical contact. Second, he's limited to 20,000 or so, total. Third, his goal is no longer to just graze down all life on the planet, but instead attacks towns and targets their food supplies, especially farms, without specifically killing the inhabitants, sort of like a swarm of bovine locusts.


By the way, Twilyght, awesome post. I was snickering for a good 30 minutes after I read it.

Edited by Mckeedee123
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I don't mind retconning. Really! Have you seen how many times I edited my first RP post?  ^_^


There's nothing more torturous than watching on a phone browser people talk about an Epic you made up when the said browser doesn't allow you to respond. I honestly think that introducing my sister to Nighthound would be better.  :) But now I'm home, so it's okay.


I really only intended Wrangler as a Lore character, not a viewpoint one. I was planning to have Rubio mention him in passing as a famous Outlands Epic, so I'm not too worried about OP, though your point about him not being mentioned in Reckoners even though he would seem to be a dire threat to humanity is a good one.


Why did I imagine him being dangerous, you ask?


When I said Undead Caribou, I didn't mean "Lightwards-type" necromancy, where he just sort of restored them to their previous state except that they're subservient to him. I literally meant "Demon Caribou From Deep Within the Bowels of Hell." Black hides and glowing maroon eyes, Razor sharp teeth, unnatural strength, and the ability to spit forth balls of sticky cud at enemy Epics, pinning them down like Mr. Incredible in that one scene where he was captured (you get that reference, right? Just me?) These are the kind of quadrupeds that you don't mess with without an equally fearsome army to back you up. Wrangler doesn't really care about killing, though. He just wants to desolate the landscape and leave no green thing growing, so he's perfectly happy roaming up there in the wastelands of Canada and wiping out all life forms there.


That being said...


I'm not sure if it matters (you'll probably never about this guy again,) but I'll downgrade his powers in the lore. First, he's not a necromancer (since that's not canon, right?) and instead can just change them with physical contact. Second, he's limited to 20,000 or so, total. Third, his goal is no longer to just graze down all life on the planet, but instead attacks towns and targets their food supplies, especially farms, without specifically killing the inhabitants, sort of like a swarm of bovine locusts.


By the way, Twilyght, awesome post. I was snickering for a good 30 minutes after I read it.


Even with his downgraded powers, Khione's reaction is very much appropriate. :ph34r: 


And thanks! ^_^

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I still don't think that would be enough to just cleanly cut through through a pair of handcuffs, especially without properly placing them first. He'd manage to destroy them surely but with a single swipe like that he would most likely also seriously damage Deathwish's hands and I am not sure what that would even do at the moment.




Orange Crush has actually had a secret tertiary power this entire time.


Orange Awesomeness: The ability to ignore peoples' objections that he's breaking the laws of physics if it suits him

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Orange Crush has actually had a secret tertiary power this entire time.

Orange Awesomeness: The ability to ignore peoples' objections that he's breaking the laws of physics if it suits him

The thing is, all Epics have that power. So I don't think it matters that much.

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Okay, new Epic idea. His name is Punchline. He has two powers. One, his primary, is that when he begins talking, anyone that can hear him begins to laugh uncontrollably. As he was a politician before Calamity, he hates this power for obvious reasons. The second, more for beefing him up than anything else, is that he is immune to any damage that can be caused by a punch (i.e. blunt trauma, cuts, friction). This, of course, means he can still be killed in a variety of ways.


Whaddaya think?  :unsure:

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