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Theory: Rock as a Radiant/Voidbringer (spoilers)

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So, we know that Horneaters are decedents from both humans and Listeners. So far, we have seen what I call Surgespren (the ones Knights Radiant bond) only bond humans, and Voidspren only bond Listeners. So, could Horneaters do both?


Just picture it, Rock bonded to a Surgespren and a Voidspren, and thus protected from Odium's control while using his power and using Surges. The first known Void Radiant, an extremely powerful new type of Knight Radiant who dominates Voidbringers all across the battlefield.


This is half joke and half serious, and I really, really hope something like this happens... It would be an interesting and awesome advancement in the story.


Let me know what you think!

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I disagree.  The Spren that the Listeners used to make Warform, Nimbleform, and other forms weren't Voidspren.  Also, I don't feel that what happened to Eshonai was a "Bonding" to a Voidspren, it seemed more like a violent takeover.

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Really sounds like a cool idea.  Although, I don't think that Horneaters are influenced in the same way by the spren as the Listeners are.  Rock would probably have been transformed when the Everstorm came, if that was the case.  An evil Rock would be quite scary, I think.  And it would also mean that it is possible for people with Horneater blood, such as Shallan, to bind the Voidspren as well. 

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I believe horneaters are MUCH more on the human side of the human/listener mix. Also, I doubt it would be healthy for your nahel bond tho have a piece of Odium inside you.

Still, I hope we will find out that humans can bond voidspren so we we can see anti-knights in the future

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Brandon said Listeners are not of Honor and were not of Odium or Cultivation originaly, so it leaves us with they being directly of Adonalsium, since He is hinted to have touched Roshar before by to a somewhat ambiguos passage of the Letter in WoR. I just implied that it was impossible to have a working bond with both a voidspren and a surgespren at the same time, not that listeners always have a piece of Odium inside them

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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Brandon said that the way the Listeners are taken over by Odium is similar to how Ruin controlled the Inquisitors. The difference, however, is that the Inquisitors themselves had sort of a 'hole' in themselves that allowed Ruin to take control. For Odium, this 'hole' is instead in the Voidspren, and through bonding with one, it opens the Listeners up to Odium.


Beyond that, I would disagree with the statement that they are more in the human side. Yes, Rock seems very much human in his actions. However, so does Eshonai, and she is a full Listener. Or, she did seem human. Stormform kind of messed that up. And creating the Everstorm was a bit of a dick move.


And why would it be impossible to have a working bond with both? There doesn't seem to be any requirements for Listeners to bond a spren besides the direct process. There is just a hostile takeover if they bond the wrong one. I'm just thinking being bonded to a splinter of Honor might protect them from that.

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I said Rock seemed more on the human side not because of his actions, but biologicaly and realmaticaly, since Horneaters don't hear the Listener Songs and don't bond spren to change forms.

And even if bonding a spren of honor doens't just keep them from bonding a voidspren, since I believe that if Listeners bonded surgespren they would get a new form, not tradicional surgebinding, them how would it keep them from being influenced by it? It is not like a evil spren whispering at their ears, but one with direct connection to their souls. While I believe that a weak bond to a surgespren is still possible, I think that they would have to banish the voidspren to be able to have a complete bond, and even if it isn't necessary and a Listener can have a nahel bond AND a form bond, it still could interfer woth the oaths and make life all around hard to the listener.

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I don't know. I have seen nothing so far that would make it impossible for them to have both bonds. We have seen other places were powers of shard of opposite intentions are mixed <cough cough Scadrial cough cough>  Granted, Feruchemy is completely different from having both Allomancy and Hemalurgy.

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Yeas, but having both bonds would require Listeners to be able both throught the tradicional way they use to choose forms and the way humans bond, wich would strike me as odd. Plus, having a bond with a voidspren is shown to affect your personality, and surgespren bonds appear to be very reliant upon an especific persinality.

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Ah, but the primes of this idea is not with a Listener, but an Unkalaki, a Horneater, which we know to be decedents of human/Listener interbreeding, which is what opens up to both bond versions. Also, the idea is that the Nahel bond would protect you from Voidspren's effect on personality.

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Yes, but since the Horneaters don't bond spren the Listener way, I suppose your theory could apply to any human. Remember that the listeners aren't truly more vulnerable to Odius influences on themselves, they just have an esier time bonding spren, and voidspren serve as a perfect channel to Odium's influence.

Still, now I can't stop thinking about how hilarius would be the consequences of two Listeners having a Horneater Drunken Song Duel in the middle of a Highstorm. In Iri, so they could bond Alespren.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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