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The Consume bit might be a clue. What if Consume is a shard of Roshar?

Maybe when it speaks of the three that ruled, but now the broken one rules- maybe that means that we have three shards, Almighty, Cultivation and Consumation, and the "broken one reigns" refers to Odium, who moved in and broke the three of them.

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Odium is the Shard name. Look it up, it means hate or disgust.

He's saying "What if Roshar had three 'indigenous' Shards who were then displaced or dispersed by Odium?"

This is a perfectly fair question. I've asked it myself, and the answers we've received have not satisfied me that this isn't what happened. We know Odium has come in from the outside and destroyed indigenous Shards before (e.g. Elantris). We don't discuss it simply because the evidence outside this quote is non-existent, and I doubt Brandon will let that slip one way or the other before the time comes.

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Which would work great, had I not worded this question cleverly:

18. How many Shards have existed on Roshar?


This was taken from some event Mi'ch was at. The answer isn't a direct quote, but I'm fairly certain they read my question exactly. So unless Brandon misinterpreted my meaning, then the answer is three, and always has been. Odium's trip to Sel was said to be "short", which must mean he came back to Roshar pretty quickly. Maybe it was about at that point the Oathpact happened, binding Odium to this world.

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What about the Old Magic, I dont really get where it comes in to play if Odium destroyed the three shards on Roshar. Between the three of them, even if they did some of their power to make humans, they should be able to take out on other Shard, even if it is extra powerful. The Old Magic is very powerful, and it does not seem like Odium to leave such a powerful player in the game, unless he had some sort of control over it. Could he have made some sort of pact with the 3rd shard on Roshar, if that Shard (Consume?) was like Ruin on Scadiel and wanted destruction and violence?

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What about the Old Magic, I dont really get where it comes in to play if Odium destroyed the three shards on Roshar. Between the three of them, even if they did some of their power to make humans, they should be able to take out on other Shard, even if it is extra powerful. The Old Magic is very powerful, and it does not seem like Odium to leave such a powerful player in the game, unless he had some sort of control over it. Could he have made some sort of pact with the 3rd shard on Roshar, if that Shard (Consume?) was like Ruin on Scadiel and wanted destruction and violence?

Odium IS the third Shard on Roshar.

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What about the Old Magic, I dont really get where it comes in to play if Odium destroyed the three shards on Roshar. Between the three of them, even if they did some of their power to make humans, they should be able to take out on other Shard, even if it is extra powerful. The Old Magic is very powerful, and it does not seem like Odium to leave such a powerful player in the game, unless he had some sort of control over it. Could he have made some sort of pact with the 3rd shard on Roshar, if that Shard (Consume?) was like Ruin on Scadiel and wanted destruction and violence?

I'm assuming that Odium wasn't actually able to completely destroy all of the Shards or their powers, even if he did kill the consciousness attached to the Almighty. He weakened or compromised them, though, that is certain. There seem to be limits on Shards powers, and I got the feeling from tWoK that although Odium's influence is dominant, he isn't anywhere close to exercising his full power unconstrained. We don't know what the rules are, but they are definitely there. Possibly his influence is strong, but he isn't completely back on Roshar? Who knows.

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Unless the Old Magic is related to Odium directly. Just a thought.

Possible, but I can't help but suspecting that parts of the other shards are floating around. Their influence hasn't disappeared, I'm certain. It just doesn't feel like Odium's influence, to be honest.

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I'm fairly certain that Cultivation is still active. And my guess is that the Old Magic is hers. Cultivation is a rather broad phrase. It means helping things to grow. Well, what makes humans grow and improve themselves? It's not giving them things outright, but giving them things to overcome. This would where the giving of both a boon and a curse becomes important. As my man Topher said, "Is she running to something or away from something? The answer is: both."

Name that reference and you get 5 AWESOME POINTS.

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Three Shards have existed on Roshar, period. They are: Honor, Cultivation, and Odium. As to your other question, I'm not entirely sure. I don't think it's mentioned whether Odium is native to Roshar or not. I remember getting the feel that he isn't, but that could just be because of the reference to his trip to Sel. It's just as possible either way, I think.

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Odium is the Shard name. Look it up, it means hate or disgust.

I've been thinking for awhile that Odium might not mean Hate/Disgust, so instead of looking it up in the dictionary I looked it up in a thesaurus and got some interesting results

Main Entry: odium

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: shame, dishonor

Synonyms: abhorrence, antipathy, aversion, bar sinister, black eye, blame, blot, blur, brand, censure, condemnation, detestation, disapproval, discredit, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, dislike, dispprobation, disrepute, enmity, execration, hate, hatred, ignominy, infamy, malice, obloquy, onus, opprobrium, rebuke, reprobation, resentment, slur, spot, stain, stigma

Antonyms: approval, honor, regard, respect

Emphasis mine. If Odium is Dishonor then I think it very likely that he is native to Roshar

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