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Metal Dice


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Because it just so incredibly appropriate for a Mistborn game: Precision Machined Dice. Yes, they are expensive, but they are casino quality metal dice, and you can get brass, copper, steel, or aluminum! (And titanium, with tungsten as a stretch goal, but we don't care about that.)

Cross-posting to the Crafty Games forum, so if you see it twice, you're not crazy. :)

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Yes, actually. She specified she did that for all sides in the Math section.

I designed the die to display the face features (‘pips’ or ‘dots’ numbering one through six) by drilling one or more spotfaces in the classic die pattern. By changing the drill depth of each pip to compensate for the mass of the material removed from the opposite face, I was able to match the geometric Centroid to the center of mass. This was readily accomplished in the ideal world of parasolid modeling.
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