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Memories of Light


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Possibly, but it would be hard to find something worse than burning someone completely out of the pattern.

I felt day 12 was probably Avi confronting Rand. We know from the previews she is already back at camp, and she was adamant about jumping him once she wouldn't be far below him.

Funny, I immediately thought of Mat and Tuon.

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Tuon would probably use a different phrasing, I feel.

Amys could have been discussing balefire. Although it is known to have collateral damage to the Pattern, I could easily see people planning to use it during the Last Battle for taking out powerful Shadowspawn and Forsaken. But using balefire at the Pit Of Doom would probably have rapid and severely deterimental effects far in excess of any previous uses. Plus, I don't think the Pattern is in immediate danger of collapsing even if all the channelers on both sides began using balefire indiscriminately. That was essentially the situation for a substantial chunk of the War Of Power, and reality only almost collapsed even though there were many more channelers with lots of angreal. Even the obliteration of Graendael's palace would have less impact than destroying entire cities.

Admittedly, it's also possible that a "benifical" weave such as some form of healing has a horrific unintended consequence. One that springs to mind is the saidin-detecting weave developed in KoD, which might interact... poorly with Myrdraal-turned channelers. (what ever did become of that, anyway? It doesn't seem to have been brought up since).

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I agree, that just doesn't seem to be something that Tuon would say.

I don't think there has been an Ashaman with the Tower AS since they developed the weave at least a 1/4 through ToM. That might have something to do with us not seeing it.

Edited by Aethling
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Day 17:

"It is one of the three things which I will require of you. Your payment, to me, in exchange for my life."

This is probably Rand talking with everyone about the Peace. Makes me wonder what the other two are though.

Personally, it makes me wonder what all three of them are... Or did I miss something?

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One of them almost has to be the Dragon's Peace that Avi had visions when she did her final wisewoman stuff. I have no idea what the other two could be. Possibly a united tower with men and women again. There is some foreshadowing of that in the Rose Window in the White Tower.

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One of them almost has to be the Dragon's Peace that Avi had visions when she did her final wisewoman stuff. I have no idea what the other two could be. Possibly a united tower with men and women again. There is some foreshadowing of that in the Rose Window in the White Tower.

Avi's visions included one where the White Tower had recently fallen, and mentioned the Black Tower was destroyed years earlier and the men forced into a guerrilla war. Granted, it's possible they had been united under a joint leadership council and dreamspiked themselves in to hedge out gateway attacks, preventing Black Tower refugees from regrouping at the White Tower, but they apparently didn't go coed.

It could be his demands to the Seanchan: 1. Dragon's peace in general, 2. no leashing members of either Tower or Wise Ones (No way are they going to give up the a'dam entirely), and 3. release the captured Wise Ones and Aes Sedai (since Avi's vision indicates that's the original causus belli with the Seanchan after Fortuona dies)

Fortuona ignored her, standing. "This woman is my new Soe'feia. Holy woman, she who may not be touched. We have been blessed. Let it be known."

Either Min or Fortuona's Voice/bodyguard, either of whom would probably be mortified by the attention.

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Day 22:

"Why are you helping me?" Perrin demanded.

"I'm fond of you, Perrin."

Sounds like Tylee helping Perrin at the battle. Wording makes me think female, and she is the only female I can think of not bound to him by oath or friendship.

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Day 23:

"Light burn me," Rand said. "You're not him, are you?"

Any chance this is rand finally realizing that Bella is in fact the Dark One? Or the Creator? I can never tell which.

Actually, I really can't think of who this is about off the top of my head. Maybe moridin? Or Taim?

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Day 24:

"There were many good years. Good decades, good centuries. We believed we were living in paradise. Perhaps that was our downfall. We wanted our lives to be perfect, so we ignored imperfections. Problems were magnified through inattention, and war might have become inevitable if the Bore hadn't ever been made."

Rand or Mierin remembering?

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Day 24:

"There were many good years. Good decades, good centuries. We believed we were living in paradise. Perhaps that was our downfall. We wanted our lives to be perfect, so we ignored imperfections. Problems were magnified through inattention, and war might have become inevitable if the Bore hadn't ever been made."

Rand or Mierin remembering?

Or Elan maybe. It has the ring of a philosopher's thoughts. He's had a rant or two similar to this in the series, albeit through Rand one of the times.

Thought, at first, maybe it was from Loial's book similar to beginning of ToM. But it just doesn't sound like him.

Got to go with Rand/LTT regretful musing, or Elan giving a final villainous monologue before the final showdown with Rand. Heck, maybe another Elan rant going through Rand's head.

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You really don't think that could be Moridin? That screams esoteric philosopher to me.

Read CoT ch. 24 when Rand has Moridin's musings about the cycle and the creator...they seem really similar to me. Could definitely be a 'see what you want to see' kind of thing, I think I might be hoping it's him. I've always really liked Elan. :blink:

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