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Gavilar assassination theory


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Based on the reading from book 2 Brandon did, do you think it's possible that the Parshindi assassinated Gavilar because they were trying to bring about the change? After all they were peaceful, nothing happened, why not try war to see if that would change anything? And the ceremony was only a way to guarantee they could kill him and anger everyone enough to fight.

Just a thought that occurred, thoughts?

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I suppose that it is possible, but so little is known about the Parshedi or the change they sought. My only question is why the Alethi. They seem like a naturally warlike culture, and posses a large amount of shard blades, and warriors. If the Parshedi where looking for a war they picked the wrong country.

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If I understand the reading correctly, they were already changed to warlike form. I don't see how they could be sure that Szeth would succeed without some prophetic information, particularly given how close the assassination actually was. Thus, they might have been accepting either Gavilar's death or survival. Maybe they just wanted a war.

Their only two hopes seem to be some interaction with Dalinar and figuring out how to change. I don't see how the war helps them figure out the change, so I'm guessing the war is a way to have the interaction with Dalinar. What that interaction would be is hard for me to imagine, but it seems that it must be prophetically inspired. If Gavilar had survived, they would likely have been fighting the Blackthorn as Gavilar's war leader.

What could they gain out of the war? They already had an alliance with the Alethi.

Presumably, Dalinar does some force unification and training before launching a major push to the Parshendi base. Whatever interaction the Parshendi are looking for will have to happen then.

Wacky thought: could Szeth get involved in this mysterious interaction?

Edited by hoser
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The answer to why the Parshendi is in the rest of the chapter, which Josh got audio on Tuesday. He's editing it (he had three hours total of audio). And with luck, today he will have even more audio.

(And the reason why they did it is tantalizingly awesome)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The answer to why the Parshendi is in the rest of the chapter, which Josh got audio on Tuesday. He's editing it (he had three hours total of audio). And with luck, today he will have even more audio.

(And the reason why they did it is tantalizingly awesome)

Looking forward to it. I'm gonna guess that they did it to force themselves to learn warform, as they appear to be trying to re-learn lost forms. But thats just speculation.

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The answer to why the Parshendi is in the rest of the chapter, which Josh got audio on Tuesday. He's editing it (he had three hours total of audio). And with luck, today he will have even more audio.

(And the reason why they did it is tantalizingly awesome)

Well that's just not fair.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually I think they may have assassinated him because they may have known that he had an Honor spren following him and wanted it to leave his presence so they could try and bind it. Say that they had a Parshendi in his camp near him and thought they would somehow be able to learn an Honor form.... Which would be cool. Also they may just not know how much a terrible thing it would be to kill him, maybe the Parshendi don't die the same way as humans and that is why they have the reverence for their dead. Could it be that the death of Gavilar was looked at as a way for him to somehow ascend to a higher plane or something akin to a higher Parshendi form?

Well my 2 cents worth.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Off topic, but how did the Parshendi even get Szeth's oathstone, or did I miss that somewhere? It seems to me like that's one of the major puzzles besides why the Parshendi even decided to assassinate Gavilar in the first place. It's a little too convenient, don't you think?

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Off topic, but how did the Parshendi even get Szeth's oathstone, or did I miss that somewhere? It seems to me like that's one of the major puzzles besides why the Parshendi even decided to assassinate Gavilar in the first place. It's a little too convenient, don't you think?

Not only that but how did the Parshendi possibly think Szeth could succeed unless they already knew about his abilities?

Otherwise the parshendi were just sending a Shin (generally assumed to be pacifists and harmless) slave to kill a full shardbearer (and king of the most powerful nation on the continent) on the off chance that he might succeed.

Also the 2nd reading tells us that the descision to assassinate Gavilar was made on the night in question.

So at the very moment that they decide to kill him they just happen to have close to hand the most dangerous assassin in the known world...

It stinks like week old fish!

Edited by MadRand
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Not sure how many have listened to the audio, so I'll try to use spoiler tags:

Well, it seems the audio reading is saying the Parshendi can assume forms at will (or perhaps through the cycle of highstorms?) the POV states she didn't understand how some people could run around in mating form in public...to me that says they can control it in some way. So the assasination attempt was something else, she stated they had to stop Gavilar from doing what he told them that night, which would have apprently paved the way for the return of the Parshendi gods. She described those things as disastorous, so apparently the Parshendi gods aren't very nice. I'm not sure why they didn't just ask Gavilar not to do what he was planning and perhaps explain the ramifications to him, but whattaya gonna do, right?

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Off topic, too, sorry: Is there a transcription from the second Parshendi reading somewhere? I'm really curious but I'm not able to understand the spoken reading.

I haven't seen one, sorry.

Edited by Droz
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Off topic, too, sorry: Is there a transcription from the second Parshendi reading somewhere? I'm really curious but I'm not able to understand the spoken reading.

Sure. Check out the 'events, signings, and stalkings.'

It's in the very top post on the second page of 'west jordan' thread.

Might be something wrong with it though, not sure. Terez felt the need to chime in and say nothing.

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Sure. Check out the 'events, signings, and stalkings.'

It's in the very top post on the second page of 'west jordan' thread.

Might be something wrong with it though, not sure. Terez felt the need to chime in and say nothing.

Thank you very much.

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I thought that king at the end was szeth's master all along so he order gavilar to be killed. I dont know why the parshendi would claim that they had him killed though.

I hope I don't seem to always speak contrary.

I don't think that Taravangian held Szeth' Oathstone the whole time, because

1. other people definitively held the Oathstone in the time between Gavilar's assassination and "today" (for example we see the Oathstone when his one master was killed and the culprits found it, so that Szeth's master changed on this event) and

2. I don't think that Taravagian would have had entrustet the Oathstone to this varying masters*. At least he would have given his power over Szeth to other people.

3. I'm not under the impression that Szeth knew Taravangian before they met in Kharbranth.

(*One might think, that this masters were Taravangian's 'beings', but why then kill the last?)

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He definately claims he was the master all along, when szeth killed gavilar he went off on one but and taravangian could not find him but then when szeths last master started having him kill people, word of a killer in white got back to taravangian and he re-located him. The man who killed szeths master gave him a list that was given to him by taravangian so the same thing could have happened when he was told to kill gavilar, he didnt want to reveal himself to szeth until his plan had begun to fully blossom.

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He definately claims he was the master all along,

I can't find, where this comes from.

"I've watched you," the voice said. ... (showing Makkek's head ...)

"How?" Szeth demanded.

"We took him ..."


"Servants of your new master."

TWoK I-6

(my emphasizes)

when szeth killed gavilar he went off on one but and taravangian could not find him but then when szeths last master started having him kill people, word of a killer in white got back to taravangian and he re-located him.

Hmm, no. Makkek did never force Szeth to behave like the "assassin in white". I'm nearly sure, that Makkek didn't ever think of the possibility whose master he was. So your conclusion ("... Szeths last master started having him kill people, word of a killer in white got back to taravangian") doesn't work.

But, yes, there is a passage that might be interpreted like you did:

"You were always him," Szeth said. "My unseen master."

TWoK Chapter 71

Though this may or may not mean that Taravangian had been the orderer of Gavilar's assassination. However I understand this in retrospect to the scene from I-6.

Taravangian will surely know about the "assassin in white", he's a king and has to stay up to date and he has to have his informants and informations about what's going on on Roshar. Not knowing the second parshendi reading (but being quite sure that it does not clarify this question), I still think the immediate orderer of the assassination had been the Parshendi. What caused them to do so is another question, also whether Taravangian had been involved in one way or another (however he ordered Dalinar's death "quickly, before he can unite the Alethi highprinces"). But then again: Why would this person in I-6 say: "your new master"?

Resuming: I more likely think that Gavilar's assassination was ordered by the Parshendi what fitted really good in Taravangians plans (of trying to avoid the unification of the Highprinces; so Taravangian seems kind of odium-like voidbringer-ish).

So much thoughts, so much possibilities :-)

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