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The L-Theory of Realmatic Strings


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As for why bodies of water appear as a solid mass on Shadesmar... well, I'm not sure. My best guess is that the gravity waves on the surface of lakes/oceans/etc. might be making oscillation in the Cognitive Realm less apparent somehow, but I have no idea how that would work conceptually.


I think it is a little simpler than that. So land is a bunch of beads because dirt is composed of lots and lots of different elements and compounds. Where as water is composed of water. ( There are of course trace amounts of other things but mainly its H2O ) So using your vibration theory because such a large amount of the ocean is vibrating to the same 'tune', I suppose, it is interpreted by the mind to be solid. 


I'll need a quote but I'm pretty sure that the fish were represented by lights under the surface of the ocean? 

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when I read  "L-theory" I assumed it was connected to the L-space of discworld. Now I expect nut shells to turn up in the palaneum.


Anyway, I think there's certainly probably truth about your theory. We know that all magic systems in the cosmere are just different manifestation of a single magic system, and that the unification of the surges is indeed possible.


As for the "hard science" part, my scientist self think that's way too easy, and real science would never be like that. Science popularization is necessary, but it has the drawback that it makes science seems much more simpliffied than it actually is, and turns it into a sort of fairy tale. Science is extremely rigorous, with every piece having to fit with each other piece just exactly, and explanations always involve complex mathematics and complex interactions with other things. So, I would say that long discussion did not look like real science and is unlikely to be truth. On the other hand, we are discussing the cosmere, not the real science, and I totally expect brandon to have done something like that theory. I really doubt he wrote a full mathematic for his magic theory.


Even then, my main reason for not liking that is that I don't like string theory. The physical community is divided over it, with people loving it and people hating it. I myself am a chemist, but my best friend is a physicist, and he hates it, for reasons I can agree with. I mean, there are 11 dimmensions, but we don't see them except on the strings? II am sure they can make the mathematics fit in that way. You always get a better fitting of the data if you add  more degrees of freedom to a system, but that does not mean the degrees of freedom you added represent a real physical property. And you should be extremely wary especially when you don't have a good explanation for what they are and you are not seeing them anywhere else.

There is also a long hystory of theoretical physicist looking down their noses at chemists because  they think the schroedinger's equation already explains all chemistry (theoretically true, but the calculations involved are so complex that you cannot use that equation to predict anything from any meaningful chemical system, so you have to get your hands dirty in a chemical lab - metaphoricallly, cause you use gloves - if you want some results), and string theory proponents are particularly bad in that aspect, probably because string theory is so detached from experimental results and so deeply shrouded in mathematics (there is also a long hystory of mathematicians lookind down on scientists for using things like experimental errors and approximations. There is a well-known correlation in the scientific community between level of mathematics used and snobbishness. I've never seen a biologist look down at anyone).

So, I just cannot like anything based on string theory.

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You didn't happen to have hacked Brandon's laptop of everything did you Skaa? Because I have to say that I am seriously impressed by this theory and the amount of work put into it than probably any other one I've seen by you or any one else on here.

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I think it is a little simpler than that. So land is a bunch of beads because dirt is composed of lots and lots of different elements and compounds. Where as water is composed of water. ( There are of course trace amounts of other things but mainly its H2O ) So using your vibration theory because such a large amount of the ocean is vibrating to the same 'tune', I suppose, it is interpreted by the mind to be solid.

That might work. I think I'll use that explanation (or something similar to it) later when I do a major revision of the theory after I get enough good suggestions. Thanks, man!


I'll need a quote but I'm pretty sure that the fish were represented by lights under the surface of the ocean?

I think anything with a Spark of Life will manifest as a flame in Shadesmar, even underwater creatures. If my model for Identity is correct, sea creatures are component Identities of a much larger sea Identity, which is why they exist inside the solid obsidian Shadesmarian "land". I wonder what happens if you try to grab a fish underwater while being half inside Shadesmar. I don't think my model has an answer for that, unfortunately.

@king of nowhere: I did read a bit about anti-string scientists, and I cannot fault you for your misgivings. The fact that we still haven't detected any evidence for supersymmetry is obviously a big drawback for the more popular "superstring" theories. There's also the issue of string theory not being falsifiable, and it being more useful to mathematics than to experimental physics.

But I wasn't really trying to advocate string theory as a good scientific theory. Rather I'm advocating it only as a popular scientific theory that Brandon may have used in his Cosmere worldbuilding. The hyperspatial nature of string theory lends itself well to multi-dimensional fantasy worlds, I think, especially when you include the concept of branes.

Similarly, my use of Hofstadter's "strange loop" idea and the "God was once a man" doctrine of Mormonism in L-theory does not imply I believe in those concepts. I just thought they were a good fit for this particular Cosmere theory.


You didn't happen to have hacked Brandon's laptop of everything did you Skaa? Because I have to say that I am seriously impressed by this theory and the amount of work put into it than probably any other one I've seen by you or any one else on here.

Nah. I hacked into the laptop of a Brandon Sanderson from a parallel universe. Unfortunately, I'm afraid he may not have the same exact worldbuilding ideas as the Brandon Sanderson in our reality. ;)

Thanks for the kind words and upvotes, guys! :) Keep the suggestions coming!

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@king of nowhere: I did read a bit about anti-string scientists, and I cannot fault you for your misgivings.

But I wasn't really trying to advocate string theory as a good scientific theory.


Of course. I was just explaining that I have deep-seated issues with string theory (mind you, it could turn out to be true nonetheless; what I like has nothing to do with what is real, and at the moment we lack enough data one way or the other) and I cannot like your theory because of it.

That's quite ridiculous when considered that way: I cannot like a theory about some fantasy books because I heard a few theoretical physicist with a bad attitude. I got carried a bit offtopic with that expalantion, but I think it's curious enough to be worth writing.

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Just one little note here: as a member of the LDS church i'd suggest you use this phrase to illustrate your point:


As man is God once was, and as God is, man may become.

because it's a little more clear and gives a better idea of the mormon belief. I'm unsure where the phrase originated, but i do know it was quoted by Lorenzo Snow.



Great theory. I can't imagine the amount of time and dedication this took.

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Just one little note here: as a member of the LDS church i'd suggest you use this phrase to illustrate your point:

because it's a little more clear and gives a better idea of the mormon belief. I'm unsure where the phrase originated, but i do know it was quoted by Lorenzo Snow.

Here is a page containing what is supposed to be Snow's own account of how he came up with that phrase:

According to Elder Snow, “While attentively listening to his explanation, the Spirit of the Lord rested mightily upon me—the eyes of my understanding were opened, and I saw as clear as the sun at noonday, with wonder and astonishment, the pathway of God and man. I formed the following couplet which expresses the revelation, as it was shown me, and explains Father Smith’s dark saying to me at a blessing meeting in the Kirtland Temple, prior to my baptism. …

“As man now is, God once was:”

“As God now is, man may be.”

“I felt this to be a sacred communication, which I related to no one except my sister Eliza, until I reached England, when in a confidential private conversation with President Brigham Young, in Manchester, I related to him this extraordinary manifestation.”

I have included the phrase in the original post as you suggested.

Great theory. I can't imagine the amount of time and dedication this took.

Thanks! It was pretty fun to write. I wouldn't have thought of trying to unify Investiture in such a crazy pseudo-scientific way without all the cool quantum physics-related discussions in the forums, such as in Isomere's waveform thread. Strangely enough, the post that triggered me into exploring a Realmatic string theory didn't even mention strings at all. Moogle's waveform model for Allomancy made me think about how the Spiritweb can be interpreted in terms of waveforms, and the image of the Spiritweb as a network of oscillating threads just screamed "string theory" to me.

Speaking of which, I forgot to incorporate the Spiritweb in L-theory. D'oh! *fixes oversight*

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  • 1 month later...

I'll just leave this here. :)

Q: Is there a quantum of Investiture? Just as how the photon (the quantum of light) is the force carrier particle of electromagnetism, is there a force carrier particle for Investiture, and do you have a name for it? (My follow up question would involve string theory, but I'll leave that one for later.)
A: Yes, there is a quantum of Investiture, though it acts very oddly in the cosmere.
True Investiture is a purely Spiritual Realm thing. In the cosmere, there are two alternate planes of existence, with their own specific laws. Some of them, as you've undoubtedly notice, behave similar to ideas in String Theory.


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  • 1 month later...



  • This reality of all things having strange loops that act as "eyes" is symbolized in Cosmeric philosophy by the Essence of Lucentia.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Of particular interest, what's the relevance of the Essences (which we've collectively been ignoring). In order they are: Zephyr, Vapor, Spark, Lucentia, Pulp, Blood, Tallow, Foil, Talus, Sinew. "Talus" and Lucentia" on this list are really interesting. In fact, this whole list is pretty weird. These don't strike me as the "fundamental building blocks" of a planet. I'm actually intrigued by this WoB:


I found this on a post regarding Voidbinding. Those up there are the ten essences. Just makes this theory more awesome.

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  • 2 years later...

I just want to say I think this is an absolutely astounding theory.

I think that, if I got the time for it, I might try and see if I can figure out how all different kinds of magic are related to it.

EDIT: The first version of Surgebinding is in my signature now, and I'll keep updating my signature with all theories I've posted.

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As a Theorybreaker, I feel obliged to find something wrong with everything.  My one question is how the cognitive realm can have different manifestations of the same general thing.  In other words, if the cognitive realm is where the strings between spiritual and physical pass through, how is it made of beads on Roshar and vapors on Scadrial?  Overall, I love this theory.  It seems to have described everything that I can think of in the Cosmere in a solid and detailed manner.

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Wow thanks for the new comments, guys!

On 10/26/2017 at 11:55 PM, Leyrann said:

I think that, if I got the time for it, I might try and see if I can figure out how all different kinds of magic are related to it.

Feel free to share what you come up with! Of course, the problem about a "theory of everything" is that often it's better to use a smaller, more specialized theory instead to explain something. In the real world, some physicists brag about how Physics is the purest Science, and that a theory of everything in Physics could explain anything in the universe; but if you tried to derive, say, the Science of Immunology using just the fundamental particles of Physics, it'll take you forever to do it.

Similarly, I haven't actually used the L-theory in any of my subsequent theories because L-theory is just a bit too general to be useful most of the time. What's important is that Brandon himself has confirmed that the cosmere follows something similar to string theory, that there is a quantum of Investiture, and that there are two separate planes of existence in the cosmere that are somehow connected, which are major points of this "theory of everything in Realmatics" of mine.


On 10/27/2017 at 4:44 AM, The Voiceless One said:

My one question is how the cognitive realm can have different manifestations of the same general thing.  In other words, if the cognitive realm is where the strings between spiritual and physical pass through, how is it made of beads on Roshar and vapors on Scadrial?

I speculated in Part II of my theory post that the Shadesmar environments that people experience are just a Lightweaving illusion, but yeah the reason why the illusion is different for each Shardworld wasn't something I intended to discuss here. I have commented on the Shardworld-specific differences within the Cognitive Realm elsewhere, though. I speculated that it has something to do with how each Shardworld might be attuned to certain Essences. The Shardworld Essences thing is one of my theories that I'm not very confident in, but it's the best I could offer right now regarding that conundrum.

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On 10/28/2017 at 0:16 AM, SilverTiger said:

Very well-thought-out theory. However, when I saw the title, I immediately thought about L-space from Discworld. Maybe you should change the title...

Dude, anything that could potentially remind people of Discworld (no matter how unintended) is doing a service to humanity. Don't you agree? :P

On a more serious note, I never thought of L-space while writing the theory, but the space-warping library of Unseen University isn't that far away conceptually from the idea of multi-dimensional Realms. I guess someone might think that I'm trying to put Discworld in the cosmere (which I'm not), but that's just silly.

It's the opposite. The cosmere is clearly in the Discworld, located somewhere in L-space. ;)

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On 26-10-2017 at 5:55 PM, Leyrann said:

I just want to say I think this is an absolutely astounding theory.

I think that, if I got the time for it, I might try and see if I can figure out how all different kinds of magic are related to it.

I'm coming back to this. However, it's going to be so much (I tend to be quite extensive in my explanations) that I'm making a new thread for it. I'll link it here once it's ready.

EDIT: I'm just going to put it in right here, another reason to assume this theory is correct, is that Shallan is able to suck in the Stormlight from her illusions again, which makes sense, as Lightweaving doesn't actually do anything with the L bosons, contrary to the other kinds of magic.

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So I'm done explaining the ten Surges, and it's actually amazing. It's. Actually. Amazing. It all fits so well. Only four of the Surges require the L bosons to be converted into energy, and two of those are related to molecular bonds (which are electron stuff and electrons can gain and lose energy if they get hit by photons) while the other two are related directly to Identity and are probably turned into energy through that, and therefore also require L-Theory. Of the other six, five directly use the L bosons to work, and the last one... Oh man, Elsecalling is beautiful. It requires the soul of L-Theory to work.

I am now going to get some sleep, however, as it's getting late, but I'll continue tomorrow. Mistborn probably has some interesting things as well and I'm gonna see what I can get done with Warbreaker and Elantris. And after that I'm gonna do some more reading first as looking up magic systems of books I haven't read could end up with some spoilers I would not want to see.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to make sure, I'm going to put my whole post in spoiler tags for Oathbringer, as there's a few minor Oathbringer spoilers in there. No actual plot spoilers though.


As you're probably aware, L-Theory has been on my mind quite a bit, and I've found myself wondering wheter it might be slightly off in a specific part. To be precise, I think that not the Spiritual Realm, but rather the Cognitive Realm is made up out of the other endpoints of the strings. The Spiritual Realm, then, is made up out of the strings themselves. I believe this solves a number of problems that I have with L-Theory in it's current form.

First of all, it would explain why distance in the Spiritual Realm is so weird. In the Cognitive Realm - which would essentially be 3-dimensional, rather than incomprehensible - things still exist similar to what we know. As we've seen in Oathbringer, up to the point of life, plants, ships, cities, etc. The Spiritual Realm, meanwhile, would be impossible to truly understand, as it consists of at least four dimensions (our 3 dimensions to allow for positions of the strings, plus a fourth to allow for the strings to actually be string-formed); I can see distances and space to at the least be totally different from how we know it in daily life.

Second, and this is also something I bumped into writing my Theory of Identity, Identity, as we know from the feruchemical chart, is a Spiritual property. If it is indeed caused by Connected oscillations, then it would only make sense that Identity was an attribute of the Realm where those oscillations actually happen. Additionally, it would directly allow for strange loops to also be placed in the Spiritual Realm, as those connect the strings to themselves. I have a hard time visualizing strings in the Spiritual Realm (which you used to explain Connection) if the Spiritual Realm consists of endpoints (why are there strings in what is basically a D-brane like the Physical Realm?), but if the Spiritual Realm consists of the strings themselves, then it would fit naturally.

Third, I feel like this actually gives a better foundation for the Spiritual Realm as the pure and perfect true nature of objects and stuff: that is information that is contained in the string itself, rather than in one of the endpoints. Even if you move an endpoint (break a piece off a vase and move it somewhere else) then the string itself remains the same, also because there is no distance in the Spiritual Realm; only the endpoint changes.

The one thing that goes against this theory is that the Coppermind states that the Cognitive Realm is the Realm between the Spiritual and the Physical, but it does not actually cite a source for this. If there is a source, then that means I just wasted the time I spent on this post, but I could see it being a mistake someone made because, obviously, the sorta understandable Cognitive Realm would be closer to the Physical Realm than the totally incomprehensible Spiritual Realm. Except, as I explained, I think that's a misconception caused by the nature of the Cosmere where the intermediate Realm is the one that is hard/impossible to understand.


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It likes adding random lines when creating a spoiler...
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6 hours ago, Leyrann said:

Just to make sure, I'm going to put my whole post in spoiler tags for Oathbringer, as there's a few minor Oathbringer spoilers in there. No actual plot spoilers though.

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As you're probably aware, L-Theory has been on my mind quite a bit, and I've found myself wondering wheter it might be slightly off in a specific part. To be precise, I think that not the Spiritual Realm, but rather the Cognitive Realm is made up out of the other endpoints of the strings. The Spiritual Realm, then, is made up out of the strings themselves. I believe this solves a number of problems that I have with L-Theory in it's current form.

First of all, it would explain why distance in the Spiritual Realm is so weird. In the Cognitive Realm - which would essentially be 3-dimensional, rather than incomprehensible - things still exist similar to what we know. As we've seen in Oathbringer, up to the point of life, plants, ships, cities, etc. The Spiritual Realm, meanwhile, would be impossible to truly understand, as it consists of at least four dimensions (our 3 dimensions to allow for positions of the strings, plus a fourth to allow for the strings to actually be string-formed); I can see distances and space to at the least be totally different from how we know it in daily life.

Second, and this is also something I bumped into writing my Theory of Identity, Identity, as we know from the feruchemical chart, is a Spiritual property. If it is indeed caused by Connected oscillations, then it would only make sense that Identity was an attribute of the Realm where those oscillations actually happen. Additionally, it would directly allow for strange loops to also be placed in the Spiritual Realm, as those connect the strings to themselves. I have a hard time visualizing strings in the Spiritual Realm (which you used to explain Connection) if the Spiritual Realm consists of endpoints (why are there strings in what is basically a D-brane like the Physical Realm?), but if the Spiritual Realm consists of the strings themselves, then it would fit naturally.

Third, I feel like this actually gives a better foundation for the Spiritual Realm as the pure and perfect true nature of objects and stuff: that is information that is contained in the string itself, rather than in one of the endpoints. Even if you move an endpoint (break a piece off a vase and move it somewhere else) then the string itself remains the same, also because there is no distance in the Spiritual Realm; only the endpoint changes.

The one thing that goes against this theory is that the Coppermind states that the Cognitive Realm is the Realm between the Spiritual and the Physical, but it does not actually cite a source for this. If there is a source, then that means I just wasted the time I spent on this post, but I could see it being a mistake someone made because, obviously, the sorta understandable Cognitive Realm would be closer to the Physical Realm than the totally incomprehensible Spiritual Realm. Except, as I explained, I think that's a misconception caused by the nature of the Cosmere where the intermediate Realm is the one that is hard/impossible to understand.


Those are interesting thoughts! Unfortunately, we do have a source regarding the idea that the Cognitive Realm is between the other two Realms, and it's from a Shard. Here is Preservation (in Chapter 1 of M:SH) talking about the Cognitive Realm:


“It’s not the world of the dead. It’s the world of the mind. Men—all things, truly—are like a ray of light. The floor is the Physical Realm, where that light pools. The sun is the Spiritual Realm, where it begins. This Realm, the Cognitive Realm, is the space between where that beam stretches.”

Although Leras wasn't omniscient, and was severely handicapped by this point, I think his analogy must have some truth in it given that he can still see all three Realms.

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8 hours ago, skaa said:

Those are interesting thoughts! Unfortunately, we do have a source regarding the idea that the Cognitive Realm is between the other two Realms, and it's from a Shard. Here is Preservation (in Chapter 1 of M:SH) talking about the Cognitive Realm:

Although Leras wasn't omniscient, and was severely handicapped by this point, I think his analogy must have some truth in it given that he can still see all three Realms.

Eh. That's a shame. It's a nice comparision though, which indeed points towards strings stretching through the Cognitive Realm. (and it once again uses light as base)

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