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Where Would You Live?

Straff Venture

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The Cosmere has some pretty amazing places to live, so I'd like to know you're choice of location on each of the four cosmere worlds.

Here's mine:

Scadrial - Tathingdwen - From what I hear the mountain scenery is pretty nice.

Roshar - Kasitor - Low risk of being crushed by highstorms or highprinces, and a view across the ocean.

Sel - Elantris - Where else?

Nalthis - T'Telir - Colourful and rich.

Edited by Straff Venture
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Heh, I'm not sure that I'd be able to confine myself to one place. I'd probably end up wandering the planet studying the history, culture, and magic. Here's my best guess as to where I'd stay if I had to pick just one spot.

  • Roshar - In Kharbranth, at the Palanaeum of course. I'd probably be an artifabrian.
  • Scadrial - Elendel, maybe working with Ranette to design some more Hazekiller rounds. Got to get those Bloodmaker rounds working :D
  • Nathis - I'd probably be more inclined to wander here, but I'd probably end up in Idris. Back country peacefulness appeals to me. Maybe spend some time as a monk, helping people
  • Sel - I'd probably be at Elantris.
    Emperor's Soul Spoilers!
    I might instead end up in the Teoish continent, in the court of the Rose Empire. Someone needs to convince those guys that it's time to go break up the Fjordell Empire.

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Hm... World wise, Roshar mostly. On Scadrial Elendel sounds pretty nice, but trips to Roughs would be awesome. Roshar, I would be a super world traveler. Places I would like to see : Kharbranth, Khlolinar, Kasitor, Rall Elorim, the Purelake, Ssemelax Dar, That place with the criminals with bloody cheeks, and lots of other places. Sel, Elantris of course, but also Jindo and Fjorden. Nalthis, T'Telir is the obvious choice.

Edited by Yamato
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I'd like to at least see Scadrial after TLR's Ascension, even if I'm a sickly creature that would likely die from trying to breathe an ash-filled atmosphere, I think it'd be amazing to see it just once. Roshar would be my number one destination so far, though. That ecosystem. Does any more need to be said than that? <3

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Nalthis - Idris appeals to me more, I like a sedate lifestyle and T'Telir just sounds too volatile.

Roshar - The Purelake is tempting, as it is different, but peaceful. Kharbranth and Szeth's homeland among other sound interesting too (Alethkar is too warriorlike for me to want to live there)

Sel - The homeland of a certain forger...

Scadrial - Elendel, right after the events of HoA if I had a choice.

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Roshar- either in the Palanaeum (blankets in a reading cubby) or in Alethkar (if i were a guy/part of highprince entourage)

Nalthis- I would LOVE to be a returned (i'm too lazy for much else) so in T'Telir

Sel- (haven't read Emperor's soul yet like some lucky people so I'm a bit limited) Pre-conquered Jindo seems nice, except i don't like spicy food/ the abandoned city that Hoid is living in

Scadrial- Old School Terris

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Roshar- either in the Palanaeum (blankets in a reading cubby) or in Alethkar (if i were a guy/part of highprince entourage)

Nalthis- I would LOVE to be a returned (i'm too lazy for much else) so in T'Telir


Elantris on Sel, of course.

And I'll go with N/A on Scadrial.

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  • 4 weeks later...

in terms of world, I'd definitely visit Roshar for the unique flora and fauna but not stay there due to automatically being a second-class citizen in large parts of it. I'd probably chose to live on Nalthis or post-Final Ascension Scadrial. Peaceful, no hostile shards around etc.

I think it would be fun to be on Scadrial just after the events of HoA, so I could participate in the massive rebuilding effort.

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