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Most Upsetting Character Death? (Spoiler, obviously)

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Sanderson's Law: All your favorite characters must be brutally murdered or possessed in the most heart-wrenching way possible. If you like the character, he/she's already dead.

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In WoR, Jasnah, definitely Jasnah. It was way too shocking for me. I thought of her death before (The thing usually happens on mentors), but still couldn't get over it when reading the book. Not long after grieving for her, I was spoiled that she is actually alive, then I flipped to the epilogue at once... Oh my it was like riding a roller coaster!

In WoK, Tien's death is heartbreaking TAT Also R.I.P. to Kaladin's friends in Amaram's army.

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Hmm... spoiler tags would seem to be in order here, yes?


With that said...

(WOR spoilers)

I was beside myself when Jasnah died.  I suppose I should have figured that she'd come back from the dead, but I totally didn't.  I was grieving almost as much as Navani did!


Huh. That one for me was easy. I just knew she'd come back.


Kelsier was honestly the worst for me.

There are loads of people who say it was totally expected and they weren't even surprised but for me it came out of nowhere. I was distraught for several days afterwards, and so far no other character death (from anything) has ever hit me harder.


At first, that one caught me good. Upon a reread, I noticed tons of foreshadowing concerning his martyrdom. Still, Kelsier's was one of the worst for me. Vin and Elend's too. But with all three, I thought they fit perfectly. Kelsier just seemed like the perfect martyr and Elend and Vin's were beautifully tragic.



I agree, Lightsong and Blushweaver really traumatized me. As well as the next one, this was probably the worst for me.



Sheesh. Prof going nuts was one of the worst too. The Warbreaker one above and this one were the most shocking and brutal to me.

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I'm also diverging from Cosmere books.


Major Wheel of Time spoilers...

I really wanted Egwene to have her happy ending and her death in The Last Battle was devastating.


I hear that, and wholeheartedly agree. Still, what a death though. If you're going out, you may as well go out spectacularly, and she did that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

WoR/Elantris Spoilers

My two most upsetting deaths are Hrathren, who has already been mentioned, and Brightlord Lin Davar. They might seem an odd set of choices but the context of a characters' death has a huge impact in how that death effects me. Hrathren's epiphany when he is locked in Elantris is probably the closest I have come to religious experience, I am not joking that is how powerful I think his 'search for faith' story arc is. Normally the whole character loses and rediscovers their faith rigmarole bores me but centring it about his very unusual (for a fantasy high priest) personality made in so enthralling. He realises "hey I'm never going to be a fanatic, so I will use this logical thoughtful personality. After what else could the God who created me expect" He makes peace with himself acknowledges his feeling for Sarene, his failure in Duladel and decides to do what he thinks is right in the most heroic set of event I have ever read in fantasy. His legacy? Branded a traitor and a grave in a nation who regardless of the pretty ending speech will regard him with either indifference or hatred. Bummer. Lin is easier to explain, he makes me sad like pretty much all of Shallan's childhood. Notable chilling moments include the lullaby, using the necklace he gave her with all its associated symbolism as a murder weapon, recognising the 'cold feeling' from murdering her mother, her farther's "betrayed" look oh and this 


"I'm sorry," she whispered, unhooking her necklace. "Thank you for what you did for me." She wrapped the necklace around his neck.

Then she began to twist.

saddest death scene ever, it is not just lin shallan finishes off there it is her last shred of innocence

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I have sad parts that I can share, and people die in them, so... Does that count?


Stormlight Archive:


Kaladin's backstory, with Amaram killing off everyone who survived in Kal's group to take the Shardblade. I just had to stare at the wall for a bit, and couldn't think about anything else. I don't even remember the names. Just how they were heartlessly killed.


Shallan's backstory was similar, also heartwrenching. And, well, in the first book we see her as innocent, and in the second, she's anything but. Ahem.




I actually didn't feel sad about Vin and Elend. After finishing HoA, all I felt was a sense of finality. It was the right way to end it, to me. Start with a relatively blank slate.


Kelsier, though, really hit me hard. I see the foreshadowing, but still.


So, yeah. Basically agreeing with people above me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Death isn't the worst thing that can happen to a favorite character. Worse is when they are forced to become something else in some unnatural way.


I completely agree with this. I can't tell how long I just stared off into space with my eyes glazed over when I found out what happened to Prof.

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