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Alloy of Law era Mistborn rp [Planning+Characters]


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Well, as long as you don't make it a chapter long, then I think its fine. Your posts aren't as long as I've seen some of them. Write as much as you want. I'll tell you if it gets too long but you're gonna have to do more than that!

I'll also post for Alahya tomorrow.

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Venture.. I'm not sure that making Ven pass out was the best idea. Now the others will have to carry him, and I know for sure that Alahya would leave him behind in the street. Besides, if its as bad as you've described in the post, he'd probably die from blood loss.

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Since Winter says she's dropped out, I've been given permission to take control of Bella. I might keep her in, or rp her out, but it will help keep the rp flowing rather than having all the characters forget about her.

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Yeah, sadly. D: I asked her today if she was coming back and she said she would probably drop, so I asked if I could play Bella, at least for the time period just in case she did come back.

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I see you are still accepting members. Is this true for members who gave up catching up on events after a few pages? Members who might be fine having characters who are oblivious to past events? Members who are fine playing non-magical people and one-shot, fit-for-an-action-sequence powered individuals who die VERY often (OK, they only die once, each, but there would be A LOT of them 0.0'), fitting into the fodder category, even? Members whose characters may survive for a fraction of a post?


EDIT: Did I mention such members wouldn't care if their filler characters were godmodded like nobody's business and would actually look forward to it happening?

Edited by Turos
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just double checking, who's where? Kherstor and Finner are at the inn already, are Resool and Bella there? Who's the newcomer Turos mentioned? (is it finner...?) I want to make sure I don't make any dumb assumptions before replying  ^_^

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Oh, wasn't there a riot outside?


OH! I see. I worded that poorly. I meant it to mean someone entered the inn at just the wrong time and a stray bullet passed by, thanks to the door being open, and almost hit my character. I can reword it or change it completely.

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I can create another character to retroactively take the shot. I'll say he was in a fight of his own not far from the inn. His name will be Dirge, an ex-bounty hunter turned vigilante, giving up the rewards in order to stop small-time criminals before they become a problem. Let me know if this is going too far and I'll edit everything so the shot never happened.

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