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Nightblood VS Shardblade

Guest H3LP3R

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Now, I understand that many theories have been made about this. And if others have made this guess, I am sorry for copying you.

I can't remember the source, but this is how it goes:

Nightblood and a Shardblade clash.

Both weapons turn to mist, if blade hits blade.

Nightblood loses if a Shardblade hits the hilt or lower.

Shardblade loses if Nightblood hits hilt or lower.

Simple, eh?

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Disagree depending on the relative strengths of investiture neither would destroy the other, and nightbloods user would win due to it making its users super swordsman and the lack of skill entailed in using a shardblade compared to a normal sword

You're saying Dalinar isn't a good swordsman? And that Vasher could beat Arsteel in a duel? No, I mean if both are of equal skill with their own weapons.

Nightblood is "orders of magnitude" more magical then a Shardblade, according to Brandon, for the record. So I think Nightblood wins.

Aha. I haven't seen that before? Where is a link to where Brandon said this?

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As far as I know Nightblood harms physical and maybe spiritual too. Shardblade cuts only spiritual if object has spiritual aspect. Nightblood would win most likely because it has radiance or something like that when activated and it would start destroying Shardblade before contact.

Nightblood is rarer than Shardblade and it needs big amount of Breaths for activation. It won't be fair Shardblade to be stronger then Nightblood.

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The Orders of Magnitude bit comes from me, who got it from my cousin, who once asked that question when he ran into Brandon at a bookstore. So, unfortunately, I cannot link you to a documented report of that fact. My cousin is a big enough Branderson Nerd that he would not misreport information of this magnitude. I cannot for the life of me remember where I originally posted that info. So, yeah, the info is on the forums, and I believe it, but you won't find it in the interview database.

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I gotcha covered!

I've been waiting for the right moment to drop this tidbit. My cousin ran into Brandon in a bookstore once (crazy!) and asked him which of these two was more powerful. His response was that Nightblood is "several orders of magnitude more magical than a shardblade." It doesn't really answer your question, but it is definitely interesting, yes?


I only know where it was because of a lengthy search when I saw this brought up before.

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  • 2 months later...

I know this topic is a bit old, but I feel justified in commenting because it actually seems relevant ie for future Mistborn or maybe a cosmere-focused book.

A shardblade couldnt cut through Nightblade because of how heavily invested it is. Think about how shard plates can stop shardblades while they still contain storm light.

I don't know about the reverse, but I feel like shard blades would also be impervious to being cut, despite Nightblood's strength. No proof for this though.

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I think that a Shardblade might be able to unmake Nightblood if Nightblood isn't being wielded at the time, though possibly with extreme difficulty. At a guess, it would be like cutting a human, but there's a slight tug of resistance when slicing people and Nightblood has a thousand breaths, which probably comes out to a lot more spiritual power than a human, though I'm not sure exactly how much more.

However, if someone is holding Nightblood at the time, the stock of breaths they're imparting to the sword would likely make it more difficult or even impossible. Also Nightblood might kill the Shardbearer by simple proximity if actively fueled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so I agree with some of both of these points about it all. I personally think that Nightblood would just destroy a Shardblade but you do need to have skill with a blade in order to wield and fight with a Shardblade.

I do however have one wrench that I would like to throw into the gears here..... what about Nightblood and an Honorblade?

And let the further discussion begin lol

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Ok so I agree with some of both of these points about it all. I personally think that Nightblood would just destroy a Shardblade but you do need to have skill with a blade in order to wield and fight with a Shardblade.

I do however have one wrench that I would like to throw into the gears here..... what about Nightblood and an Honorblade?

And let the further discussion begin lol

iirc, honorblade is the same as a shardblade. Just two different titles for the same thing. I'm sure someone more motivated than I can hook us up with a Q&A quote.

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iirc, honorblade is the same as a shardblade. Just two different titles for the same thing. I'm sure someone more motivated than I can hook us up with a Q&A quote.

Well, if SeekinRage refers to the Herald's Blades (which are often reffered to as Honorblades) than they're not the same. In the Prelude those Herald's Blades are described like this:

These Blades were weapons of power beyond even Shardblades. These were unique. Precious
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Well, if SeekinRage refers to the Herald's Blades (which are often reffered to as Honorblades) than they're not the same. In the Prelude those Herald's Blades are described like this:

Yep that is exactly what I mean ;)/>

The Heralds blades, which Sanderson has called Honorblades on many occasions, were very and vastly different from the Shardblades that the Knights Radiant left behind, from what Dalinar saw in his vision.

Thus the question is still posed which would win now that we are considering Honor(Herald)blades and Nightblood?

Edited by SeekinRage
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