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Least favourite character in cosmere?

Straff Venture

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I love Zane and KanPaar, but then I've always been a villains person.

Now it's my turn to ask you guys not to hate one me, but my least favourite character is probably Kaladin. While he has many issues and weaknesses, he wasn't morally flawed or conflicted enough to be interesting to me. That doesn't make him a bad character, but that's my taste. Dalinar worked for me because his pursuit of a moral ideal was intentional, and a reaction to things in his past (his brother death, possibly his deal with the night mother), and he was still very conflicted about it. To me, anyways, it just felt like that powerful morality came a little to naturally to Kaladin for me to latch onto him.

I'm sure someone can come up with a page reference that proves me wrong in some way, which I will accept, but I don't think I'll ever like Kaladin much, no matter how good of a character he is. We just didn't click. I think it might also be because the whole "oppressed soldier/barracks" narrative isn't one of my faves. Maybe he'll get better in future books.

Anyways, I'm hoping to enjoy Stormlight 2 much more than Stormlight 1 because of its focus on Shallan rather than Kaladin.

Very interesting posts in this thread. It's interesting to see people's opinions.

Brandon actually remarks in this annotation (http://www.brandonsanderson.com/annotation/20/Elantris-Chapter-13) how he's noticed that people always assume making a character good means tainting them in some way. Especially odd if you remember that The Protagonist (Jesus) was the only person in his story to be completely incorrupt.

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I'm not saying good characters have to be flawed or tainted in some ways. I'm just saying that my personal preference is for more villainous characters because I find them more interesting. Were I to meet Kaladin in person, I'm sure I would find him to be quite inspiring, but for some reason or another, despite being a successful character in many respects, I didn't find him all that interesting to read.

You'll also notice I didn't include Raoden (who the annotation in question was about) in my list. I actually enjoyed Raoden's chapters a lot, even though he was fairly saintly. Don't ask me why, I can't tell you why people react differently to different characters, but I certainly do. :)

I also find it problematic comparing characters to Jesus, since he's kind of one of kind, in my view anyways. The gospels are full of really interesting and compelling stories, but I'm not sure if they can be judged by the same standard as fiction, but maybe that's just me.

Anyways, other characters I thought of another character I didn't particularly enjoy reading: Marasi. I was actually one of the few rooting for Steris the entire time. Like Kaladin, I think Marasi was a well crafted character, but she didn't catch my interest like Steris (admittedly ironically :P) did.

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Anyways, other characters I thought of another character I didn't particularly enjoy reading: Marasi. I was actually one of the few rooting for Steris the entire time. Like Kaladin, I think Marasi was a well crafted character, but she didn't catch my interest like Steris (admittedly ironically :P) did.

You like Zane and dislike Marasi? I can't be friends with you anymore :P

(Just kidding. Maybe.)

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Wow. And here I thought I was the only one rooting for Steris...


I kind of like Steris too. Unfortunately, I think Wayne is correct, Steris is completely and utterly insane. Luckily for Wax, her particular sort of madness doesn't interfere with a productive and happy life. I think she and Wax could be happy together, actually.

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She also may or may not be a kandra, which is a little freaky. Still, Marasi simply wouldn't be very good for either of them.

And it all comes down to what Marsh sent him. Do we know yet?

Personally, I'm rooting for that Spiritual Feruchemy spike, ten rings each of Nicrosil, Aluminium, Duralumin and Chromium and a cage full of willing test subjects. Maybe that's just me...

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She also may or may not be a kandra, which is a little freaky. Still, Marasi simply wouldn't be very good for either of them.

And it all comes down to what Marsh sent him. Do we know yet?

Where'd you get the idea Steris was a kandra? I like it and it would fit her personality, but I think we need at least a scrap of evidence on that.

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Where'd you get the idea Steris was a kandra? I like it and it would fit her personality, but I think we need at least a scrap of evidence on that.

It's fairly baseless other than the fleeting mention of her changed personality (explainable) and the fact that she's exactly where I'd stick a Kandra if I were somebody who had a rebel one, or better yet was a rebel one.

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As to Szeth killing Taravangian, I don't think he could have. Taravangian says that he probably doesn't need to order Szeth not to harm him, and I think he's right. The holder of the Oathstone is Szeth's master, not just soemone he must obey. A master is also someone you have to respect and of course not kill. Taravangian's order not to kill him was superfluous, Szeth wouldn't kill his master anyway.

I'd have to say that my least favorite character is probably Spook. He doesn't ever accomplish much, all he really does is complain that no one acknowledges him being part of the crew, and dream about some random girl we don't care about.

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Least favorite character? I despise Straff and think he's about the most detestable villain in the entire Cosmere (even Dilaf has insanity as excuse, and Zane I always found rather pitiable, in a repellant, Gollum-y sort of way), but since he's pretty clearly supposed to be a detestable villain, I'm not sure if he really counts for this purpose. In terms of "good guys", I find Raoden the least engaging, but it's less that I dislike him and more that I just think he's boring compared to Sanderson's other protagonists.

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I think I would have to say my least favourite would be Iadon, just because he seemed like the most repellent character in the books. Somewhere close to being a bad guy but not really a worthy anbtogonist just really pathetic and sadistic to go with it. I'm not sure he was a badly written character but I just really don't like the guy. And to top it off he kills himself and doesn't even face his punishment. So yeah. There are my two cents thrown into an old unused well.

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I really like Szeth mainly because of his comples situation. I read WoK and thought the Oathstone has some kind of power over Szeth like he is bound to be controlled by it on a metaphysical level and that he really has no choice but to follow the orders of the person who holds his oathstone, and that is eating away at him. I cannot dislike a character like that, but rather cheer him on and hope he breaks his bond on some epic badassery.

For me my least favorite Character(s)

Taravangian - Homeboy is just vile, for viles sake.

Sadeas - I do not like Pompous, windbags,

Zane - Whiny dudes, need to get slapped "Why don't you like me more than my brother, WAHH WAHH WAHH, I mean only thing wrong with me is that I hear voices in my head who tells me to kill everyone, and to shut it up, I have to cut myself. Heres some poison daddy"

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I can understand Zane completely, and I can sort of understand your dislike for Sadeas.

I guess what I mean is this: Do you dislike them as people, or as characters? As a person, Taravangian is not a goo dguy. The opposite of Honor, in a way. But as a character, I like him. He's misguided in all the wrong ways, and is close to three of our main characters, setting him up for some interesting things. So, depending on what you mean, I may disagree with you on your first and second people.

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What I originally meant this thread to be was the characters you least like as people, not the worst written characters (I'm definitely not mad enough to offend Brandon on his own forum :P ). Its up to people to choose what to write for themselves, though.

Fortunately, Zane counts as both :P

Also, hey. The biggest fans can also be the biggest critics.

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