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Hello all, I've lurked around here for a while but had issues registering. I was finally able to register (thanks Eric for the help!), so I figured I'd come by here and introduce myself.


I've been reading Brandon Sanderson's books for a while now, ever since my partner introduced me to Mistborn. I devoured that series, then started picking up his other books. I think Warbreaker next, then Elantris. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I realized these books were connected. Some reading at this forum and at the Coppermind wiki and I was hooked for life. I did a full re-reading of all Cosmere stories in preparation for diving into WoK and WoR. I was so addicted I was secretly reading at work. I just could not put them down.


Anyway, I hunted down the anthology stories a couple of weeks ago and am now 100% caught up. I even read the unpublished material Brandon has made available on his site.


I look forward to much theorycrafting at this site! 

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Welcome to the madness of the 17th Shard where the admins will spike you, the theorists will confuse you and the RPers will probably make a pony that represents you at some point.
Would you care for a cookie?

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