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Mistborn Series 3

Ethan the Zinc Compounder

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Also, What if the Lord Ruler Stored Age in Atium, then burned said Atium and burned Duralumin?


Duralumin doesn't add any power to the burning, just compresses the effect of the remaining metal into a few moments.

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  • 6 months later...

Well let's see:


What I could see is Scadrial's military opening up specialised Boot camps for metalborn troops featuring specialsed training for each type of Misting/Ferring and possibly Twinborn on the top of the regular one along with, of course, training to neutralise metalborn hostiles.


Of course non metalborn would also be given anti metalborn combat course on top of other training. Aside from being incorporated within conventional forces I think Metalborn special forces unit will be formed composed of both non metalborn and metalborn specialists trained in ways analog of the Navy Seals or Marines force recon.


Such teams' uniforms would bear no diferrences between metalborn members and non metalborn ones, each members capabilities would be known only by the chain of command and the field team's members.


the uniforms would have no metals on them and would feature protective masks such as this:



and feature alminium insulation to ward off allomantic emotional corruption of the operatives.


The specialists would all be equipped with various types of grenades as well as carbon knives and non metallic guns loaded with a refined version of the rounds Rannette developped.


Possible developpement would also include military issue Metalminds elaborated to hold the most charge without being too big, possibly even internal ones which would be surgically implnated.


When possible, the Gold Feruchemists, or even better the Gold compounders would be trained in field medecine as their likelyhood to survive wounds is way higher thus making the likelyhood of them being there to tend to their comrades higher.


Depending how things go with the developpement of hemalurgy I could see spikes being assigned to troops, their charges having been recovered from metalborn criminals.


Bomb disposal would be preferencially run by Zinc Ferring/componders as they would be able to analyse the device quicker. Such metalborn would also be very valuable in intel work as they could get what's need from the reports way faster, if combined with a fast time bubble things would be even better.


EDIT: Forgot about the spies, for that use the connector or identity ferrings, with their power it should be possible, with the right training, to make very very effective spies with those. barring that a properly trained Soother and perhaps Rioter might do too, but if the enemy has a Bronze or Copper misting they would get caught where the Spiritual ferrings would not.

Edited by Warpsmith
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Aside from the obvious double gold and double steel compounders a double iron twinborn pulling scouting enemy biplanes out of the air is the best I can offer. Honestly it seems that ignoring compounding shenanigans Allomantic~Pewter is the winner here simply for the endurance it grants a soldier.

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Iron compounding doesn't increase power, it just gives you more pulling time. Also, you'd be propelled towards the airplane instead of you being able to push it because it weighs more than you. So, an iron twinborn would be more effective here. Since compounders are rare, and because you wouldn't want to pull the airplane towards you in the first place, Wax's crasher set would be best (iron misting, steel ferring)

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Iron compounding doesn't increase power, it just gives you more pulling time. Also, you'd be propelled towards the airplane instead of you being able to push it because it weighs more than you. So, an iron twinborn would be more effective here. Since compounders are rare, and because you wouldn't want to pull the airplane towards you in the first place, Wax's crasher set would be best (iron misting, steel ferring)

Did you literally just say that an iron compounder would be better at pulling planes than an iron compounder?

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Iron compounding doesn't increase power, it just gives you more pulling time. Also, you'd be propelled towards the airplane instead of you being able to push it because it weighs more than you. So, an iron twinborn would be more effective here. Since compounders are rare, and because you wouldn't want to pull the airplane towards you in the first place, Wax's crasher set would be best (iron misting, steel ferring)


Isn't Wax a Steel misting and iron ferring? And I'd have thought an iron compunder would be better suited than Wax - they can have infinite weight to ground themselves, and then just pull the planes out of the sky and to the ground.

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Why would you want a plane that's gunning you down heading straight towards you and it's going faster than before? That's why I said that pushing them back would be better.

EDIT: Nvm, he is a steel misting/iron ferring.

Edited by Once-ler
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I think some of you are confused. Here is a link to the Coppermind's article on Compounding: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Compounding

In short, you store the Feruchemical ability in a Metalmind and then burn that Metalmind like you would an Allomantic metal. this gives you a huge burst of power equal to about ten times the amount you put into the Metalmind. You gain that increase over the FERUCHEMICAL abitity! And you are called a Compounder. A Twinborn is anyone with both Allomantic and Feruchemical abitities OF ANY COMBINATION!

Ps I'm glad this thread compounded some Gold and came back!

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Ah. I meant to say that iron as a pulling metal isn't suitable at all for planes. Using iron to store weight and push would be better.

I hope you meant tap weight, because storing weight then pushing a plane will just flatten you faster.

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This is true, but if there are any non-aluminum metal parts, they could provide something to pull on.

Also, unless the plane is already diving directly at you, you won't have to worry about being hit by it when you pull it out of the sky. It will still have a velocity relative to you, and so it will hit the ground somewhere else.

Example: Joe, an iron compounder, sees a warplane flying directly overhead. He decides he'd rather not have it there, so he compounds weight and pulls as hard as he can. (Honestly, the plane is probably to far too affect, but we'll ignore that for now.) It immediately has a force pulling it towards his center of mass, but it still has a force in its original direction of motion, so it ends up following a circular or near-circular arc on its way to the ground. It his the ground some distance away from Joe, who walks away, satisfied with a job well done.

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This is true, but if there are any non-aluminum metal parts, they could provide something to pull on.

Also, unless the plane is already diving directly at you, you won't have to worry about being hit by it when you pull it out of the sky. It will still have a velocity relative to you, and so it will hit the ground somewhere else.

Example: Joe, an iron compounder, sees a warplane flying directly overhead. He decides he'd rather not have it there, so he compounds weight and pulls as hard as he can. (Honestly, the plane is probably to far too affect, but we'll ignore that for now.) It immediately has a force pulling it towards his center of mass, but it still has a force in its original direction of motion, so it ends up following a circular or near-circular arc on its way to the ground. It his the ground some distance away from Joe, who walks away, satisfied with a job well done.

Walking away from an explosion. Joe is a true badchull.

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This is true, but if there are any non-aluminum metal parts, they could provide something to pull on.

Also, unless the plane is already diving directly at you, you won't have to worry about being hit by it when you pull it out of the sky. It will still have a velocity relative to you, and so it will hit the ground somewhere else.

Example: Joe, an iron compounder, sees a warplane flying directly overhead. He decides he'd rather not have it there, so he compounds weight and pulls as hard as he can. (Honestly, the plane is probably to far too affect, but we'll ignore that for now.) It immediately has a force pulling it towards his center of mass, but it still has a force in its original direction of motion, so it ends up following a circular or near-circular arc on its way to the ground. It his the ground some distance away from Joe, who walks away, satisfied with a job well done.


Well, I'm pretty sure that we know that aluminum insulates from Allomantic influence, so the non-aluminum parts would have to be external.  But I doubt there's that much; aluminum is used for many good reasons.  That's one of the reasons I know that Scadrial eventually has to crack Hall-Heroult - it's impossible to develop an aerospace program without aluminum.

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Well, I'm pretty sure that we know that aluminum insulates from Allomantic influence, so the non-aluminum parts would have to be external.  But I doubt there's that much; aluminum is used for many good reasons.  That's one of the reasons I know that Scadrial eventually has to crack Hall-Heroult - it's impossible to develop an aerospace program without aluminum.


Fair enough. I was thinking of weapons systems, but I suppose those could be made of aluminum as well or insulated against Allomancy.

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If you're going to run a Spinner, you absolutely have to find a way to vent their bad luck while they store. If you can find a way to do that, you shouldn't have a problem. They'll make excellent combatants no matter where you choose to stick them, though personally taking point seems like their best use.


Maybe a aluminum lined room . Aluminum blocks mental allomancy it might stop any bad luck leaking in or out.

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