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Allomancy and the Three Lashings


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In Stormlight, although we think of the Three Lashings in terms of gravity, the TWoK Ars Arcanum seems to state that it's actually a matter of spiritual bonds between objects. In particular, the Reverse Lashing gives an object a gravitational pull, which allows the object to create spiritual bonds with the objects around it. The catch is that things on the ground are bonded so much more strongly with the planet that Reverse Lashings don't pull such objects very well: it's much easier to affect objects in flight.

In Mistborn, Cadmium and Bendalloy time bubbles are said to be immobile once created, but once again it's not really what it seems. They do move, but they move with the planet they're created on. If gravity is a kind of spiritual bond, and planets have strong spiritual bonds, then this makes a kind of sense: the bubble bonds to the planet.

So, if you put a Reverse Lashing on a spaceship (allowing it to create spiritual bonds, and giving it "artificial" gravity as a bonus) and then someone on the ship put up a time bubble, would the bubble move with the ship?

Edited by Millennium
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