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The new world (spoilers for the 1st trilogy )


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WHen Sazed used the power of Harmony, he healed the planet and the people. THe underground bunkers were united and he left behind a legacy. Do we really believe that in the world before the empire those under ground caves were really that close together, while the empire happened to seperate them?

I wonder is like he returned the people to their original state, could he heal the terrismen so that they were no longer eunuchs? He make spook a mistborn, why not make all mistings and skaa mistborn? It is the power of feruchemistry and allomancy combined which could make immortals. THis is why he make it so all metal arts only used only one now? The thing is what with them basicly restarting, they would need help refounding civiliisation.

We know that as the shard holder he had a host of knowledge, why did he he not make books of those to go with his collection? The full knowledge of the three metal arts would ensure alot of advances. THe other holder of shards had to know more, so why not share their knowledge as well.

THe lord ruler created plants and microbes that made the vulcano areas more habital, would sazed have seed these forms of life near other vulcanoes that occured, to ensure they act as rememberance for the poor lord ruler?

Did any kandra or mistwraith survive? they were cave dwellers so potetnial there? Did sazed heal them or eliminate them? If the koloss were preserved, why not he mistraiths and their sentient cousins?

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WHen Sazed used the power of Harmony, he healed the planet and the people. THe underground bunkers were united and he left behind a legacy. Do we really believe that in the world before the empire those under ground caves were really that close together, while the empire happened to seperate them?

I don't think so. If I remember correctly all the people emerged in one place after Sazed fixed world though original caves weren't close. He would've done that to make it easier for people to create new world.

I wonder is like he returned the people to their original state, could he heal the terrismen so that they were no longer eunuchs?

He could've done that. He can't resurrect but he can heal. He fixed bodies of Vin and Elend in the end but he couldn't put in their souls or something like that.

He make spook a mistborn, why not make all mistings and skaa mistborn? It is the power of feruchemistry and allomancy combined which could make immortals. THis is why he make it so all metal arts only used only one now? The thing is what with them basicly restarting, they would need help refounding civiliisation.

If everyone turned into Mistborn there would've been chaos. Also Mistborn were ideal assassins/killers. That was what they did best. They were overpowered and this new world wasn't needing them. Immortality is still possible if you have right pair of abilities. Also I don't think he can create any amount of Mistings/Mistborns he wants.

We know that as the shard holder he had a host of knowledge, why did he he not make books of those to go with his collection? The full knowledge of the three metal arts would ensure alot of advances. THe other holder of shards had to know more, so why not share their knowledge as well.

People would use Hemalurgy. They would start killing each other for power, I'm pretty sure Sazed wouldn't want that. People know what they need to know about other two.

THe lord ruler created plants and microbes that made the vulcano areas more habital, would sazed have seed these forms of life near other vulcanoes that occured, to ensure they act as rememberance for the poor lord ruler?

He took everything away whatever Lord Ruler had done and placed planet where it should have been naturally. Then he created original plants using his own imagination.

Did any kandra or mistwraith survive? they were cave dwellers so potetnial there? Did sazed heal them or eliminate them? If the koloss were preserved, why not he mistraiths and their sentient cousins?

Yes they survived and now they work as Harmony's secret agents.

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Also on the immortality thing large amounts of Atium were needed for just TLR to stay immortal if Harmony made enough Atium for everyone in the world to use it would drastically reduce his power, he might have been able to make everyone a double gold but once again they would quickly deplete the worlds gold supplies. Additionally Harmony is fairly non-interventional not really a reason why he couldn't do all this but perhaps an explanation as for why he didn't.

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I thought the reason why ferrings and mistings were the norm, instead of all powers, is to ensure no lord rulers are recreated. The thing is the atium and the other god metal was created due to the detente that was created between ruin and preservation, but this time both shards were used at the same time with nothing held back. Sazed is now the mind behind both shards but their bodies may reform.

The lord ruler was only unkillable as no one knew he was both mistborn and feruchemist. Now, while hard to kill, people know his weakness, if they take metal away from him, the person would be mortal. Marsh has had to have atium to survive for so long.

I wonder why harmony did not make multiple mistborne as rebuilding civilisations need all the help they can get. So why reduce those with powers.

Those people dumped in the south pole by the lord ruler, if they were back ups, did he store terris keepers there but simply with no knowledge or training? so no threat.

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I thought the reason why ferrings and mistings were the norm, instead of all powers, is to ensure no lord rulers are recreated. The thing is the atium and the other god metal was created due to the detente that was created between ruin and preservation, but this time both shards were used at the same time with nothing held back. Sazed is now the mind behind both shards but their bodies may reform.

The lord ruler was only unkillable as no one knew he was both mistborn and feruchemist. Now, while hard to kill, people know his weakness, if they take metal away from him, the person would be mortal. Marsh has had to have atium to survive for so long.

I wonder why harmony did not make multiple mistborne as rebuilding civilisations need all the help they can get. So why reduce those with powers.

And how would Mistborns help rebuilding civilization?

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I'm fairly sure that it's the mixing of Allomancy and Feruchemy that created Ferrings. Once they no longer had totally pure Terris blood they could only become ferrings. And let's face it, Mistborn have only been good at once thing: Killing people.

The new world can't afford flying one-man-armies-of-doom at this kind of time. And if Sazed told of Hemalurgy back there, we'd have a rediculous number of government people running secret inquisitor-programs, to the point that they'd be forcing people to die to create their super-soliders. The world would be...well...ruined.

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Why didn't he create more mistborn? It would have undermined the perceived authority awarded to Spook as the most powerful allomancer on the planet, Sazed really didn't have a good reason to do it for anyone but spook, and he probably didn't want a reapeat of TLR's ascension (Nobels with Mistborn assasins competing and killing each other for power.)

Plus, he just rearrainged the world as he knew it, he probably wanted a nap.

He probably did restore the eunichs.

Ferrings are the result of intermarrying with the skaa/nobel population. Mistings are the natual state of allomancers who are part of the nobel/skaa race. The natural state for terrismen is a full feruchemist (what I call a Terrisborn) but my guess is that their ferichemissts had been so massacred by TLR that they had to breed with the other race just to produce ferrings at all. I think they'll eventually have a large enough gene pool to breed Terrisborn again (their natural state) if they try.

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I believe Harmony/Preservation can use only so much power to create Mistings/Mistborns. He could make everyone Allomancers but their powers would've been far too weak and most likely useless.

Or perhaps an Alloy of Atium Lerasium will make feruchemists.(You know that makes way too much sense.)

Nice... was thinking about new possible metals/alloys and never though about that...

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SO Harmony has limited power, as it takes a physical piece of preservation to create an allomancer, while feruchemists were created simply by exposure to the shards power.

Harmony had to have access to lots of knowledge, even forbidden stuff, so why did he not create a huge library for the people. His last remaining friends could have hidden the dangerous ones, while distributing the good knowledge.

How much help was given to the back up people? Did they get a cool valley to start fresh in?

THere is a feruchenical way to store magic, so potentially create metal to create mistings or ferrings? What would happen if some one ate a part of ruin magic, would it make them part Koloss?

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Harmony had to have access to lots of knowledge, even forbidden stuff, so why did he not create a huge library for the people. His last remaining friends could have hidden the dangerous ones, while distributing the good knowledge.

He gave them everything needed.

How much help was given to the back up people? Did they get a cool valley to start fresh in?

He gave them everything needed and helped them as much as was needed. He's still helping them in AoL. Seriously, what else could he have done?

THere is a feruchenical way to store magic, so potentially create metal to create mistings or ferrings? What would happen if some one ate a part of ruin magic, would it make them part Koloss?


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Harmony, by nature, doesn't interfere if he can help it. There was no reason to restore the art of hemalurgy to the world, seeing as he knows full well what happens if you try to hide knowledge. He probably found it a better option just never to leave a record of it besides the earings.

We still don't know what storing invesutre does, so don't go freaking people out with your ideas of creating lerasium with feruchemy.

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SO Harmony has limited power, as it takes a physical piece of preservation to create an allomancer, while feruchemists were created simply by exposure to the shards power.

Every Shard has limited power. They are neither all-powerful or omnipotent. Not sure what you're referring to by "physical piece of preservation". Lerasium? Harmony makes Spook an Allomancer without the use of lerasium. Also, we know nothing about the origins of Feruchemy, so I don't know what you're referring to in saying that it was created "by exposure to the shards power".

Harmony had to have access to lots of knowledge, even forbidden stuff, so why did he not create a huge library for the people. His last remaining friends could have hidden the dangerous ones, while distributing the good knowledge.

He gave them the entirety of the knowledge in his Copperminds. He also gave them words of guidance and other hints in the Words of Founding. He can't hand them knowledge. He gives them hints to motivate them but the people need to learn how to advance on their own. Sazed can't just coddle them forever. They need to learn how to develop technology and persevere. Also, some knowledge isn't safe. If they knew bindpoints and how Hemalurgy worked wouldn't that be dangerous?

How much help was given to the back up people? Did they get a cool valley to start fresh in?

We don't know anything about the southern continent. Brandon may eventually write a story about them.

THere is a feruchenical way to store magic, so potentially create metal to create mistings or ferrings? What would happen if some one ate a part of ruin magic, would it make them part Koloss?

I'm seriously confused about what you're saying here. Are you talking about investiture storing? No one can use the stored attributes but the person who stored them. So they can't burn this nicrosilmind or access the power stored within. Lerasium alloyed with each of the 16 metals can create Misting out of those who try to burn those metals. There's probably another way to create Ferrings. But what do you mean by "ruin magic" Atium? Atium isn't burnable by anyone, so nothing would happen. Atium alloyed with other metals have various affects, maybe involving temporal and mental powers.

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SO Harmony has limited power, as it takes a physical piece of preservation to create an allomancer, while feruchemists were created simply by exposure to the shards power.

Harmony had to have access to lots of knowledge, even forbidden stuff, so why did he not create a huge library for the people. His last remaining friends could have hidden the dangerous ones, while distributing the good knowledge.

How much help was given to the back up people? Did they get a cool valley to start fresh in?

THere is a feruchenical way to store magic, so potentially create metal to create mistings or ferrings? What would happen if some one ate a part of ruin magic, would it make them part Koloss?

It takes a physical piece to create an Allomancer? Not from whatSazed did to Spook. Lerasium is just a way for an everyday Mortal to gain Allomancy without direct interference from Preservation / Harmony

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