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[Theory] Cohesion and Tension


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We know a bit on both:

Cohesion involved being able to alter things at a molecular level, and his example was that you could push your hand on a table, and when you removed your hand there would still be a handprint.


Q:  Can you tell me something about Tension and Cohesion?
A:  I haven't actually written these magic systems yet, so they may change.  But they are--Tension is the ability to take something flexible and make it rigid. Which sounds simple, but there are so many cool things you can do with that.


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Cohesion is the more interesting of the two to me. I think it fits very well with the Willshapers - imagine being able to mold the ground to suit your liking from afar, causing pits for your enemies to fall into, or wrapping stone around their feet. I'd imagine they could do things like that, since Jasnah can do ranged Soulcasting.


Also: I'm hopeful for "forcefields", where they solidify the air. That would be cool. Pity we don't know a whole lot about them...

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Cohesion is the more interesting of the two to me. I think it fits very well with the Willshapers - imagine being able to mold the ground to suit your liking from afar, causing pits for your enemies to fall into, or wrapping stone around their feet. I'd imagine they could do things like that, since Jasnah can do ranged Soulcasting.


Oh!  So basically Toph from TLA!


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I don't think that you could do what Toph does, as she doesn't just melt earth, she manipulates it.  A Stoneward (Cohesion and Tension) could use Cohesion to melt the earth around Korra, then Tension to solidify it.  Then, imagine a Windrunner working alongside a Stoneward.  The Stoneward could use Cohesion to melt the earth, then the Windrunner could use Gravitation to move it!


Also, about the example of leaving a handprint in a table, this fits with what I said before about Cohesion, as with weaker intermolecular bonds, the table becomes more malleable.

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Something I was thinking about, regarding Willshapers' use of Transportation and Cohesion, was that it would be akin to telekinesis.  I can't think of a better way to describe this.  I've been suspecting - and I doubt I'm alone in this - that Jasnah's ranged Soulcasting was due to combining it with Transportation, and that made me wonder if Willshapers could do the same with their abilities, thus making it seem like they're "shaping with their will," so that it seems they're utilizing Cohesion from a distance (via Transportation) to alter the bonds of objects while also moving them with Transportation.  To other eyes, it looks like they're manipulating reality in front of them.


In other words, I think Toph is more a Willshaper. :P

Edited by dvoraen
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Something I was thinking about, regarding Willshapers' use of Transportation and Cohesion, was that it would be akin to telekinesis.  I can't think of a better way to describe this.  I've been suspecting - and I doubt I'm alone in this - that Jasnah's ranged Soulcasting was due to combining it with Transportation, and that made me wonder if Willshapers could do the same with their abilities, thus making it seem like they're "shaping with their will," so that it seems they're utilizing Cohesion from a distance (via Transportation) to alter the bonds of objects while also moving them with Transportation.  To other eyes, it looks like they're manipulating reality in front of them.


In other words, I think Toph is more a Willshaper. :P


Thank you!  This makes a lot of sense.  I already thought that Willshapers were OP (Dissolving things and teleporting), but if they can do this, then they're almost as OP as an Elsecaller!

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Thank you!  This makes a lot of sense.  I already thought that Willshapers were OP (Dissolving things and teleporting), but if they can do this, then they're almost as OP as an Elsecaller!


I can already see Eshonai (if she becomes a willshaper) marching up to Voidbringer HQ and saying "That's a nice outpost you got there.  It would be a shame if something were to... happen to it."

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I can already see Eshonai (if she becomes a willshaper) marching up to Voidbringer HQ and saying "That's a nice outpost you got there.  It would be a shame if something were to... happen to it."

Neat idea, but listeners can't become Radiants/form Nahel Bond.

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And Eshonai had that weird spren bothering her when she was climbing in Narak.  Probably a radiantspren.

I got the impression that the weird spren was the stormspren that had possessed her.


I should also mention one thing, that I'm now dithering if Jasnah's ranged Soulcast was due to Transportation or not.  She closed her eyes, and that could easily mean she was finding their flames in Shadesmar to force the change there, but it manifested as a ranged blast of Stormlight in the Physical realm.


I still stand by the idea of telekinetic Willshapers, though.

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I got the impression that the weird spren was the stormspren that had possessed her.


I should also mention one thing, that I'm now dithering if Jasnah's ranged Soulcast was due to Transportation or not.  She closed her eyes, and that could easily mean she was finding their flames in Shadesmar to force the change there, but it manifested as a ranged blast of Stormlight in the Physical realm.


I still stand by the idea of telekinetic Willshapers, though.


I think, though, that Transportation might help Jasnah to find the objects in Shadesmar.  After all, the Transportation may transport her thoughts and commands to the objects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is total speculation, and most likely wrong, but for Soulcasting to work, the Soulcaster has to convince the thing to change. What if they had to convince the molecules to change? That's probably not how it's going to work, just a thought.

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