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Aspects (please help the Coppermind!)


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So for reasons (like that fact that I'm cheap and the audible version was free) I don't have a text version of Legion: Skin Deep.  But since it is currently the thing I'm obsessed with, I want to be updating the Coppermind with stuff from it.  Do you see my dilemma? I don't know how to spell anything!


That's where all of y'all come in, croudsourcing!  It would be incredibly helpful if y'all could help me create a list of known aspects and how to spell their names.  (If you /really/ want to help you can also add any information we have about the aspect and/or chapters where they are mentioned).


Anyone who helps gets free (virtual) cookies!

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J.C., Tobias, and Ivy are featured pretty often in both books (Kalyani and Audrey showing up in only one of them), so I am going to leave digging information about them for later / somebody else. As for the others, here's what I could find:

  • Armando:

    [Legion] Thinks the photo of the Lone Cypress to be real.

    [Legion] Is skilled in photography-related "advanced programs"

    [Legion] Has Spanish accent

    [Legion] Refers to himself as Majesty

    [Legion] Has offered Ivy to marry him sometime in the past

    [Legion] Photography expert

    [Skin Deep] On a hunger strike until his throne is returned to him. Stephen thinks he is getting worse.

  • Adoline: Has OCD.
  • Justin:

    [Legion] Ivy - and Stephen - misses him (and Ignacio). He is mentioned in the context of Aspects vanishing and/or changing

  • Ignacio:

    [Legion] See Justin

    [Skin Deep] (Bio)Chemist

  • Ivans:

    [Legion] Mechanic

    [Legion] Helped Stephen "disassemble, fix, and reassemble a complex computer system in time to stop a detonation"

  • Chin:

    [Legion] Computer expert

    [Legion] Helped Ivans with that complex computer system

  • Arnaud:

    [Legion] Physicist specializing in temporal mechanics, causality, and quantum theories

    [Skin Deep] "diminutive Frenchman" with "smooth French accent" who wears spectacles

    [Skin Deep] Has taken some upper-level chemistry and biology courses

  • Lua:

    [Skin Deep] A Samoan, a "beefy fellow with vast smile" who wears "sturdy cargo pants and a jacket covered in pockets - appropriate for a survivalist"

  • Mi Won:

    [Skin Deep] Korean, surgeon and field medic

    [Skin Deep] Has taken some upper-level chemistry and biology courses

  • Ngozi:

    [Skin Deep] Forensic investigator, a "six-foot-four black woman"

  • Flip:

    [Skin Deep] squat, fat, and often tired

  • Clive:

    [Skin Deep] Has picked up golf because of Owen's insistence

    [Skin Deep] Has taken some upper-level chemistry and biology courses

  • Owen:

    [Skin Deep] Has finally convinced Clive to pick up gold

  • Dylan:

    [Skin Deep] Prone to pacing? The only time he is mentioned, he paces

  • Miranda:

    I couldn't find a single mention of her in either book

Edited by Argent
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"By the time I stood up, stretching, much of the white space in the room was filled with theories, ideas, and—in Marinda’s case—large floral patterns and an impressively detailed sketch of a dragon."


And yeah it's Rahul, forgot about him.

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Interesting, Play Books doesn't treat "Miranda" as a substring of "Miranda's"... unless I had a space at the end or something. Anyway, here's what Skin Deep has to say about him:

  • Rahul: Photographer. An Indian man with a round, mustached face, with melodic Indian accent

Trivia time: the acknowledgements list Kalyani Poluri and Rahul Pantula are two of Skin Deep's beta readers. No other Aspects seem... "inspired" by real people. Other than, to an extent, J.C. who has been confirmed to share some traits with Jayne Cobb from Firefly. I could've sworn that Brandon said there were more influences to the Aspects, back when Legion was first released, but I can't think of any right now.

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He is not an aspect, so it may not count but was the security guard Moshe from the first book based on Brandon's editor?


I guess I just assumed that he was, since Moshe said his job was "To watch for people doing stupid things and then stopping them."  It just seemed to close to the job description of an editor.

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